Generally, trade and professional associations are non-profit
membership organizations whose members are interested in the
same subject matter. Professional organizations (also called
professional societies) bring together individuals working in the same
industry. Trade and professional associations aim to promote their
members' economic activities through cooperation and ethical
behavior. There are several professional organizations devoted to the
human services sector, including:
NABSW National Association of Black Social Workers-
Founded in 1968, the National Association of Black Workers Inc.
provides a platform for black social workers to reconnect with their
African heritage and help people understand how black social
workers pioneered solutions to social welfare issues both in the past
and present. In addition, the association provides opportunities for
training, and personal and professional development for black
individuals, social workers, and community workers to improve their
communities. NABSW is committed to empowering people of African
ancestry through advocacy, human services delivery, and research. A
mission that aims to eliminate poverty, racial dominance, and
economic exploitation of people of African ancestry. NABSW will
continue leveraging its collective expertise with national,
international, and other appropriate groups to strategically develop
the capacity of people of African ancestry to prosper and sustain
themselves (NABSW, 2022).
As a national, state, and local advocacy organization, NABSW
promotes, defends, and liberates the Black Community. There are
more than 100 NABSW membership chapters throughout the
continental U.S., Canada, and the Caribbean, and over 30 university
and college student chapters. Additionally, there are affiliate groups
in both West and South Africa. National and international
conferences are held by NABSW every year for its members and
potential members bringing scholars, practitioners, and
administrators with conferees from various social work settings to
discuss a summer opportunity to experience African culture, heritage,
and social institutions by traveling to Africa and African countries.
Additionally, students can participate in a mentoring program, access
a student-specific office, and apply for scholarships. They receive the
same benefits as regular members. Students can become members by
joining a college or university chapter, and they must attend the
college/university in which their chapter has its headquarters. Often,
student chapters hold meetings, host events, and serve as
ambassadors for their schools and communities. Students from each
chapter vote at national and quarterly sessions (NABSW, 2022).
Student memberships include the following:
• Networking opportunities
• Discounted full-time student membership
• Discounted pricing for State, Regional, National, and International
• The opportunity to participate in quarterly national Steering
Committee meetings
• Local chapter and National leadership opportunities
• Access to webinars and online trainings
• Continuing education Units
• Opportunities for study in the Organization’s African Centered
Social work Academy
• Awards to recognize individual and chapter accomplishments
• Website exposure for chapters and members
• Access to NABSW Position Papers and Position Statements
(NABSW, 2022)
In having a brief conversation with Terry, a member of the National
Office staff, located in Washington, D.C., the membership fee for
students is $15.00 (students must presently attend a degree
program), and proof of enrollment is required. Among the educational
opportunities available for eligible student members:
• Book Scholarships
Delois Whitaker Caldwell
Dr. Theresa L. Roberts
Stella M. Browne
• Tuition Scholarships
“Jomo” Williams
Dr. Morris & Jeff F.X., Jr
Dr. Frederick E. Smith
Delois Whitaker Caldwell
• Scholarships span $1000-$2500
(NABSW, 2022)
By joining NABSW offers the opportunity to become culturally adept
by developing awareness of your cultural beliefs and values and how
they may differ from those of others, including learning about and
honoring the diverse cultures of those you work with. As a result, you
gain a deeper understanding of and respect for families' history,
cultures, languages, traditions, and child-rearing practices, as well as
their different capabilities and abilities. Cultural competency is
imperative because our opportunities to build those relationships are
impossible without it. Besides, by coexisting with people we don't
understand, we increase the risk of misunderstanding, conflict, and
bias. Although this organization is highly commendable, unfortunately
I do not meet the criteria for membership.
APHA American Public Health Association-
Founded in 1872, APHA offers in particular, strong policy statements
on critical public health issues, like obesity, maternity care, controlling
infectious diseases, and eliminating disparities in access to health
care. In addition to shaping, writing briefs, sharing research, and
referencing public health work, APHA advocates are instrumental in
framing the field. They contribute to tracking disease outbreaks,
preventing injuries, and understanding why some of us are more
prone to getting sick than others. Take on action with regard to public
health includes advocating for laws that support smoking-free indoor
environments, promoting wellness, and bringing science-based
solutions to the table. The public health system saves money,
improves our quality of life, ensures that children thrive, and lessens
suffering (APHA, 2022).
According to APHA (2022), the student membership program with
APHA provides you with the tools and resources you need to get
started in public health and expand your expertise. With 8,000+
members, the Student Assembly is the nation's largest student-led
public health organization and offers several benefits. Members of
APHA can also take advantage of leadership opportunities and
scholarships to attend meetings. All of APHA's core benefits are also
available to students, including:
- networking and expanding your expertise are possible
through community-based opportunities.
Professional Development
- Career Mart, a job site for public health
professionals, offers membership discounts on services, including
resume review, career coaching, and reference verification. A
member will also receive a discount at the annual meeting and Expo,
an event dedicated to public health.
The Science and Industry Resources
- provides peer-reviewed
journals, original research, program evaluations, and special reports
on public health. Whether it's state legislative news or national public
health news, these journals cover it all.
The membership fee for students is $85.00 (students must presently
attend a degree program), and proof of enrollment is required. Among
the educational opportunities are:
• Online degree programs at Benedictine University are discounted
by 10%
• 10-25% tuition discount on online degree programs at Drexel
University Online
• There is a $2,500 scholarship available for qualified members at
the Milken Institute School of Public Health at GWU.
(APHA, 2022)
By joining APHA, my career as a human service professional will
greatly benefit by membership in this specialized association. In
addition, getting involved in an organization offers numerous
advantages for success in the profession. When choosing a company
to join, several factors, such as opportunities for professional
development, networking, advocacy, lobbying, resources, job
announcements, and career counseling are considered.
I have enjoyed learning alongside each of you. Wishing everyone
success on their journeys. Happy Holidays, stay safe!
APHA. (2022, December 12). 150 Years APHA. Retrieved from
NABSW. (2022, December 14). Welcome to the National Association
of Black Social Workers. Retrieved from National Association of Black
social workers: