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Some dietary recommendations I have heard of is the keto diet, Nutrisystem, Weight
Watchers. They are the same by doing just about the same exact thing to do, they are to
help with restrictions. They are different by how fast they start working with what they are
supposed to do. The reasons given for the benefits on keto is your liver gets better, you will
sleep more, may help treat cancer. Benefits of Nutrisystem is maintaining muscle and
reduces risk of a disease. Benefits of Weight Watchers are weight loss. reduced aches and
pains, improve breathing, improve blood, and sugar levels. Unfortunately, they do not talk
about or discuss the impact on various digestive organs. Some of the dietary
recommendations that I have discovered and considered is Herbal life and Isoa tea and also
my personal trainer recommended of losing weight I need more calories in take as well as
eating more meals during the day.The point of all these dietary recommendations is to be
healthy and making sure your body fat is healthy fats not fats that will cause problems.
Your diet is 80 % of how healthy you can stay, and you can lose weight based off of what
you are intaking. eating good protein and good fats counting the number of calories you are
consuming and getting you heart rate up at least 15 mins a day. The difference between the
dietary recommendations is what you are consuming. Some diets require you to eat more
protein and some require you to eat one meal a day. Majority of these dietary
recommendations have a good benefit at the end of the journey. however, you have to be
serious about it or your waiting your time and money. The 2 dietary recommendations
discuss how well it flushes your intestines out and boost your immune system creating a
faster metabolism. Regardless of what recommendations say everything can change due to
everyone and ever body in the world is different. Recommendations are built off of what
average people and the average of the number. I personally think that the intake of carbs
and fats will affect everyone in different ways so for us to follow the recommendation isn’t
something bad. When you do this dieting, you should just keep track of how much you
intake of the certain substance and later on write down the effect good or bad that it had.
Then after you have followed the average and recommendation of the government you can
gain enough information and knowledge about what works better with you body and what
dont. The recommendation aren’t something I would stray away from to drastically but just
make a chart and record what is happening to you body and make slight adjustment to the
recommendation based off the negative Or positive. Effects that the change had on your
diet. Then later reference the long-term question mark of did it work for you or not. Before
I started my diet program I thought I was supposed to stay around a 1200 calorie intake,
however I have learned that women should stick around 1000, and men at 1200. I was also
informed that men lose weight faster and that is why the can intake more calories. Now the
diet program I am consists of 800 calorie a day restriction with 4 shakes a day, I get all of
my vitamins, protein, and nutrients that are needed. Keto diet has become very popular of
the past few years, which is what my diet is based off of, low carb, low calorie, and high
protein. Some diets can cause problems with your organs, especially your heart. Every
50lbs lost I have to get a EKG just to make for sure my heart is okay, and that is because
of rapid weight loss. One of the reasons I had to get my gallbladder removed is because I
lost so much weight so fast that I had gallstones, which is a side effect of rapid weight loss.
Counting calories, staying low in carbs, and high protein will make you feel full longer, and
give you more energy. Some recommendations I have heard of for dietary intake would be
nutritional labeling, to show what nutrients are in the food. Making food intake charts with
different groups of people. Certain organizations such as the American Dietetic Association
or the Food and Nutrition Board giving information on proper dietary intake. They all fall
under the same principal to show guidelines for the way you should properly consume
foods in order to have the proper intake of nutrients. They can be different in areas when
celebrities display eating habits that could be misleading for others.
There are limitations set for each person being, each person is different so their diet may be
different from the next person.
