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School feeding program as a factor in school going child growth and development
DPSY 8573 - Child and Adolescent Health
Describe the school feeding program that exists In that School.
Sachangwan primary school is located in Nakuru county, Molo division, Sachangwan location
and soin sub location. It covers 10 acres of land; most of the learners come from around, a day
school with a total number of one thousand two hundred pupils and twenty four teachers.
The school has a wall established tree planting programs, headed by the 4k club, tree plantation
covers an average of two acres of the total land ,the Nguzu river acts fast a boundary between the
school and the neighboring land two hundreds yards from the school theirs heavy
forestation ,which creates a natural phenomenon in general overview of the area. This
geographical area experiences long rains in the months of March, April and august and short
rains in the months of May, June, and September
The main crop grown in this area is maize and beans which are grown for subsistence use and for
cash crop that is for sale. Most farms grow these crops in small scale since they practiced mixed
farming which means planting of different crops under the same land.
Other crop planted in this area includes potatoes’, kales, tomatoes, guavas and wheat.
Describe the school feeding program that exists In that School.
School farming for School feeding program
School feeding as an important development tool and is related to at least three millennium
development goals. School farming has been largely overlooked in whole agriculture literature
but with many parents nowadays unable ton afford school lunches for their children, it can play a
big role in reducing the costs involved in nutritional meals of pupils, school farming and school
feeding are now common in town and the t the school farming does indeed contribute to school
feeding program.
Describe the school feeding program that exists in that school indicating the menu, the
ratio of food to be taken and timing of feeding
Meal planning
Meal planning is making a plan of meals with adequate nutrition for every member within the
available resources. The term available resource means whatever the the program has in terms of
time, energy and money.
Importance of meal planning
Meal; planning is important for meeting the nutritional needs/requirement for this feeding
program me members. It helps us to decide what to eat day and in each meal.
it can be referred to as the daily food guide .meal planning helps us to ;
Fulfill nutritional requirements of all the members
Makes food economical
Cater for individual food preferences
Saves energy ,time and money
Day Meal Menu
Monday Lunch maize, beans and cabbage
Tuesday Lunch ugali, sukuma wiki and cabbage
Wednesday Lunch rice, beans and ndizi
Thursday Lunch maize, beans and ndizi
Friday Lunch ugali, cabbage and beans
Discuss the causes within the geographical region that led to establishment of school
feeding program.
1. Temporary hunger
This has effect on learning. Hungry children have difficulty in concentrating and performing
complex tasks .research shows that improving nutrition and health can lead to better performance
in school.
2. Poor health and nutrition among school going children
Which had been contributed to the inefficiency of the educational system, children have
diminished cognitive ability an several impairments, naturally perform poorly in schools, they
also enroll in school at late ages ,this reduces their chance of finishing school attendance and
have poor performance in school.
3) Parasitic worms
This infects the intestine s or the bloods are major sources of diseases and malnutrition in
children who are school going. her is an estimated three hundred and twenty million (school
aged)children infected with roundworms, two hundred and thirty two million infected with
roundworms ,two hundred and thirty nine million with hook rosin this school a total of two
hundred children were infected with worms.
Discuses program me budgeting and explain the process of developing a budget in your
school and provide a sample of 2011 budget in your school.
A budget is an estimate of expected income and expenses. a budget is a financial document used
to project future income and expenses. The budgeting process may be carried out by individuals
or by companies to whether the program me or company will continue operate with it project
income and expenses.
A budget maybe prepared using paper or pencil or a computer using a spread sheet program me
like excel or with financial application like quick books
Rationale for budgeting
A properly prepared and updated budget serves a number of purposes
1) Plan start up needs for the program plan. The first purpose of a budget is to help you gather
information of your program me plan including all the expenses necessary for start ups .you need
to know what can cost you top open your doors the first day of your progr5amme.
2) Work with your different sources of income you will probably need to borrow money from a
lender such as other non governmental organizations to start up he feeding program me. a budget
shows your lender how much how much you need for your programmer start up and what cash
flow. Situation will look like in the first years of your program me .a reasonable budget can
increase your credibility with your donors
3) plan your spending
A budget can give your information about how much you can spend each month.
Steps in making a budget
1. Choose a budget design template for creating your free budget worksheets. You could use
Microsoft excel so that it would be easier to make your budgeting plan
2. Find templates so that you will be able avail for free budget worksheets or else make your
own through excel. You can also find more on the internet the effective and latest
budgeting strategy to use.
