Business & Finance HOMEWORK
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· Microeconomics, 6th Edition
By: Krugman, Paul / Wells, Robin ISBN: 978-1-319-24528-3
USER ID: joshua007
Assignment 6: Devise a Marketing Strategy Presentation for the Next Corporate Board Meeting
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Background Your company’s marketing department promotes the products and interacts with the customers, sales force, and supply chain. They are also in charge of forecasting sales for the company. Instructions In a PowerPoint presentation that you will deliver at the next corporate board meeting, analyze the marketing strategies used by the company: 1. Use this modules course readings and supplemental readings to define and describe marketing and marketing strategies as well as those related to R&D and production objectives. 2. Examine your marketing strategies in the CAPSIM simulation, and then describe the marketing decisions that you made, including specific examples and why. 3. Discuss the results of your marketing efforts. 4. PowerPoint Presentation with speaker notes. Slide topics: objectives, strategies, and marketing investment allocation per competition round, for Sales, Promotion, and Sales Forecast, and Market share (% and Volume): company, per product. Length: 5-7 slides (not including Title Page, Agenda [Topic and Time], and references). Speaker notes will be between 75 and 100 words in the Notes area of each slide. The notes provide substance and support for the outlined information on the slide. This information is the core of the presentation (what you would say if presenting to a live audience). The audience’s attention is on you. References: Supplement this weeks’ readings with a minimum of 3 additional scholar-practitioner articles from journals like Strategy & Business, California Management Review, and Harvard Business Review. |
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Assignment 5: Develop a Financial Plan
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Background Background: Part 1 Financial statements are reviewed by owners, investors, management, and lenders when making decisions regarding an organization and its management. While there are qualitative and quantitative approaches to reading and interpreting financial statements, the interest in this assignment is the quantitative or ratio analysis. Ratios are quantifications of relationships between items on individual statements and between two or more financial statements. It is through understanding the latter in relation to the former that leaders navigate a course through the planning and decisions of future operations. For this assignment, you will group the different financial measures according to the primary end-user. Evaluate financial statements from the Courier (Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flows). Organize these from the perspective of the end-user. For each group below, identify three measures, define the measure, explain what the measure is used to explain, and then describe your company’s performance on the measure compared with the competition. Be detailed: do not simply say we did well on ROA, list your actual number and compare with the competition’s performance. 1. Identify and group owner/investor measures 2. Identify and group management measures 3. Identify and group finance/bank measures
Length: Include a Word document of 4-5 paragraphs describing your budget. Also attach your Budget Spreadsheet. The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards, and adhere to the Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy. When applicable, conduct a Turnitin pre-check and then upload your completed assignment and click the Submit to Dropbox button. Upload the spreadsheet and evaluation document and click the Submit to Dropbox button. |
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Assignment 9: Investigate a PESTEL Analysis for ethical globalization efforts
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Background Organizational ethics is extremely important to the success of any organization. In your MBA program, you learned about globalization, sustainability, and technology. Consider that the company that you are running in the simulation was going to move to the global environment. In your MBA, you have used research to answer questions, examine issues, and solve problems. Part of that process was learning about various models that help you to analyze business and industry. These models provide apple-to-apple comparisons across companies for consistency in your analysis. Hopefully these have proven useful during your time in this program, and will continue to aid throughout your career. For this assignment, you will utilize a well established model for examining different cultures, the PESTEL model. Instructions Using this modules course readings and lecture, complete the following: · Choose a country that the organization may open operations in and analyze that country in terms of its political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, ecological/environmental, and legal (PESTEL model) aspects; and then compare with the same aspects in the United States. · Determine if there are cultural or ethical differences that you would need to consider when operating in that country. How will the company have to change its operations in order to fit into the culture of the country? Length: 2-3 pages, not including title page and references References: Supplement this weeks’ readings with a minimum of 3 scholarly, scholar-practitioner (Strategy & Business, California Management Review, Sloan Management Review, and Harvard Business Review) and or government sources. The completed assignment should address all of the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards, and adhere to the University's Academic Integrity Policy. When applicable, conduct a Turnitin pre-check and then upload your completed assignment and click the Submit to Dropbox button. |