Some reasons given for the benefits of recommendations would be for a healthy pregnancy
for an expecting mother. It could benefit the possibility of diseases and even obesity. They
do discuss the impact on various digestive organs. The affect poor choice of dietary intake
could result in the damage and inflammation of certain organs. It is important to maintain
proper protein intake at moderate levels. Over the past couple of years I have heard of so
many weight loss companies such as jenny creig, dr. oz and more. some of my experience
with the companies is that its suppose to help you loose weight while getting the right
amount of nutrients to stay healthy but my question is does it actually work? When it
comes to balancing out your nutrients you should look at what is important in the food
pyramid and how it could help in your everyday life such as protein. When I go to my
doctor they always tell me protein is important because its how your body functions and I
actually agree. One of the people That inspire me in the long run is the keto guido aka
Vinny Guadagnino From jersey shore he showed me Alot of tips on how to be able to enjoy
what you eat while loosing the extra pounds. Overall I think when it comes to your body
your the only one who can help it work right by taking care of it . As a kid, I was taught
about the food pyramid. I remember grains being the biggest group and protein was closer
to the top. Dairy was also on there. But as I got older, the pyramid became obsolete. Dairy
can have a bad impact on our digestive system. Personally, I feel better avoiding it. I see
grains and carbs being limited. It is believed that carbs cause weight gain so people are
eating high protein diets. Some are even eating high fat diets. Keto becoming popular and
that involves eating almost no carbs and eating plenty of fats and protein. That's the exact
opposite of the food pyramid I was taught. However, I personally don't like either of these
diets. I believe people should eat all their macros. Carbs provide energy. They do hold
water so people tend to believe it's making them gain weight. Protein fuels our muscles and
help us feel full. Fats keep our bodies warm and protect our vital organs. Our bodies need
all of these macronutrients. We just have to have them in moderation. There are plenty of
macro calculators online that we can use to help us figure out what our body needs. What
we eat should be a lifestyle and not a temporary diet. Depending on the diet you feel fits
best for you you might have the keto , low carb , and Adkins diet that are all aimed towards
high in protein and low in carbs. Then other diets that just aim towards lowering calorie
intake. There are so many diets around today sometimes its hard to decide or know what
one fits your need. Like i listed above you have those three diets all with different names
but run off the same concepts. I have personally done keto and was told after i had
emergency gallbladder surgery that its been known for adding stress to your gallbladder and
becoming normal to have it removed after a decent amount of weight loss. Personally i
think that with teaching your body not to have to use digestive organs as rough as a person
was used to due to weight loss or healthy eating habits is an impact just not considered a
negative impact on someone’s organs. I do think it takes a while to train the organs of the
digestive system to run properly to the new eating or diet habits allowing the body to adjust
and catch up. I do not know much about dietary intake. I know in the past my mom was
doing the Atkins diet. I believe that diet really just included her drinking the shakes and
eating the Atkins meals. I have been wanting to try the Keto diet. My friend recommended
that to me and she has said that it is effective. Because I am not big on exercising, she told
me that with doing the Keto diet, I do not have to exercise. However, I think that with any
diet, you must exercise too. I am still learning the ends and outs of exactly what is good to
eat in terms of making sure I have enough proteins and carbohydrates. I have stopped
eating so much fried foods because I do know that fried foods are not good for you.
Coupled with my experience with my gallbladder before I had it removed. I am trying to
eat more baked foods and limit my salt intake. Another recommendation that I have heard
of is counting calories. I have thought about doing that also. I will have to do more research
to find out how to do it correctly and what is good to eat and what not to eat. In the end, I
just need to stop running away from exercising. I believe that will be the most effective
way to lose weight and continue to watch what I eat. The first recommendation that I have
heard is one has the proper mindset to lose weight. Second, I would say drink drink plenty
of water, I was told if you drink a half of gallon or gallon of water it would help you urine
lose weight also because majority of your weight is water weight. I can agree with those
recommendation, because I have been losing weight for the last 2 months and with having
a great mindset staying motivated and just having the support on your weight lose journey
it will help you and want to push your more to lose weight and continue to be healthy.
Some benefits I would say drinking water you will really see a huge difference and that will
also help you wanting to stay motivated. I also hear many people say it starts in the kitchen,
which I totally agree with. Watching what you eat, the calories, and how much to consume
should be your main focused. I will also say losing weight is not hard you just have to stay
motivated and you will be fine. My knowledge of recommendation of dietary intake is
limited. I try to eat healthy by not eating a lot of junk food or take in too much salt. I pretty
much stick to a low fat diet by eating mostly protein, chicken specifically. I have tried
doing keto, but the high fat intake wasn't easy for me. I can eat chicken or steak every
meal, but the added fats was hard to upkeep as well as the vegetables that "were" allowed.
