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Flow control statements allow a programmer to check conditions and based on the results of
the program. If there is a problem in code and goes to that certain line of code, but if the
code runs true it will repeatedly keep running. Also through flow control statements you can
use break and continue statements to continue an iteration and terminate it. The good thing
about C# is it can modularize code into manageable chunks and complex code can be
executed through C#. A great example of C# being used is when college students are trying
to get admitted into college like text scores, financial standing and GPA. Where C# comes
into play is colleges run out of space and they have limited financial aid to give out, having
C# would find a loophole and notify the school if there was space and financial aid available
last minute for a student if another student leaves. It wouldn't be possible to write software
to check various conditions and change execution paths. Flow control in applications is
accomplished using conditional operators and Booleans to railroad designated inputs to their
ideal outputs. These tools allow for applications to fulfil a variety of select needs by
associating actions on a user interface to Boolean values which themselves are tied to
actionable code. This conditional code is structured to the order of its designer provide
functionality when needs are met. The process is multiplied to create an application with a
host of uses. An example application would be a basic match-3 puzzle game for iOS. The Ui
for the app is going to be minimalistic”. There’d be a PLAY, OPTIONS, CREDITS, and
“another game I made here button. All this could be tied to a branch of “if” statements that
proceed to their corresponding screens. Functions for the game would be tied to “start”,
”pause”, ”play” and share” where when conditionally read as TRUE would execute their
operations allowing the user to participate in my crafted experience at their own leisure.
Flow control allows for a flow to be controlled. That is in my eyes a tailored experience that
can be operated and observed by a participant. The concept as applied to programming
applies a level of automation to human interactions that facilitate end-to-end transactions of
all types. Flow control and functions operate in an application like how the USB symbol
looks. There is a starting point, multiple paths, and the function calls would represent the
tops. The USB symbol resembles this style of graph that I would use to map out the
functions and flow control. The USB symbol is a great example for this especially when you
put multiple in a graph. The Large circle would be the starting point, the smaller circle,
triangle, and the square would be the different paths or if statements. The different tips
would be the end of the function but depending on the point, it would point to or call another
function. Even the paths in the USB could represent paths in a program, The long triangle
would represent the normal flow and the two sides would be the if statements that could
result in a differing path to another function. I think that if you were to add two symbols to
a graph, it probably would not work as I would want it to but the symbol would still be a
great representation for flow control and functions. A good example of a simple weather
apps are the ones found on IOS and Android that provides users with the current weather
conditions, humidity, wind speed, and a five to seven-day forecast. The main function
usually starts displays the weather and temperature for the day on the home screen. The apps
have the main function call different sub-functions to display the current weather conditions
and the five to seven-day forecast. Sub-functions are responsible for retrieving data from an
external API, processing the data, and displaying the results in a user-friendly format.The
apps always allow you to select the user location by using flow control to prompt the user to
enter a location from a list. Once the location has been selected the app calls a function to
retrieve weather data for that location. When the weather is displayed, flow control is used
to determine how to display the results based on the user's options selected. Flow control
and functions allow weather apps to be more flexible, modular, and easier to maintain. It
allows developers to reuse code, reduce redundancy, and make the code easier to
understand. Flow control, on the other hand, creates different paths for the user to customize
the information they wish to have displayed, making the app more responsive and user-
friendly. Flow control is a basic but very important/powerful concept in programming. It
allows the programmer to have control of how the lines of code execute and which ones
execute. One of the simplest examples can a discount if a customer purchases $100 or more
of the product. If the purchase is greater then $100USD, a 10% discount will be given.
