Running_aa Head:_aa DIVERSITY
Week_aa 3_aa Field_aa Research_aa Report
1. "Does_aa your_aa organization_aa provide_aa diversity_aa and_aa inclusion_aa training,_aa
and,_aa if_aa so,_aa is_aa the_aa training_aa effective_aa at_aa compliance_aa and_aa deepening_aa
understanding_aa and_aa commitment_aa to_aa diversity_aa and_aa inclusion?_aa "
• Training_aa on_ diversity_ and_ inclusion _aa is_aa considered _aa to _aa be _aa a _aa vital _aa
component_aa of_aa the_aa learning_aa and_aa development_aa (L&D)_aa function_aa of_aa the_aa
organization._aa Employees_aa across_aa all_aa levels_aa of_aa the_aa company_aa get_ the _aa
opportunity_aa to_aa be_aa a_aa part_ of_aa diversity_aa and_aa inclusion_aa training_aa so_aa that_aa they_aa
can_aa embrace_a one_a another_a regardless_ of_aa their_aa individual_a differences_aa and_aa
work_aa cohesively_aa to_aa achieve_aa the_aa organizational_aa goals_aa and_aa objectives._aa One_aa of_aa
the_aa fundamental_aa objectives_aa of_aa diversity_a and_aa inclusion_aa training_aa is_ to_aa create_aa
an_aa inclusive_aa organizational_aa environment_aa where_aa people_a with_aa different_aa
characteristics,_aa such_aa as_aa color,_aa race,_ religion, _aa age,_aa nationality,_ etc., _aa get _aa the _aa
opportunity_aa to_aa coexist_aa and_aa work_aa by_aa embracing_aa their_aa uniqueness_aa and_aa
individuality_aa (Royall_aa et_aa al.,_ 2019)._aa Some _aa of_ the_aa main_aa types _aa of_aa training_aa
that_aa are_aa offered_aa in_aa the_aa organization_aa to_aa the_aa staff_aa members_aa for_aa fostering_aa
diversity_aa and_aa inclusion_aa include_aa cultural_ awareness_aa training,_aa basic_aa diversity_aa
training_aa and_aa inclusive _aa leadership _aa training._aa Each _aa of _aa the _aa training _aa programs _aa
has_aa distinctive_aa purposes_aa and_ objectives._aa The_aa fundamental_aa purpose_aa of_aa cultural_aa
awareness_aa training_aa is_aa to_aa expand_aa the_aa cultural_aa competency_aa of_aa the_aa employees_aa
so_aa that_aa they_aa can_aa respect_a and_aa work_aa with_aa people_aa belonging_aa to_aa different_aa
cultural_aa backgrounds_aa (Shepherd,_aa 2019)._aa The_aa basic_aa diversity_aa training_aa focuses_aa
on_aa fostering_aa respect_aa and_aa empathy_aa among _ workforce._aa The_ inclusive_aa leadership_aa
training_aa empowers_ leaders _aa to_aa develop_aa an _aa inclusive_aa culture_aa in_aa the_aa workplace_aa
and_aa play_aa a_a proactive_aa role_aa in _ creating_aa equal_aa opportunities_a for_aa the_aa staff.
The_aa programs_aa that_aa have_aa been_aa integrated_aa into_aa the_aa diversity_aa and_aa inclusion_aa
training_aa within_aa the_aa organization_aa play_aa an_aa instrumental_aa role_ in _a ensuring _aa
compliance_aa and_aa deepening_aa the_aa comprehension_aa and_aa commitment_aa to_ diversity_aa
and_aa inclusion._ For_aa example, _aa the _aa cultural_aa awareness _aa training _aa ensures_aa that_a
employees_aa do_aa not_aa discriminate_aa against_aa one_aa another_a based_aa on_aa their_aa cultural_aa
differences._aa Instead,_aa they_aa respect_aa the_aa differences_aa and_aa function_aa in_aa a_aa
cooperative_aa and_aa cohesive_aa manner_aa in_aa order_aa to_aa meet_aa the_aa team_aa objectives_aa as_aa
well_aa as_aa the_ organizational_aa goals_aa (Al-Obaydi,_aa 2019). _a The_aa training_aa relating_aa to_aa
inclusive_aa leadership_aa behavior_aa plays_aa a_aa key_aa role_aa in_aa nurturing_aa an_aa environment_aa
where_aa both_a diversity_aa and_aa inclusion_aa are_aa given_aa importance._aa The_aa training_aa
inculcates_aa ‘taking_aa charge’_aa behavior_aa among_aa the_aa leaders,_aa which_aa increases_aa their_aa
level_aa of_aa commitment_aa relating_aa to_aa diversity_aa and_aa inclusion_ (Zeng_aa et_aa al.,_aa
2. "From_aa your_aa perspective,_aa what_aa are_aa the_aa most_aa critical_aa and_aa
apparent_aa barriers_aa and_aa challenges_aa keeping_aa your_aa organization_aa from_aa
moving_aa toward_aa greater_aa diversity_aa and_a inclusion?
