Minors should not be sent to jail essay


Minors should not be sent to jail 


. Write a research paper that tries to convince the reader of a position. In other words, to repeat, your paper should not just inform your reader about a topic, but instead it must convince your reader of something. Think of an argumentative paper as writing FOR or AGAINST something.



Your final research paper must be between 1500-1800 words and adhere to MLA formatting. 


Source guidelines:


The paper must incorporate formal research.

A minimum of three (3) sources must be used - a maximum of five (5) sources can be used.

Only ONE (1)  source may come from a direct website; this does not mean that you cannot conduct all of your research online -- you can, but your other sources must be academic ones (books, newspaper articles, journal articles, etc.). It IS possible to access these sources remotely via the library portal (from your home or work computer) without having to physically visit the library, if you would prefer not to or are unable to do so. The unit content will explain how this is possible.

Within the paper itself, you must cite each source from which you paraphrase, summarize, or quote. All in-text citations must adhere to MLA formatting. Although this is a reseach paper assignment, the bulk of the paper should still come from your own original ideas, interpretations, evaluations, and suggestions. Roughly, no more than 30% of the paper should come from source material.

An accompanying Works Cited page is required: papers submitted without one will automatically earn a zero (0).

Accompanying multi-media materials can be incorporated -- and are encouraged! -- but should be in addition to, not in place of, other formal source material and own content.




The “Excellent/A” paper likely:

  • Uses a sophisticated title. The introduction paragraph provides an excellentoverview of the chosen topic, along with any necessary background information, and there is a concise thesis that clearly argues for or againstsomething, presents a solution to a problem, or defends a position. The overall argument is thought-provoking and engaging to the reader.
  • Is organized logically and effectively. The paper uses an organizational pattern consistently in order to efficiently answer the research question. Each paragraph focuses on a single idea and makes use of a stated, concise topic sentence (or the topic is gracefully implied).Sophisticatedtransitions are used to show connections between paragraphs. These transitions are seamless and each paragraph builds on the preceding one.
  • Develops body paragraphs withinteresting and original reasons. A large portion of each paragraph is devoted to the writer's own opinion and evaluation. Each body paragraph presents a focused idea that answers how and/or why (or why not). Evidence for the writer's opinion has been provided by usingeffective andappropriatequotations throughout. Source material has been used in less than 30% of the paper, and valid evaluations follow all the source material included. As a whole, the body paragraphs demonstrate asuperior level of understanding of the controversial issue and the argument presented. The essay engages the topic in an original way. The research question is significant and focused, and the essay presents an original and sophisticated point of view. Overall, the essay makes a verypersuasive argument.
  • Includes a conclusion that offers asophisticated final evaluation of the main points of the argument and leaves the reader with a final impression. The conclusion makes a call for action, puts forth specificsuggestions, guidelines, or alternatives, and/or outlines a future outlook.
  • Shows a complete understanding of MLA documentation. Chosen sources are relevant and recent. Quotations are almost always properly integrated into the paper. Parenthetical references almost always refer to correct page numbers and are properly punctuated. Signal phrases have been used to add credibility to the essay. A corresponding Works Cited page is included that properly cites all sources used. The overall formatting of the document adheres to MLA style. Paper adheres to the source type and amount requirements.
  • Uses appropriate academic tone.
  • Meets or exceeds the length requirements.
  • Has been carefully edited and proofread. It is likely to be flawless or near flawless. There are either no errors in grammar/mechanics or few errors exist, ones that are so minor that they do not distract the reader.




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