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Intake Report Part One: Initial Interview
CEFS 521: Assessment Techniques In Counseling
January 29th, 2022
Intake Report Part One:
Initial Interview
Jeremy Roberts
Department of Professional Counseling, Liberty University
Intake Report Part One: Initial Interview CEFS 521
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Current Situation and Functioning
Identifying Information
Name: John Duff
Address: 355 Ford St. Newburgh, IN 47610
Phone number: (812) 255-7554
DOB: 04/07/1983
Race & Gender: Caucasian/Male
Marital status: Married
Occupation: Church Counselor
Place of work & phone number: Abundant Life Community Church (270) 922-8575
Emergency contact: Jimmy Duff & Carolyn Duff (Father & Mother) (812) 217-8621
Date of interview: January 28th 2022.
Reason for Referral
Mr. Duff was referred to me for evaluation by our local church which is his place of
employment. The church needed an honest evaluation for him so that they may a second
opinion or confirmation with him participating in an active mission trip this year to Nigeria.
This area and the time of the year as well could be challenging for John because of the
location and differing climate. (Would the Client be a good candidate for participation in a
summer mission’s trip in a very challenging environment?)
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Psychiatric Treatment History
Mr. Duff has seen a therapist in the past, on and off, for about 5 years in regard to
anxiety. His father had been an alcoholic for quite some time in his past. After undergoing
bouts of treatment from a counselor of his own, he was 17 years old. During the process he
Relevant Medical History
Mr. Duff has no medical history to note. The only medical history that is present and
that is known is the fact that his family has had heart conditions and strokes on his father’s
side he told me. He also told me he has tried his best to keep his self in shape and healthy as
much as possible. Mr. Duff does get regular checkups every 90 days.
Mr. Duff stated that his everyday routine consists of waking up in the morning at 7:00
AM to go for a short walk in his neighborhood, he then reads a passage out of psalms or
proverbs to start the day, finishes up with a word of prayer. Afterward at 7:40 AM, he wakes
up his son to get him ready for school during the week. It can be frustrating at times because
his son stays up late without him knowing it which causes him to have tardees at school
ultimately. Sometimes this situation builds up and he can feel stressed out from day to day
and this causes the feeling of being mentally drained when beginning his day at work. This is
upsetting because he desires only to give 100% of his time to his clients. His wife passed
away a year ago so he is now on his own raising their 8 year old son. He knows that God still
has a purpose in this situation but the stress can build up at times.
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admitted to smoking marijuana and after his 19th birthday he was influenced by someone who
spoke to his heart about Jesus and never touched drugs again. At the end of the day, the
combination of therapy for his self and the church ministry he chose to be involved with
helped John elevate his self toward a higher calling.
Family History
Mr. Duff is the oldest of 2 sibling brothers. He was naturally chosen by both his
parents to shoulder some of the responsible load to care for his two brothers as well as protect
them from a certain degree. If anything were to happen, Mr. Duff was naturally blamed first
as the leader instead of punishing individually. He claims that this also had to do with the
alcohol that affected his father and how overly submissive his mother was. At times, he
would have to make the meals for both his brothers almost as a parent to them it seemed. His
mom also would say that they should all feel fortunate to have a bed to sleep in at night. Even
though the family life seemed tough on him, he was able to push through the adversity of
domestic violence and abuse and mature his mentality into becoming a counselor which he
feels is his calling in life. He claims that the family background didn’t define him but
ultimately gave him a testimony. Currently, John allows his son to see his parents
occasionally, on birthdays and holidays. He claims he holds no ill feelings but that his mom
and dad prefer the visitations this way.
Social and Developmental History
Mr. Duff allowed me to understand that he was never asked to take on the
responsibilities of an adult at such an early age. He had also let me know that along with this
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Educational and Occupational History
adult mentality he had to keep up, the social behavior toward others as a teenager differed
from the peers around him. While some teenagers were at school functions or gatherings, he
would have to make sure that the children weren’t in danger of harming themselves
unintentionally. Mr. Duff let me know that his head had to be on a swivel. At night to his self
he would pray to God for a change, and he kept getting the same verse kind of like the
Apostle Paul’s message: “My grace is sufficient in weakness.” While in school he became
offput and backward toward his peers. Although he did well with his grades through middle
school and high school, it always felt like something was missing on the inside of his heart
which involved the intimacy between son and mom with dad. In his last year of high school,
he decided to work hard toward achieving a 4.0 to be able to progress towards a university to
He also did not play any sports in school. He did join FCA because he liked the Bible and
scriptural teaching/fellowship involved. He met his wife at graduation after mentioning to her
how important it was for him to move toward God on a brighter path at a higher note. His
soon to be wife began to realize that his heart and mind was in the right direction. They
decided to be married 5 years later. After marriage, it wasn’t long before they had their only
son and his wife would be diagnosed with a disease which he would not disclose after birth.
The development of his mentality toward others and the fire that John endured with the death
of his wife, placed an imprint on me that Mr. Duff had endured enough to move ahead toward
a profession that sparked his purpose through the pain. This trip would only fuel his
emotional/spiritual development.
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Mr. Duff attended the University of Southern Indiana and achieved his Master’s
degree through the school and later moved up into an approved application to the licensing
board of Indiana as an Licensed Counselor. He is currently employed at the Abundant Life
Community Church as a Christian Counselor and has been with the church and working
alongside them for 4 years. Mr. Duff has developed high levels of trust for the pastoral team
and they have heard his testimony and are eager to see him move up into the right profession
and prosper with the Lord as his guide and shepherd.
Cultural Influences
An influence for Mr. Duff during the years of time with the church and in general has
obviously been his relationship with Jesus Christ and the relationship he has with his son as
well. He understands that to influence his son in a Christ like manner is to also work on his
own faith and build that up serves two purposes. Mr. Duff’s pastor @ Abundant Life
Community Church meets with him twice a week for prayer and fellowship to go over any
questions or concerns he might have as a professional and friend as well. There are also a
number of elders he can call on at any time a part of a prayer chain also.
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