Flow Control Example
If the customer bought $100 USD or more in product
c c c c c c c c c c c c ((Unit Price X # of Units) *.9)
If the customer bought less than $100 USD in product
c c c c c c c c c c c c Unit Price X # of Units
Not both of these lines of code will execute. One or the other and then the appropriate math
will be done based on the purchase price. Flow control allows the code to be more efficient,
maintainable, flexible, and scalable over time. Allowing the program, the ability to decide
which line of code will be executed next means the code doesn’t have to go line by line but
can skip lines of code based on previous lines of code’s results. This makes the code much
more usable and allows for many more scenarios to be solved by the program. Finally flow
control will allow the programmer to write less code as the flow control can allow for the
same code to be reused in a loop till X happens for an example. If less than 25, repeat. The
flow control will reuse the same line of code or lines of code till 25 has been met. Flow
control and functions are important concepts in programming that enable developers to
create complex and flexible applications. In a weather forecasting application, flow control
is used to determine how the program behaves in different scenarios. For example, if the
user enters an invalid location, the application would display an error message and prompt
the user to try again. Functions break down the program into smaller, reusable pieces that
can be combined to perform specific tasks, such as formatting the data returned from the
API or generating activity recommendations based on weather conditions. By using flow
control and functions, developers can create applications that are easy to modify and extend.
This means that new functions can be added, or existing ones modified without having to
change the main function's code. For instance, if the application needs to support multiple
weather APIs or display more detailed weather information, developers can modify the
existing functions or add new ones to achieve this.Flow control and functions are powerful
tools that enable developers to create flexible, maintainable, and extensible applications.
They allow developers to create applications that can adapt to changing requirements and
provide a better user experience. In the case of a weather forecasting application, flow
control, and functions would be used to handle user input, query the weather API for data,
and display the results, as well as generate actionable recommendations based on the
weather conditions. An example application is one where students are being evaluated for
admission to a university; various conditions need to be checked such as test scores, GPA,
statement-of-purpose, financial status - and flow control statements are required to decide
whether a student can be granted admission or not and also whether the student can be
considered eligible for financial aid. Also, there are limited seats available in each course
and there is a budget for financial aid, so loops come in handy to grant admission to students
as long as seats are available and as long as the aid budget is not exhausted. Flow control
also comes into play if a student declines an admission, and an alternate student needs to be
chosen for admission from the waiting list. For code that is repeated (e.g. the same logic
applies with slight variations for domestic, in-state, out-of-state and international students),
moving the concerned code to a function allows us to avoid repeating very similar code in
multiple places. Without flow control, it would be impossible to write software to check
various conditions and change execution paths based on these, hence these are fundamental
to C# (and any programming language). Flow control in an application is used to help
program execution take various paths. Often times when the flow control sends the program
execution a certain way different functions could be called. It is the functions in your
program that will not only be called based on flow control but will be called and within them
have flow control and even more functions able to be called.
For example, lets say you have a web based account registration application. Users will be
required to fill out certain fields such as first name, last name, email and phone number. A
function be called once the user hits the submit button in order to check the information.
Inside the function could be flow control such as "if" statements to check that a value was
entered and that it was a valid value. The first step to any language is syntax, but there is a
lot more to building software system solutions than just building a system that compiles and
runs. (More on performance in future weeks). Most of us will work for an organization
where we are part of a development team. The ability to adhere to standards for code
development, data security/integrity, and performance will at the top of the priority list for
any development project. Thus, the introduction of style guides. A style guide is typically a
document that has rules and guidelines about how to write code. This is typically language-
specific but there are organizational style and standards that will be applied across all
languages and development platforms. C# has several types of flow control constructs that
can be found in other programming languages, such as loops, switches, and conditionals but
it also has some features and syntax for flow control.
A good example is "yield return" statement that allows creation of iterators that can repeat a
group of values over and over making it easier for working with large data sets. It also has
the "lock" statement that allows multithreading, creating critical sections of code that can be
used by one thread at a time. It helps prevents race conditions and synchronization issues. In
Conclusion C# as a lot of the same flow control that other languages have. And do not let
me forget to reiterate that it is one of the very important languages used to write Operating
system like IOS, Android, Linux, Windows and Mac OS. It is a trusted language used for
generations of platforms that have come and gone over the many years. That is what makes
it a great tool, is its unique features and Syntax to managing program flow and creating
efficient and effective code. The Control Flow Statements in C# are the statements that Alter
the Flow of Program Execution and provide better control to the programmer on the flow of
execution. The Control Flow Statements are useful to write better and more complex
programs. A program executes from top to bottom except when we use control statements.
We can control the order of execution of the program, based on logic and values.
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