MIS 567 Research paper Outline For Madam-professor



MIS567 Research Project Final Paper Assignment: Topic Selection (ungraded, but required)

Review and research the possible topic choices. Choose your research paper topic and upload it via the Week 2 Dropbox titled "Topic Selection." Your topic choice will be reviewed, and you will receive feedback and/or approval of your topic choice. You do not have to select one of the listed topics. If there is a healthcare information technology topic that you would like to write about that is not listed, let the instructor know. The appropriateness of the topic will be evaluated against the TCO(s) your paper is intended to address.

Possible Paper Topics

Assignment: You have been asked by the executive committee of your healthcare facility to write a report on the strategic implications of information technology for your firm in the next three years. The executive committee has identified a number of potential research topics.

For your convenience, below is a list of possible topics for you to consider. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. If there is not a topic listed here that you would like to research and write about, contact your instructor so that the appropriateness (TCO[s] related, broad enough, etc.) of your topic can be assessed.

  • Electronic health record
  • Computer-based patient record (CPR)
  • E-health
  • E-commerce in healthcare
  • Implementing telemedicine
  • Clinical quality management
  • The use of personal digital assistants in healthcare

Corporate Applications

  • Clinical information systems
  • Enterprise systems in the healthcare setting
  • Clinical decision support systems
  • Expert systems
  • Artificial intelligence applications in healthcare
  • Implementing healthcare information systems
  • The use of the Internet in healthcare
  • Executive support systems
  • Transaction processing systems
  • Knowledge management systems
  • Groupware
  • Intranets

Research Paper Outline (Due Week 3)

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Once you begin your research, you will need to create an outline describing how your paper will be presented. Your outline should include (but not be limited to) the following:

  1. Abstract
  2. Purpose of the Report
  3. Background of the Topic
  4. Discussion of Current Issues
  5. Recommendations based on research
  6. Attachments

Submit your outline in the Week 3 Dropbox titled "Outline."

Week 3 due March 23—Research Project Draft Outline: Please post your outline for your final paper in the (graded) Final Paper Dropbox titled "Outline".  (See grading rubric in Doc Sharing)  Again, do not forget the APA requirements.  The body of the paper should be your outline, in indented form or sentence-form, the purpose of which is to organize the information you are beginning to find in your research.  In-text citations are not required at this step (except for direct quotations).  Your reference section will include your initial references and any additional references you have used in developing the outline.


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