Important: All items in this syllabus are subject to change. Any in-class announcement, verbal or written, is considered an official
addendum to this syllabus. Make sure to be informed! Course materials and information will be accessible through Blackboard.
Instructor: Wenbo Tang Class Time: MW 3:05-4:20pm
Office: Phone: 480-965-1476 Office Hours: MW 1:40-2:50pm
Course Description: Introduces differential equations, theoretical and practical solution techniques.
Applications. Problem solving using MATLAB.
Textbook: Elementary Differential Equations, by Boyce and DePrima - WileyPLUS, 11 edition. There is
also ASU custom edition of this textbook: MAT275 – Modern Differential Equations.
Software: Matlab will be used for lab assignments and is available for free (see below for details).
Calculators: A graphing calculator (e.g. TI84 or Casio CFX-9850GB Plus) is recommended. Graphing calculators
which perform symbolic manipulation (e.g. TI89, TI92, Casio FX2 or 9970G) will not be allowed for tests or quizzes.
Grading: Your grade will be computed based on the following scheme:
Exam 1 22.5%
Exam 2 22.5%
Homework 15%
Labs 10%
Final Exam 30%
Total 100%
100 – 97: A+ 89 – 87: B+ 79 – 77: C+
96 – 93: A 86 – 83: B 76 – 70: C
92 – 90: A- 82 – 80: B- 69 – 60: D
0 59: E
Homework: Weekl homewor ever Monda (beginniy k n assignments are give y y ng nd Jan. 14th) a are, unless otherwise speci-
fied, due the followi at 5pm. them t office at WXLR837 or tur them i at WXLR216, the grad-ng Monday You n ca turn o my n n
uate mat office. There will be assignments duri the weeks of mid-term tests. Please make sure thath no k homewor ng
you d nd have underst all contents submitteood a expect in-class presentati of your solutions. Please write as clearl as pos-on y
sible t allow proper considerati of your credit. Homewor assignments will be poste Canvas a the due dates noted o on k d on nd
there. No late assignments will be accepted.
Suggested Problems: There are practice exam problems at
ASU Video Lessons: The ebsites and w contain video lessons for the c The er ourse. form
website s ore recently updated, hile on the atter the deos are t better ganized. i m w l vi a bi or You are encouraged
to se his as upplement for the u t a s lecture.
ATTENDANCE: Required our instructo reserve th righ t tak attendanc an t incorporat! Y r s e t o e e d o e your
attendanc par of your overal i you t be on th lin betwee tw grades,e a s t l grade . Also, f happe n o e borde r e n o
attendance will play important role in the decision about your final grade.
MAT 275 Spring 2019 Syllabus 2/6
Exams: Two exams/tests/midterms will be given during the semester. The best possible preparation for the
exams is regular attendance and completion of assigned homework and labs. All exams will be given in the
classroom on the dates indicated on the schedule shown below. Your calculator program memory may be
randomly viewed during any exam and will be cleared if anything suspicious is written therein.
Additionally, usage of a calculator in general during the exam is up to the instructor’s discretion.
Exam Sections Exam Dates
EXAM 1 1.1-1.3, 2.1-2.7, 3.1, 3.2 Monday, February 18 in Class
EXAM 2 3.3-3.8, 6.1-6.3 Monday, March 25 in Class
FINAL Comprehensive May 3 2:30-4:20pm
rd in our classroom
Final Exam: The final exam is comprehensive and will take place in our classroom, at the time prescribed by
ASU’s final exam schedule (given in the table above).
Final Exam make up policies: The final exam time listed in the Final Exam Schedule at will be strictly followed. No changes may be made in this
schedule without prior approval of the Dean of the college in which the course is offered. Under this schedule,
if a conflict occurs, or a student has more than three exams on one day, the instructors may be consulted about
an individual schedule adjustment. This procedure applies to conflicts among any combination of Downtown
Phoenix campus, Tempe campus, Polytechnic campus, West campus, and/or off campus class. Make-up exams
will NOT be given for reasons of a non-refundable airline tickets, vacation plans, work schedules, weddings,
family reunions, and other such activities. So, please plan accordingly. Students should consult the final exam