• A_aa number_aa of_aa critical_aa and_aa apparent_aa barriers_aa and_aa challenges_ arise_aa that_aa
keep_aa the_aa organization_aa from_aa moving_aa toward_aa greater_aa diversity_aa and_aa inclusion._aa
One_aa of_aa the_aa main_aa barriers_aa that_aa have_aa been_aa identified_aa is_aa the_aa short-term_aa
nature_aa of_aa diversity_ and_aa inclusion_a training._aa Bagali_aa has_a argued_aa that_aa for_
stimulating_aa diversity_aa and_aa inclusion_aa in_aa the_aa workplace,_aa it_ is_aa necessary_aa to_aa
ensure_aa the_aa existence_a of_aa continuous_aa and_aa ongoing_aa commitment._aa It_aa can_aa help_
to_aa foster_aa a_aa trust-based_aa inclusive_aa environment_aa where_aa employees_aa from_aa diverse_aa
backgrounds_aa feel_aa welcomed_aa and_ accepted_aa (Itam_aa &_aa Bagali,_aa 2019)._aa According_aa
to_aa one_aa of_a the_aa interviewed_aa individuals,_a the_aa lack_aa of_aa ongoing_aa commitment_aa
acts_aa as_aa a_aa major_ barrier_aa that_ restricts_aa greater_aa diversity_aa and_aa inclusion_a within_aa
the_aa organization._aa Another_aa key_aa barrier_aa that_aa has_aa been_aa identified_aa is_aa the_aa lack_aa
of_aa inclusive_aa leadership._aa Inclusive_aa leaders_aa serve_a as_aa a_aa catalyst_aa and_aa create_aa an_aa
opportunity_aa for_aa professionals_aa from_aa diverse_aa backgrounds_aa to_aa share _ their_aa
varying_aa perspectives_aa and_aa collaborate_aa with_aa one_aa another_aa to_ meet_aa the_aa
organizational_aa goals_aa and_aa objectives._aa Kuknor_aa has_aa argued_aa that_aa in_aa the_aa
contemporary_aa organizational_aa landscape,_aa inclusive_aa leaders_aa play_aa an_aa instrumental_a
role_aa in_ creating_aa and_aa maintaining_aa an_aa inclusive_aa environment_aa within_aa an_aa
organization_aa (Kuknor_aa &_aa Bhattacharya,_aa 2020)._aa aa_a aa_aa
However,_aa the_aa lack_aa of_aa inclusive_aa leadership_aa in_aa the_aa workplace_aa can_aa act_aa as_aa a_aa
bottleneck_aa and_aa limit_aa the_aa commitment_aa of_aa the_aa leaders_aa and_aa the_aa organization_aa
to_aa foster_aa diversity_aa and_aa inclusion._aa
Poor_aa cultural_aa awareness_aa or_aa cultural_aa competence_aa is_aa another_aa major_aa barrier_aa
that_aa hampers_aa inclusion_ and_aa diversity_aa within_ an_a organization._aa It_aa can_aa lead_a to_aa
unintentional_aa bias_aa in_aa the_aa work_aa setting._aa Cultural_aa awareness_aa is_aa pivotal_aa to_aa
encouraging_aa collaboration_aa and_aa the_aa creation_aa of_aa harmonious_aa relationships_aa
(Sinclair,_aa 2020)._aa However,_aa the_ lack_aa of_aa cultural_aa awareness_aa can_ lead_aa to_aa
misunderstandings_aa and_aa give_aa rise_aa to_aa conflicting_aa situations,_aa thereby_aa adversely_aa
affecting_aa diversity_ and _ inclusion._aa In_aa the_aa globalized_aa workplace_aa setting_aa where_a
diversity_aa among_ the_aa workforce_aa is_aa increasing,_aa it_aa is_aa essential_aa for_ employers_a
to_aa effectively_aa tackle_aa the_aa barriers_aa and_aa challenges_aa that_aa may_aa arise_aa and_aa
hamper_aa the_aa progress_ of_aa diversity _a and_aa inclusion_aa within_aa the_ organization._aa
3. "How_aa do_aa these_aa barriers_aa and_aa challenges_aa impact_aa people_aa in_aa the_aa
organization_aa who_aa represent_aa a_aa particular_aa community_aa of_aa diversity?"