3. Make a list of your income and earnings in the upper portion of your budget worksheets.
Put indifferent page so that it would not mix with all the other unnecessary stuff.
4. Arrange for expenses properly in the worksheets .make a clear note of your expenses
every months sop that it could not be very difficult for you to trait your movements.
5. You should know your priority in terms of expenses
i. Fixed necessity
ii. Saving needs
iii. Program me needs
iv. Personal allowance
v. Emergency unexpected discriminatory money fro savings
6. You have to set aside your discretionary money from emergency savings so that you’re
your budget will not redistricted
7. Make a column for your goals in budgeting and your budget amounts to record numbers
vertically on your worksheets .you should know money balancing when you are setting
your goals and then record it in your cash journals
8. You have to weigh things look at the total in each record you have in your work sheet so
that you will be to make adjustments
Budgeting equations
Expenses>income=bad or
Making out a budget
A) Calculate your month’s expenses and income
B)compare the two that’s expenses and income with Abad budget ,your mainsail is to get your
expenses and income to at least be equal once that’s done we work on eliminating wasteful
spending or cut other costs to bring expenses below the income.
Designing a budget
There are two simple rules to be followed when making a budget that need to obeyed for
successful making of a budget
a) You cant spend more than you earn .this is because carrying a balance on credit card is
not allowed
b) Money must go to the budget categories as soon as you get paid
Simple budget
The simple budget works in this manner, first of all your priorities rather than having many
different categories of items to be budgeted for. You only focus on the first few most important
items and let the rest under where they will fall.
An example of a simple budget
200000 incomes from donations
140000 foodstuffs
20000 fuel
10000 water
30000 other /others items
It is absolutely critical that the money gets taken out
First for others prioritize items it’s highly recommended that the process should be made
automatic by direct deposits or some other form of automatic withdrawal.
2. Easy budget but not very sufficient
This is perfect for people who do not want to budget. It is simple; it doesn’t take up much
time and will help. To reach some savings goals .that said it’s insufficient and leaves the
door wide open for inefficient and foolish spending. This should be considered the lazy
mans budget.
3. The money savings budget method
This type takes a little bit more time if followed to do this you are just going to expand on
the lazy mans budget mentioned earlier on rather than having 1-3 items or few categories
of categories budget for, we are going to create as many as we need to put a limit on our
spending min all areas as a guide for tracking your progress to account for every possible
scenario but the goal is to minimize surprise expenses inevitably her will still be surprise
from time to time
Factors considered in budgeting
There are several factors that need to be put in consideration in order to ensure budgeting
success. There are certain bloopers and blander that one must be aware to avoid budget failure
once budget should have the following features.
Tailored to specific personal situations
It should be kept in mind that ones personal situations are different from others that is in of
sources of income, requirements, and spending habits among others .thus a budget may work for
one person and may not work equally to another. Thus one should focus on personal situations.
Income projections must be accurate
One must be very careful in while making in projections. Come in a feeding program me may
come from different sources such as donations fund raising, funds from well wishers among
others .one must ensure that taxes, insurance, payments, and such other things are deducted.
Smart way to know when your cash is leaking
It’s advisable to use the many categories of records that one just enough to give you a
meaningful picture of how you are spending your money.
Irregular expenses
While creating a budget, most people do not take irregular expenses into account. For example
detergents for wishing kitchen and kitchen maintaining are example of such irregular expenses.
It’s good to ensure that you include them in budget.
Frequent review
Once you finalize your budget and start following the same, it is important to know if you are
performing well if not you may need to introduce some changes to make things work. Therefore
frequency reviewing and analysis of your work is also important part of budgeting process
Tackling for cash spending
These days most people use plastic money instead of cash. Still in Oder to ensure your budgeting
success one is recommended to track and record cash expenditure separately. Always remember
cash disappears quickly and if you and if you don’t write down anything on how you are
spending you never be able to achieve the desired success. Quickly and if you don’t write down
everything on how you are spending your cash you will never be able to achieve the desired
Items Per
per unit
Cost per
total cost
per term
360kgs 4800 2880 11520 34560
cooking fat 2kgs
30kgs 1560 390 1560 4680
900kgs 6000 6625 22500 67500
3335 6250 25000 75000
salt 4kgs 12pks/
440 440 440
soap 1185 1185 1185
petty cash 1000 1000 1000
oranges and
5 250 1000 3000
cooks 2000 6000 6000
meat 3kgs
30kgs 150 450 1800 6400
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