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The Pharmaceutical Industry
The Pharmaceutical Industry:
Balancing Consumer Health and Corporate Interests
Shana Lawson
Bus 309 Business Ethics
Professor: Molaski
The Pharmaceutical Industry
The Pharmaceutical Industry: Balancing Consumer Health and Corporate Interests
The pharmaceutical industry plays a pivotal role in global healthcare by researching,
developing, and producing medications that improve and save lives. Its customer base includes
healthcare professionals, patients, regulatory agencies, and insurers. This paper will argue that
despite ethical concerns the pharmaceutical industry is essential and unfairly targeted due to the
complex nature of drug development regulations and the challenging balance between corporate
interests and consumer health.
With all the research and innovation, the pharmaceutical industry invests heavily in
research and development (R&D) to discover new drugs. This process is costly and time-
consuming, involving extensive clinical trials, regulatory approvals, and safety evaluations.
Without adequate profit incentives companies would lack the resources to fund research
initiatives hindering medical advancement.
Improved Health Outcomes: The pharmaceutical industry has revolutionized healthcare
by introducing life-saving drugs and treatments for a wide range of diseases. From antibiotics to
vaccines and breakthrough treatments for cancer heart disease and rare genetic disorders
pharmaceutical innovations have significantly improved patient outcomes and extended life
Simultaneous Interest from a Corporate Perspective: Pharmaceutical companies operate
in a competitive market aiming to generate profits and sustain their business. While profit might
be their primary concern, they also have an ethical and legal obligation to ensure the safety and
The Pharmaceutical Industry
efficacy of their products. Regulations and oversight agencies such as the Food and Drug
Administration (FDA provide guidelines and monitor the industry to ensure consumer protection.
Pharmaceutical companies’ also have interest in Consumer Health: Consumers rightly
expect pharmaceutical companies to prioritize their health and safety. Companies have a
responsibility to conduct extensive testing, adhere to strict quality control standards and provide
accurate information about potential risks and benefits. With appropriate regulations and
oversight companies can strike a balance between their interests and the well-being of
Balancing corporate interests and consumer health is a complex challenge but it is
possible to find a middle ground. Regulations must be in place to ensure transparency, proper
testing, and adequate safety measures within the pharmaceutical industry. Moreover, industry
collaboration with healthcare professional’s patient advocacy groups and regulatory agencies can
lead to effective drug monitoring post-marketing surveillance and continuous improvement of
safety protocols.
As of 2023 Pharmaceutical companies are frown upon due to the tragic fentanyl overdose
that some blame the company that makes the product however I myself have had a family
member pass away due to a fentanyl overdose but in reality it has nothing to do with the
manufactures of fentanyl itself it is the people that actually mix fentanyl into the drug that takes
peoples lives. so, in my opinion pharmaceutical industry is unfairly judged.
The Pharmaceutical Industry
World Health Organization. (2020). Medicines: Ensuring Their Safety Efficacy and Quality. Retrieved
from https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/medicines-ensuring-their-safety-
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA). (n.d.). The Pharmaceutical Industry:
Key Facts. Retrieved from https://www.phrma.org/fact-sheet/key-facts-about-the-
The Pharmaceutical Industry
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