• The_aa existence_aa of_aa barriers_aa and_aa challenges_aa relating_aa to_aa diversity_aa and_aa
inclusion_aa can_aa have_aa an_aa adverse_aa implication_aa on_aa individuals_aa within_aa the_aa
organization_ who_aa represent_aa a_a particular_aa community_aa of_a diversity._aa Moody_aa has_aa
identified_aa that_aa the_aa existence_aa of_aa barriers_aa to_aa inclusion_aa in_aa the_aa workplace_aa can_aa
restrict_aa the_aa opportunities_aa that_aa people_aa with_aa diverse_aa characteristics_aa are_aa exposed_aa
it_aa (Moody_aa et_aa al.,_aa 2017)._aa The_aa lack_aa of_aa opportunity_aa to_aa learn_aa or_aa grow_aa can_aa
act_aa as_aa a_aa major_aa demotivating_aa factor_aa for_aa the_aa individuals,_aa which_aa can_
diminish_aa their_aa morale_aa as_aa well_aa as_aa their_aa level_aa of_aa commitment_aa to_aa the_aa
organization._aa The_aa inability_aa of_aa the_aa management_aa to_aa effectively_aa manage_aa the_aa
barriers_aa and_aa challenges_aa that_aa limit_aa diversity_aa and_a inclusion_aa in_aa the_aa
organizational_aa setting_aa can_aa give_aa rise_aa to_aa a_aa negative_aa perception_ in _aa the _aa minds _aa
of_aa the_aa workforce_aa from_aa diverse_aa backgrounds._aa They_aa may_aa feel_aa that_aa the_aa
employer_aa is_aa not_aa genuinely_aa committed_aa to_aa welcoming_aa people_ with _aa diverse _aa
attributes,_aa and_ hence_aa it_a is_aa unable_aa to_ effectively _aa address_aa the_aa barriers_aa that_aa
diminish_aa the_aa growth_aa of_aa organizational_aa diversity_aa and_aa inclusion._aa
The_aa existence_aa of_aa diversity_aa and_aa inclusion-related_aa barriers_aa and_aa challenges_aa may_aa
give_aa rise_aa to_aa a_aa gap_aa between_aa the_aa employer_aa and_aa the_aa employees_aa representing_aa
a_aa specific_aa community_aa of_a diversity_aa and _aa adversely_aa affect_aa their_aa level_aa of_aa
performance,_aa productivity_aa and_aa job_aa satisfaction._aa Uddin_aa has_aa argued_aa that_aa poor_a
inclusion_aa in_aa the_aa workplace_aa can_aa give_ rise_aa to_aa impacts_a at_aa varying_aa levels_aa
(Moody_aa et_aa al.,_aa 2017)._aa For_aa example,_aa limited_aa inclusion_aa and_aa diversity_aa in_aa the_aa
workplace_aa due_aa to_aa challenges_aa such _a as_aa biases_aa can_aa diminish_aa the_aa sense_aa of_aa
belongingness_aa or_aa inclusion_aa for_ employees_aa from_aa specific_aa diversity_aa communities._aa
Furthermore,_aa such_aa challenges_aa and_aa barriers_aa may_ also_aa limit_aa their_aa social_aa
equality_aa in_aa the_aa workplace,_aa hamper_aa their_aa ability_aa to_aa form_aa empowering_aa
relationships_aa with_aa others_aa and_a restrict_aa their_aa access_ to_ valuable_ organizational _aa
resources._aa Hence,_aa professionals_aa representing_aa specific_aa diverse_aa communities_aa may_aa
feel_aa that_aa they_a are_aa not_aa empowered_aa and_aa valued_aa in_aa the_aa organization._aa
4. A._aa Discuss_aa your_aa ideas_aa and_aa why_aa they_aa might_aa address_aa the_aa
organization's_aa challenges.
