MGMT520 Legal, Political, and Ethical Dimensions: Week 2- Administrative Law Assignment
Pick an administrative agency of either the federal or a state government. Find where the current and proposed regulation changes for that agency are located on the Internet. (i.e., the Federal Register or the State Administrative Agency website.) is a good place to begin your research. Pick one proposed regulation change currently under consideration (if you find one that has already closed out but interests you, you can use that instead) and write the following regarding it:
1. State the administrative agency which controls the regulation. Explain why this agency and your proposed regulation interest you (briefly). Will this proposed regulation affect you or the business in which you are working? If so, how? Submit a copy of the proposed regulation along with your responses to these five questions. The proposed regulation can be submitted as either a separate Word document (.doc) or Adobe file (.pdf). This means you will submit two attachments to the Week 2 Dropbox: (a) a Word document with the questions and your answers and (b) a copy of the proposed regulation you used for this assignment. (10 points)
2. Describe the proposal/change. (10 points)
3. Write the public comment that you would submit to this proposal. If the proposed regulation deadline has already passed, write the comment you would have submitted. Explain briefly what you wish to accomplish with your comment. (10 points)
4. Provide the "deadline" by which the public comment must be made. (If the date has already passed, please provide when the deadline was). (5 points)
5. •Once you have submitted your comment, what will you be legally entitled to do later in the promulgation process (if you should choose to do so)? (See the textbook's discussion of the Administrative Procedure Act.)
•If the proposal passes, identify and explain the five legal theories you could use in an attempt to have (any) administrative regulation declared invalid and overturned in court.
•Which of these challenges would be the best way to challenge the regulation you selected for this assignment if you wanted to have the regulation overturned and why?
Answer all of these questions for #5 even if you are in favor of your proposed regulation.
The response to question 5 should be a minimum of 2–3 paragraphs long. (15 points)
Use the Week 2 Assignment Template in Doc Sharing to complete this assignment. Your homework will be about 1 to 2 pages long, single spaced (50 points).
Note: Please answer the question on the attached Week 2 Homework Template.
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-Homework Field of study:Lgl, Poli, Ethcl Dimns of Busn
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