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Assignment 2: Develop a Competitive Strategy
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Background In your MBA program, you've learned how operations relate to business strategy and how to manage business operations based on a global supply chain with diverse and geographically dispersed suppliers and customers. In this module, you will analyze your company’s performance and develop strategies for your products in the different market segments in CAPSIM. Instructions This lesson, you will analyze your company’s performance and develop strategies for your products in the different market segments in CAPSIM. Write a paper that addresses the following: · Use this week’s course readings and supplemental readings to define SWOT and Porter’s 5 Forces. Describe how your company performs on the four dimensions of SWOT and the five dimensions of Porter’s model. · Use the Customer Buying Criteria section of the Courier (pp. 5-9) to assess what customers demand. What are the projected changes in customer demands? · Use the Balanced Scorecard and financial measures to analyze your company in the simulation to identify three items in each of the four SWOT categories. Then, review your company in CAPSIM relative to the other five companies in the simulation to identify each of Porter’s 5 Forces. · Choose one of Porter’s generic strategies for one of your five products in your company in the simulation. Explain the appropriateness of the generic strategy relative to the Five Forces and SWOT analyses. Length: 2-3 pages, not including title page, executive summary, and references Resources: Supplement the course readings with at least two additional scholarly sources. You have learned to search for and use scholarly articles throughout the program. For a refresher, please go to the NCU Library’s FAQs. The completed assignment should address all the assignment requirements, exhibit evidence of concept knowledge, and demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the content presented in the course. The writing should integrate scholarly resources, reflect academic expectations and current APA standards, and adhere to the university’s Academic Integrity Policy. When applicable, conduct a Turnitin pre-check and then upload your completed assignment and click the Submit to Dropbox button. Upload the Strategic Plan and click the Submit to Dropbox button. |
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Assignment 12: Signature Assignment: Analyze Overall Company Performance
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Background Review your results from your CAPSIM simulation. You really want to dig deep into your data and review the performance measures you chose earlier in the course to determine whether your Rounds 2 through 6 decisions positively affected those measures. Throughout this course, you have been tracking the financial performance of your organization in CAPSIM, and you have been looking at performance reports such as the Balanced Scorecard and the financial information in the Courier and related financial statements. Instructions For the Signature Assignment, an investor audience presentation reports an examination of company performance compared to the strategic plan and objectives. Examine the Courier and the Balanced Scorecard results and compare them with the competition. What industry conditions changed? You will create a PowerPoint presentation supplemented by an investor memorandum in which you report and analyze your company's performance concerning the following: 1. Describe the industry conditions that existed when you started. 2. Using all of the performance measurement tools you examined in this course (Financial Measures and Balanced Scorecard), compare the state of the company after the end of the six rounds with the state of the company before starting. Is the company in better or worse shape? How so? Be specific in all answers; do not say, “I had large profits in Round 1”. Indicate that you “had profits of $4,565,000 in Round 1” or whatever the case may be. Length: 10 slides minimum (not including Title screen, Agenda [Topic and Time], and references and will have between 75 and 150 words in the Notes area of each slide to provide substance and support for the outline information on the slide. This information is the core of the presentation. The material is not on the screen. The audience’s attention is on you. In addition, you must record your actual presentation to show your oral communication skills. Resources: Supplement your course readings with a minimum of 5 additional scholarly articles. Grading This assignment is worth 15 points and is due Sunday at 11:59 PM PT. |
Due on Mar 1, 2025 11:59 PM |
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1. Open up an internet browser and go to .
2. The first time you are on this page, you will need to register by clicking in the top right corner of the screen on Getting Started.
3. As a student you will choose the button Register Now on the left side of the screen under Student Registration.
4. You must Agree to the Terms of Usage and click Continue with initial registration for this course.
5. You will be asked to enter either an Industry ID. Enter an Industry code as follows (Week 1 is different than weeks 2-7):
a. For Week 1, you will be in the MBA6010 - Practice Rounds - Capstone, Industry ID C140530_000
b. For Week 2, you will change to MBA6010 - Competition Rounds. Your instructor will have sent you a code in week 1. If you do not have that code, please reach out to your instructor.
6. For both weeks, Click Register in this Industry ID.
7. Fill out the form on the next page with all of your information. At the bottom click Continue.
8. Follow the prompts from there. You will be given a unique three-digit business code that will replace the three zeros at the end of the industry code; e.g. C140530_123
9. Once registration has completed, you can go back to and click on Sign In in the top right corner of the screen.
10. Enter the Username and Password that you created during the Registration process, and log in.
11. When you get to the next screen click Capstone and you will be taken into the Practice simulation, which is what you will need for Week 1 Assignments.
Note: For Week 2 – Week 7 assignments you will need to complete this registration process again for the Competition Rounds that are specific to your instructor. Your instructor will have sent you an ID Number prior to the start of Week 2 for you to be able to register for his or her specific section. If you did not receive this number from your instructor, please contact him or her at the start of Week 2.
NOTE: If you need technical assistance for CAPSIM, please call the student support number (877-477-8787) or email support at [email protected].
1. To begin the registration process, please follow the on-screen instructions found at the following URL: Your password is: NCUMBA-1001
2. Make sure you only select MBA6010-8 Capstone - Strategic Planning.
3. Once you complete Steps 1 and 2, Peregrine will send you a registration confirmation email (the email address you registered) that will include a direct link to the exam.
4. There is no code you will need to enter. Once you click on the link in their email, you will be taken to your course/exam page and be asked to re-confirm the information entered (i.e. Name, Student Id, Cohorts, etc.) before you begin your exam.
5. Note: It can take up to 15 minutes from the time you register for the exam until you receive the link.
6. Once you complete the exam, print a copy of your completion certificate and submit it to the Dropbox in the course for Week 8, Assignment 1, this will demonstrate that you took the test so that you may receive the points for this assignment.
Assignment 7: Complete Round 3 of CAPSIM
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Background The focus of this assignment is to continue the Competition Industry in the CAPSIM simulation and analyze the results from this round to continue reporting on your Key Performance Indicators you identified. You will be making decisions that position your product against customer requirements, building a production process that allows you to meet the market demands for your products, how to finance those operations and how to improve processes and products through Research and Development and Total Quality Management. Finally, you will learn to read and interpret a full set of performance documents, including Cash Flow Statements, Income Statements, Production and Sales summaries, and the Balanced Scorecard. Instructions The instructor will check the simulation dashboard to confirm that you have completed this round and will also provide feedback to you to help you with the remainder of the competition industry. Please note that your grade in the course does not depend on how well you do in the simulation. In that sense, the "competition rounds" are a misnomer. You can do well or poorly in the rounds. It doesn't really matter. What does matter is that you can understand and explain the effects that your decisions had on the financial results, which you will track weekly as you report on your Key Performance Indicators that you identified. You will also report on a new financial measure that you have not yet examined. Submit a written paper that examines the following: · Examine your three financial measures (KPIs) that you will track through your simulation (note – this assignment will repeat for every round that you run). Financial Measures can be found in the various reports that Capsim creates after you have completed a round. · Include a 4th financial measure of your choice that adds to your understanding of the company’s performance. See page 1 of the Courier for some ideas for different financial measures to examine. · In each round, you are making some of your decisions based on the Customer Buying Criteria – what do the customers expect in the products that they purchase? This information for each of your products in the five product segments can be found on pages 5-9 of the Courier. · Report on a different Customer Buying Criteria each round. For example, for this assignment look at Size for your product Able in the Traditional segment. Identify the criteria, define the criteria (the Capsim Help & Support can help with this). Then explain what the customer expectations are and what you set for your product on that dimension. Finally, compare your position with the Customer expectations and how the competitors set that number for their products. Length: 1-3 pages References: Include a minimum of 2 scholarly references. |
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Name: Joshua Casey
Background: Retired Navy Chief and full time Regional Director with ACN. Father of 3 and married for 14 years. Studying for my MBA in business so I can use it to grow my ACN business. Hobbies are I love shooting pool, and smoking a cigar or hooka.
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