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Median Housing Price Prediction Model for D.M. Pan Real Estate Company
Ashley Allen
Southern New Hampshire University
Regression Equation
Equation of regression: y = 146.52x - 9561
Determine r
The relationship between variables depends on [rvalue. ]'s The square root, or [r] value, is 0.988
since the [r2] value is 0.713. Strong correlation between the variables is indicated by a [r] value
of between 0.8 and 1. If [r] is positive, then the slope is positive and moves in the right-up
direction. This demonstrates that as one variable rises, the other one rises as well. If Y rises,
then X must also increase, or vice versa. In other words, the listing price of the home rises as
the home's square footage does.
Examine the Slope and Intercepts
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