Most I don't eat, and considering my diet also consists of at least a little bit of rice or pasta
at most dinner meals it was hard for me to follow. I try staying away from most candy and
sweets as well as stick to mostly water and steer clear of soda for the most part. I wouldn't
say I eat this way because it is recommended. More so, I eat this way because I am super
picky when it comes to food and eat because I know it is needed to survive, not because it
is something that I enjoy because of being a food lover. My experience with this question is
based on a different kind of experience. My wife before I met her was at one point, almost
300 pounds. She followed the standard rules of eating healthy and exercise. She was a
Zumba instructor, taught swimming lessons, and ran like crazy. She lost the weight and was
down to 140 pounds when I met her, but she still felt like crap and was sick more then she
ever was before. She would pass out when standing up, low blood pressure and more stuff
that I cannot think of right now. She found a place In Green Bay WI that used a different
method then she was used too. The place is called the Wellness Way, and they looked at
things that her body was allergic too, things that she was eating that was causing
inflammation that led to weight gain. She found out that almost everything that she was
eating she was allergic too. Yeast, dairy, eggs, and some fish. She also found out that some
foods that she thought she was allergic too, like meat and proteins, she was actually not
allergic to and could start eating again. Its amazing what you can find out when you look
past the traditional doctors and look to alternative medicine to find out how foods are
effecting your body. There are so many nutritional “recommendations” out these days that
it is simply hard to keep up with the changes. I personally follow a ketogenic diet, which
has been tough but incredibly successful. Ketogenic basically reduces carbohydrates intake,
increased good fats and protein. Along with following this way of eating I also include a 16-
hour fasting window between my last meal of the day and first meal in the morning. It is
mean to give you digestive system a break and kind of “cleanse” itself for lack of better
word. It allows more time to break down toxins. This can help with people who suffer with
bloating and digestive disorders. In addition, you are able to modify your macros
(macronutrient). The easiest way to figure out your macros is by using an app that will do
all calculations for you based on goals. I have found this way of eating difficulty but
rewarding. I have lost body fat rather quickly. I am also able to sleep better at night and
wake up without the sluggish feeling. Some recommendations I have heard of are the beach
body, Paleo diet and weight watchers. They all are pretty much that same when it comes to
diet, they are low carb and clean eating. Beach body recurs a lot of intense work outs. I
personally enjoy the Paleo diet I have lost a good amount of weight from that particular
one. All of them are good for the digestive system all of them have helped me out in so
many ways. Weight watches has always been recommended by a lot of older women I
know. Lots of them have lost a great deal of weight and have kept it off well most of them
have. The Paleo diet I personally recommend because I have done that one in the past year
and lost so much weight and I lost it real fast, not to fast but faster than I have with any
other diet. It helped me regulate my blood pressure which I no longer have to take
medication for. It gave me tons of energy every day and I managed to actually keep off the
weight . Some recommendations I have heard of are, keto, south beach diet, weight
watchers, Atkins, and beach body. I think they are the same in the sense that their goal is to
help you want to lose weight and by doing their program they are saying that you will.
With these programs they also encourage working out. They are different in how they are
set up and the "rules" that go with them. For example, beach bodys whole program is set up
around workout programs. They have all different ones and nutiuriton and shakes to go
with it. Keto is very low carbs and hight fats, south beach they provide meals for you and
weight watchers you have a set amount of points for the day. I think some of reasons for
the recommendations is because it has worked for other people and they want to pass a long
what has worked for them. I think the impact it could have on the organs is if you aren’t
doing it correctly or using diet pills a long with it. I think if it used correclty it will be safe
and can work wonders for people. Some of the recommendations I have heard of are the
South Beach Diet, Adkins, Beach Body, Slim Fast, and Nutrisystem. These are all the same
because you need to exercise to really see results from these different programs. You can
just take them and do them without any exercise but it might take a minute just to see some
results from it. They are different in a way because some have strictly programs you follow
and then others have their specific meals you eat and shakes you drink. Some of the reasons
are it will help you live a healthier life and will reduce problems you already have but what
they don't tell you is all the underlined risk factors that are associated with taking the ones
that involve taking pills and some of them just have there meals so after you eat that and
your still hungry I feel like some are wanting you to train your stomach to not want more
so you are starving yourself in the process and that becomes a problem because you are not
getting the nutrients and vitamins you need. One of the recommendations that I have heard
concerning dietary recommendations is by a celebrity, on a commercial, for yogurt
containing protein and probiotics. They state that you need protein to help you feel full and
to give you energy. They state the probiotics help your digestive system by making your
bowel movements regular. I do not recall reading about probiotics in our recent text, but
when I look it up it says that probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can help your body
digest food among various other benefits. This sounds like it correlates to what the
commercial says however, I also read that the body makes enough of its own probiotics, so
consuming additional ones are not necessary.
b b The 2020-2025 government guidelines basically state to eat a diet that is healthy and full
of nutrients within your caloric budget. Only 15% of the calories that you consume should
come from sugar, saturated fat and alcohol (dietaryguidelines.gov). The reasons for limiting
these food choices are to reduce risks for diet related diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and
heard disease. Some of the recommendations I have heard of when it comes to losing
weight are the Iaso tea, cabbage soup diet, Keto, intermittent fasting, and even the Beyonce
diet. They are all the same in my opinion because they are diets that make you shed weight
fast. I would say Keto diet can more so become a lifestyle but the others to me are quick
weight shedding diets. I have tried the intermittent fasting diet myself and although it does
help you lose weight you also can put the weight back on very quickly once you stop. I like
to look for life changing diets, diets that can become a lifestyle. To my knowledge I have
never really heard of the impact these dietary commitments can cause on the digestive
organs. I believe that if you just eat healthy and stay active that the results will show. These
fast diets sometimes aren't as good for the body as we may think they are just because we
lose the weight because it can come right back.
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