• In_a the_a contemporary_aa organizational_aa climate,_aa it_aa is_aa instrumental_aa in_
addressing_aa the_aa challenges_aa that_ may_aa hamper_aa the_aa progression_aa of_ diversity_aa and_aa
inclusion._aa One_aa of_aa the_aa fundamental_aa steps_aa that_ must_aa be_aa taken_aa to_aa promote_aa
diversity_aa and_aa inclusion_aa and_ address_aa the_aa related_aa challenges_aa is_aa to_aa adopt_aa an_aa
inclusive_aa leadership_aa approach._aa Leaders_aa need_aa to_aa play_aa a_a proactive_aa role_ in _aa
creating_aa a_aa welcoming_aa and_aa safe_aa organizational_ culture _aa where _aa every _aa employee _aa
can_aa be_aa heard,_ get_aa the_aa opportunity_aa to _aa speak_aa up_aa and_a feel_aa welcomed_aa (5_aa
strategies_aa for_aa creating_aa an_aa inclusive_aa workplace,_aa 2020)._aa Inclusive_aa leadership_aa is_aa
an_aa important_aa ingredient_aa that_ can_aa foster_aa diversity _ and_aa inclusion_aa in_aa the_
workplace._aa The_aa leaders_aa within_aa the_aa organization_aa need_aa to_aa make_aa sure_aa that_aa
employees_aa from_aa different_aa backgrounds_aa are_aa embraced_aa and_aa get_aa the_aa opportunity_aa
to_aa show_aa their_aa unique_aa side_aa instead_aa of_ hiding_aa it_ in_aa the_aa workplace._aa The_aa
commitment_aa from_aa the_aa top_aa management,_aa including_aa the_aa leaders,_aa is_aa critical_aa to_aa
create,_aa foster_aa and_aa nurture_aa a_ culture_aa of_aa diversity_a and_a inclusion_aa within_a an_a
organization._aa Their_aa commitment_aa and_aa dedication_aa to_aa promote_aa diversity_aa and_aa
inclusion_aa can_aa be_aa reflected_aa in_aa the_aa form_a of_aa corporate_aa policies_aa as_aa well_aa as_aa
work_aa practices._a A_aa vital_aa step_aa that_aa organizations_aa need_aa to_aa take_aa to_aa remove_aa
challenges_aa that_a restrict_aa diversity_aa and _ inclusion _aa revolves _aa around _aa the _aa
recognition_aa of_aa intentional_aa as_aa well_aa as_aa unintentional_aa bias._aa Shenoy_aa has_aa argued_aa
that_aa visible_aa and_aa invisible_a biases_aa may_aa exist_aa in_ the_aa workplace_aa and_aa adversely_aa
affect_ diversity_aa and_aa inclusion_aa (Shenoy_aa &_aa Kumar,_aa 2021)._aa In_aa order_aa to_aa deal_aa
with_aa such_aa challenges,_aa it_aa is_aa essential_aa to_aa identify_aa barriers_aa leading_aa to_a bias_aa
and_aa combat_aa them_aa with_aa appropriate_ strategies._aa Some_aa of_aa the_aa strategies_aa that_aa
can_aa be_aa adopted_aa to_aa deal_aa with_aa the_aa challenges_aa include_aa the_aa implementation_aa of_aa
zero-tolerance_aa organizational_aa policies,_aa creating_aa a_aa fair_aa and_aa bias-free_aa
organizational_aa climate,_aa etc._aa (Ruggs_aa et_aa al.,_ 2018)._aa
4. B._aa Record_aa here_aa the_aa feedback_aa from_aa the_aa organizational_aa member_aa
about_aa the_a helpfulness_aa and_aa operational_aa value_a of_ the_aa ideas_aa shared_aa by_aa
the_aa student.
• The_aa organizational_aa members_a who_aa were_aa interviewed_aa have_aa given_aa their_
feedback_aa on_aa the_aa ideas_aa and_aa actions_aa that_aa have_aa been_aa shared_aa for_aa effectively_aa
responding_aa to_aa the_aa challenges_aa and_aa barriers_aa relating_aa to_aa diversity_aa and_aa
inclusion._aa According_aa to_aa one_aa of_ the_aa organizational_aa members,_aa the_ buy-in_aa of_aa
the_aa top_aa management_aa is_ vital_aa since_aa it_ can_aa act_aa as_aa the_aa foundation_aa on_aa
which_aa an_aa inclusive_aa organizational_aa climate_ can _aa be _aa established. _aa The _aa
involvement_aa of_ members_aa from_aa the_aa top _aa management_aa can _aa encourage_aa the_aa
