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The medical model assumes that mental disorders are diseases or
illnesses that impair an individual's ability to function. (Woodside,
2018) This disease responds to medical intervention. Intervention such
as medication, lab studies, or even physical therapies. There are many
different drugs and treatments that can be used to treat the patient.
The public health model is the same as the medical model in the sense of
diagnosis and treatment process. However, the people receiving the
treatment and the method they are being treated, is totally different. This
model focuses more on groups of people whereas the medical model is
more about the individual patient. These groups are by population, types
of problems, or specific characteristics, and views mental disorders as
malfunctions or pressures created by the environment or society.
(Woodside, 2018) The medical model and public health model view
those differently since the medical model sees these as a disease.
The human service model looks at the interaction between the individual
and the environment, and stresses the need for balance between the two.
This model focuses more on interpersonal and environmental conflicts
that may come from a problem like a mental disorder. Treatment in this
model focuses on clients strengths and to provide services that help
individuals solve their problems. This model is different than the other
two because it sees problems as a necessity to everyday life and because
human existence is complex. Problems are not seen as a
disease.(Woodside, 2018)
Each of these view mental health problems and environmental problems
differently, in addition to that, they all use a different method of how to treat
these problems. Each model views the person or what needs treatment
differently and it is important to recognize how each of them tackles problems.
Woodside, M. R., & McClam, T. (2018). An Introduction to Human Services
(9th ed.). Cengage Learning US.
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