Effectiveness of the Various Promotional Strategies in Improving the Enterprises
Giving free samples to customers as a form of promotional strategy, enables the prospect client
have confidence with the product and feel appreciated hence creates the desire to have or buy
more of the product. This form of promotional enables the client to inform others on benefits of
the particular product Bielder, (2008).
Commercialisation as a promotional strategy reaches a huge number of people depending on
the media used. For example, commercial breaks during a favourite program enables people get
knowledge of new products in the market hence attracted to it Bielder, (2008)
Personal selling on the other hand, ensures face to face and close contact of the of the seller with
the buyer hence assisting in maintaining the relationship and the customer who again acts as a
good will ambassador to the business by promoting it even more to others, Ziegler (1999).
Aham, (2008) asserts that enormous human and material resources are devoted to advertising.
Advertising is everywhere in today's world, so that, as Pope Paul VI remarked, "No one now can
escape the influence of advertising." Even people who are not themselves exposed to particular
forms of advertising confront a society, a culture other people — affected for good or ill by
advertising messages and techniques of every sort.
According to Bielder, (2008) advertising is a waste of time, talent and money an essentially
parasitic activity. In this view, not only does advertising have no value of its own, but its
influence is entirely harmful and corrupting for individuals and society.
A newsletter is an excellent way to maintain contact with your customers, particularly your
regular customers. A newsletter both personalizes your advertising strategy and looks
professional. Your newsletter might incorporate some of the following ideas. Give the newsletter
a practical focus by including information based on frequently asked questions (e.g., keep
readers abreast of current or impending legislative rulings on the sale of selected pesticides, and
provide information on the correct application of fertilizers or the safe handling, use, and
disposal of dangerous chemicals) Ziegler (1999). Discuss those items you wish to promote,
particularly over-stocked or slow-moving products. Promote your firm by becoming involved
with the community and supporting special programs, attending seminars, or devising in-store
demonstrations. The points is simple—attract customers by developing a positive image as an
educated, responsible, and concerned member of the local community. A newsletter offering
practical solutions to environmentally sensitive issues will also go a long way towards making
that image credible.
Good rapport with customers- One useful strategy is to identify your best customers and
communicate to them that they are valued and that you wish a long-lasting relationship. This
implies that you have differentiated your customer base into “profitability” categories (e.g., best,
average, and worst). Best customers tend to purchase regularly, contribute importantly to your
revenue base, and pay on time (their accounts receivable do not exceed 30 days). Those in the
lowest category are your most costly clients and should be removed from your customer base
Aham, (2008).
Challenges Encountered In the Promotion of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
According to (Paul, 1999) challenge that is encountered by majority of entrepreneurs is lack of
proper methods to promote their business ventures. This might be due to inadequate funds to
promote their goods and even poor rapport with customers can lead to tainting of the image of
the business.
According to Ziegler (1999), Majority of those who venture into SMEs (Small and Medium
Enterprises) do so because of their need to make money and in almost all cases, such
entrepreneurs lack relevant and adequate information about the businesses they engage in. In the
event where problems arise, most of these business owners lack sufficient promotional skills and
in the end they find it hard to survive.
Poor choice of advertising media can negatively affect the promotional strategy adopted by a
business firm. For example, multi media that reaches a minimal number of clients will only lead
to narrow market gaps as compared to that that reaches a wider scope of people like radio,
(Nwokoye, 1991).
Negative attitude towards a certain product will result to a waste of time, money and even human
resources in promoting a particular product. This because changing the perspective of an already
spoilt reputation might take light years, (Nwokoye, 1991).
When this small and medium sized businesses produce mediocre goods, promotion will fall on
deaf ears since poor quality goods creates a bad picture for the entire business premise.