Discuss the issues/dilemmas in the case study.
Discuss the rationale (values and practices) that informs the actions of each party involved in
the conflict.
Discuss possible solutions to the dilemma presented in the case study.
Use Scripture and the course material to support your thoughts.
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Baptizing a Polygamist? Are You Kidding?
“Imagine! The mission is permitting the baptism of n with several wives! Never facing such a me
challenge, led us to wonder what we should do. Our agency must be getting broadminded. Now
what are we going to do? ”
It was our first term of ministry as missionaries. Joanne and I had been appointed to serve with
an evangelical mission agency that emphasized the evangelization of Indians. P -field re
preparation completed we left our home land to begin language studies. Midway through the ,
studies, our Field Director suggested that we take a break from our studies. The occasion would
allow us to travel to an Indian village, our first encounter those we sensed God had called us. to
Naturally we were filled with excitement. We couldn’t possibly turn down the opportunity.
During the long rough journey, we were told that several missionaries would hold a business
meeting to address a serious issue. The issue was not disclosed at that time Upon our arrival to .
the village, greetings were exchanged with missionaries and the curious Indians alike The field .
committee would begin its sessions the following day. As a new missionary, I was not included
in the meetings. Tension was obvious when the missionaries returned. However, the subject at ir
hand would not be discussed until the forthcoming annual field conference .
Missionaries from all parts of field gathered for spiritual encouragement and fellowship at the
annual conference business sessions soon exposed th serious matter under discussion. The . The e
board of directors of the mission had issued a policy stating that converted polygamists could be
baptized. It was acceptable that the numerous wives could remain with them. Several ir
missionaries strongly disagreed, charging the leadership r approving adultery. Based on fo
Romans 7:2-3, it states that if a man marries another woman while his wife lives, he has
committed adultery. They therefore insisted that all but the first wife should put away and be
afterwards as a professing Christian, he should be baptized. Other field personnel he tily ar
disagreed. We cannot undo what has already been done. To quote an old proverb, “You can’t
unscramble eggs.” You can’t dissolve the previous marriages. As believers, the polygamist
Indians were forgiven and therefore were allowed to enter baptismal waters. It would not be fair
to put away their multiple wives. What would happen to them? Would they become prostitutes?
It was understood that these new converts could never serve as church leaders but baptism? That
was another subject.
By the end of conference, bitter feelings were being expressed by all parties. We, as new
missionaries were caught in the middle of the battle In the following weeks, before the older .
missionaries returned to their village of ministry, they would visit in our home. Whereas some
encouraged us to leave the mission. others assured us that the mission had solid biblical support
and that we should remain. I began to reflect back over my studies on Cultural Anthropology in
Bible College. Though the problem was referenced there no solution was given Correspondence , .
was sent to former Theology professors asking their counsel. The responses indicated they were
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not well versed on this debatable issue enough to come to a biblically based conclusion. I went
one step further by contacting our supporting churches. Bias opinions were expressed among
them, again because they were so out of touch with polygamist situations.
Since Joanne and I were to begin a ministry among such indigenous peoples after language
study, the mission’s decision would eventually affect us. So I felt it necessary to begin a research
project, seeking for answers. After a year of study, the time arrived to present the results. Would
I pt the position that the mission took and carry on or should I resign and seek another acce
ministry. Among the missionaries that remained on the field, I began to share saying . . . .