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I chose discontinuous innovation for Milestone One. My strategy was to
introduce a radical and new technology that more than satisfied consumer’s
desires, and allowed our company to stay at the forefront in the luxury vehicle
market. I chose this path as our company had limited IoT connected offerings
and we were on a path to losing market share and relevance within the
I originally chose the stage-gate process to manage innovation as it
seemed well suited for our goals. It enabled cross functional teamwork, had
measurable goals at each stage, limited costs, and had a definable timeline. a I
quickly decided that it would be wise to switch to the lean method as necessary
as it would allow innovation to occur at a more rapid pace. The desired
timeframe for discontinuous product launch was shortened due to our
competitor releasing a prototype earlier than expected.
I chose to implement an organizational structure similar to Lockheed’s
Skunk Works. Our current organizational structure stifled creativity and
innovation and therefore would not be ideal to reach our goal of discontinuous
innovation. A permanent cross functional team with a degree of autonomy
would allow creative ideas to flow more freely and would ideally lead to more
and better innovation.
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