PSY 211 Project One Template
Use this template to complete your case study analysis. Answer each question with a minimum of 3 to 5
sentences. Support your answers with credible sources when appropriate. Complete this template by
replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information.
1. Describe the ways in which Piaget’s research applies to Kelly’s development.
- Piaget’s research showed that children go through four different stages as they develop;
sensorimotor, pre-operation, concrete operational, and formal operational. The first
stage, sensorimotor, is during birth till the age of two and is described at the period in
which infants think using their senses and motor activities. The second stage, the
preoperational stage, takes place during the ages of 2 and 7 and is described as the
stage in which children utilize their new ability to depict objects in a broad variety of
tasks, but they do not yet do it in an orderly or entirely logical manner. The third stage,
the concrete operational stage, takes place during the ages of 7 and 11 and this stage is
where the child's mental processes begin to include logic, as well as making sense of
items based on similarities and distinctions. The final stage, formal operational stage,
takes place form the age of 11 and beyond and is where the child develops the capacity
to reason about hypothetical or abstract concepts as well as physical items and
occurrences, “Children actively create knowledge by building schemes from their
experiences using two inborn intellectual functions, which Piaget called organization
and adaptation” (Sigelman and Rider, 2021). Being raised in a psychologically abusive
household, she developed those negative traits that take place while she is in school.
2. Describe the ways in which Vygotsky’s research applies to Kelly’s development.
- “Vygotsky’s theory states that children gain knowledge, at least complex thought, from
social interactions with adults and wiser children” (Barnett, 2019). Vygotsky has another
theory called the “zone of proximal development” which is the distance from what a
learner can do without help and what a learner can do with the help of a more
knowledgeable other. Due to the environment Kelly grew up in, she is having trouble
regulating her emotions and more than likely reacting in a way that imitates the way her
parents behaved. She is also having difficulty building peer relationships when she seeks
reassurance from her peers which follows Vygotsky’s theory on how social interaction
plays a big part in cognitive development.
3. Identify factors that could have influenced Kelly’s physical well-being during the prenatal, birth,
and early childhood stages of development.
- “During the prenatal stage, genetic and environmental factors can affect development”
(Stages of Development, n.d.). Judi has a history of excessive drinking which is
extremely harmful to do while you are pregnant and her inattention to healthy practices
can also be harmful during the prenatal stage. Some other factors that can influence the
physical well-being during the prenatal and birth are exposure to toxins in the
environment, stress level, and maternal nutrition. Another risk that could be due to
Judi’s excessive drinking is her being more prone to different health issues. A result of
some of these factors could be premature birth, child being underweight, miscarage,
and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders.
4. Identify factors that could have influenced Kelly’s cognitive well-being during the prenatal,
birth, and early childhood stages of development.
- One of the factors that could have influenced Kelly’s cognitive well-being would be
exposure to toxins or pollutants that can negatively impact neurological development.
Low levels of nutrition, such as folic acid, may interfere with brain growth. Parental
mental health can also have a negative impact on a child's cognitive well-being.
5. Identify factors that could have influenced Kelly’s psychosocial well-being during the early and
middle childhood stages of development.
- Maternal substance or alcohol use can cause delayed development, attention issues and
hyperactivity. Judi’s severe psychosocial trauma can also lead to emotional issues,
ADHD, and conduct disorder. It is also stated that Judi has an inattention to good health
practices can also lead to developmental issues because proper nutrition while pregnant
is absolutely essential for proper development of the brain. Kelly’s negative interactions
with her peers can impact her social skills and her self esteem.
6. Evaluate the sociocultural factors that could contribute to Kelly’s maladaptive behavior.
- Alcohol abuse in parents is a major risk factor for undesirable psychosocial results in
their offspring. Children who are victims of parental abuse or neglect are more likely to
possess negative outcomes that last into adulthood, including persistent problems with
emotional regulation, self-concept, social skills, and academic motivation, as well as
serious learning and adjustment issues such as academic failure, severe depression,
aggressive behavior, peer difficulties, substance abuse, and delinquency (Odhayani et
al., 2013). Kelly’s struggles with childhood anxiety and depression can also result in
maladaptive behaviors.
7. Explain why it is important to consider the physical, cognitive, and psychosocial factors in
combination (versus separately) throughout the life span when evaluating an individual’s well-
- “Development is systematic changes and continuities over the life span, involving gains,
losses, and neutral changes in physical, cognitive, and psychosocial functioning and
including aging; it is more than growth in childhood and biological aging (decline) in
adulthood” (Sigelman and Rider, 2021). In other words, in order to get a complete view
at someone's health, you must look into all three factors. A full assessment of an
individual's well-being entails analyzing all of these components together in order to
identify possible difficulties and establish successful interventions that address the
whole person during the course of their lives.
8. Describe the research or theory that best explains Kelly’s behavior. Explain your response.
-The theory that best explains Kelly’s behavior would be Albert Bandura’s social learning
theory. “Albert Bandura’s social learning theory suggests that people learn new
behaviors by observing and imitating others” (McLeod, 2024). The theory focuses on the
importance of learning from observation, in which individuals gain knowledge, skills,
attitudes, and beliefs by analyzing others' actions and the repercussions that follow,
leading to the modeling and implementation of observed behaviors.
Al Odhayani, A., Watson, W. J., & Watson, L. (2013). Behavioural consequences of child abuse. Canadian
family physician Medecin de famille canadien, 59(8), 831–836.
Barnett, S. (2019). Application of Vygotsky’s Social Development Theory. Journal of Education and
Practice, 10.
McLeod, S. (2024, February 1). Albert Bandura's Social Learning Theory In Psychology. Simply
Stages of Development | Introduction to Psychology. (n.d.).