Social Work: Client Assessment based on Video
Finance & EconThis is a Social Work field Assignment. This paper is from the Social Work field and is about Client Assessment/ Client Assisment form based on a video clip that is about 30 min. lenght.
You must watch this clip that I will provide you with link for. the clip is about 30-40 min in lenght but for some reason is devided into 5 part. You must watch all 5 parts of this video.
This video is about a girl named Kristin who is in her early 20's. She is alcoholic, heroin addict, prostitute. You are to watch this video and I will attach the Assessment form that you are to fill out. I will also attach a sample of this form so you can view an example of how this form is completed.
The form is asking to complete Description of the problem that Kristin is facing, Family history, Intellectual functioning, Social functioning, Occupational functioning. You are to do Assessment Form on Kristin.
This the your video based on Kristins Life:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:
i will attach the Client Assessment form and also i will attach a sample so you can view how this order should be completed.
- 11 years ago
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- sociology.doc