individual_aa staff_aa members_aa to_aa understand_aa the_aa importance_aa of_aa diversity_aa and_aa
inclusion._aa Another_aa organizational_aa member_aa has_aa stated_aa that_aa inclusive_aa leaders_aa
can_aa act_aa as_aa the_aa chief_aa agents_ that_ can_aa promote_aa inclusion_ and_aa ensure_aa that_aa
a_aa proper_aa climate_a is_aa created_aa where_aa diverse_aa individuals_aa can_aa feel_aa welcomed_aa
to_aa work_aa with_aa others._aa Inclusive_aa leaders_aa can_aa promote_aa diversity_aa by_aa using_aa
their_aa core_aa attributes _a and_aa behavior,_aa such_aa as_aa collaboration,_aa cultural_aa and_aa
emotional_aa intelligence,_aa trust,_aa etc._ Inclusive_aa leaders_aa can_aa foster_aa inclusion_aa in_aa
the_aa workplace_aa by_aa creating_aa opportunities_ for_ diverse_aa staff_aa members_aa to_aa
leverage_aa employee_aa engagement_aa and_aa strengthen_aa the_aa professional_aa association_aa
(Bao_aa et_aa al.,_aa 2021)._aa _aa
The_aa ideas_aa that_ have_aa been_aa shared_ can_aa act_aa as_aa helpfulness_aa approaches_aa for_aa
strengthening_aa diversity_aa and_ inclusion_aa in_aa the_aa workplace._aa _aa
5_aa strategies_aa for_aa creating_aa an_aa inclusive_aa workplace._aa (2020,_aa January_aa 13)._aa
Harvard_aa Business_aa Review._aa Retrieved_aa November_aa 9,_aa 2022,_aa from_aa
Al-Obaydi,_aa L._aa H._aa (2019)._aa Cultural_aa Diversity,_aa Awareness_aa and_aa Teaching:_aa A_aa
Study_aa in_aa an_aa EFL_aa Context._aa Journal_aa of_aa Asia_aa TEFL, _aa 16(3), _aa 987.
Bao,_aa P.,_aa Xiao,_aa Z.,_aa Bao,_aa G.,_a &_aa Noorderhaven,_aa N._aa (2021)._aa Inclusive_aa
leadership_aa and_aa employee_aa work_ engagement:_aa a_aa moderated_aa mediation_aa
model._aa Baltic_aa Journal_aa of_aa Management.
Itam,_aa U.,_aa &_aa Bagali,_aa M._ M. _a (2019)._aa Diversity_aa and_a inclusion_aa management:_aa
a_aa focus_aa on_aa employee_aa engagement._aa In_aa Gender _aa and _aa Diversity:_aa Concepts,_aa
Methodologies,_aa Tools,_aa and_aa Applications_aa (pp._aa 1771-1788)._aa IGI_aa Global.
Kuknor,_aa S._aa C.,_aa &_ Bhattacharya,_aa S._aa (2020)._a Inclusive_aa leadership:_aa new_aa age_aa
leadership_aa to_aa foster_aa organizational_aa inclusion._aa European _aa Journal _aa of _aa
Training_aa and_ Development.
Moody,_aa L.,_aa Saunders,_aa J.,_aa Leber,_aa M.,_aa Wójcik-Augustyniak,_aa M.,_aa Szajczyk,_aa M.,_aa
&_aa Rebernik,_aa N._aa (2017)._aa An_aa exploratory_aa study_aa of_aa barriers_aa to_ inclusion_aa
in_aa the_aa European_aa workplace._aa Disability_aa and_aa rehabilitation,_a 39(20),_aa 2047-
Ruggs,_aa E._aa N.,_aa Harrington,_aa N._aa T.,_aa Brown,_aa D.,_aa Park,_aa L._aa S.,_aa &_aa Marshburn,_aa
C._aa K._aa (2018)._aa Understanding_aa bias_aa in_aa the_aa workplace_aa and_ strategies_aa to_aa
combat_aa it._a In_aa Violence _aa and _aa Abuse_aa In_ and_aa Around_aa Organisations _aa (pp._aa
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Royall,_aa S.,_aa McCarthy,_ V.,_aa &_ Miller,_aa G._aa J._aa (2019)_a Creating_aa an_aa Inclusive_aa
Workplace:_aa The_aa Effectiveness_aa of_aa Diversity_aa Training.
Sinclair,_aa K._aa (2020)._a Original_aa Paper_aa Critical_aa Challenges_aa of_aa Cultural_aa
Competence_aa Professional_aa Development._aa World,_aa 7(1).
Shepherd,_aa S._aa M._aa (2019)._aa Cultural_aa awareness_aa workshops:_aa limitations_aa and_aa
practical_aa consequences._aa BMC_aa Medical_aa Education,_aa 19(1),_aa 1-10.
Shenoy,_aa V._aa &_aa Kumar,_aa M._aa (2021)_aa Common_aa biases_aa found_aa in_aa the_aa
workplace:_aa visible_aa and_aa invisible_aa inequalities._aa Strategic_aa HR_ Review._aa VOL._
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