Indwelling Urinary Catheter Insertion Skills Checklist
Step (C)
Verbalize that you would:
oRead order for foley insertion
oGather supplies
oKnock on the patient door
oProtect privacy
oComplete hand hygiene
oIntroduce yourself
oIdentify patient
oAssess for allergies
Explain procedure to patient
Position patient comfortably and drape with bath blanket to avoid
Apply clean gloves and wash perineal area with soap and water.
Identify urinary meatus.
Remove clean gloves and perform hand hygiene. Apply clean
Place on clean surface. Open catheterization kit.
Open sterile wrap covering tray using sterile technique
Put on sterile gloves
Drape perineum (square drape & fenestrated drape), keeping
gloves sterile
Arrange and open supplies on sterile field, maintaining sterility of
Clean urethral meatus.
Female- separate labia, front to back cleaning, change swab stick
after each stroke
Male- retract foreskin if uncircumcised, grasp penis below glans,
use circular strokes
Hold catheter 3-4 inches from tip and loosely coil in hand. Be
sure catheter is lubricated
Insert catheter
Female- ask patient to bear down, advance until urine flow
begins, release labia
Male- lift penis to a perpendicular position, ask patient to bear
down, advance until urine flow begins
Inflate catheter balloon with amount of fluid needed
Secure indwelling catheter with strap or other securement device.
Be sure to leave slack for leg movement. Secure to inner thigh
Position drainage bag lower than bladder by attaching to bed
Check to make sure there are not any obstructions