
profileShanEn  <---- This is where I got all the information for this project and its where you'll find all the information for the in-text citations that need to be added.



Revise your initial draft. Use the appropriate genre and rhetorical style 

based on the topic, purpose, and audience for your essay. Support 

your ideas with relevant research. Be sure to use APA formatting 

to cite references. 


Title: Finalize the Essay and Make a Presentation 

This week, incorporate the feedback received from your instructor on 

the revised draft; complete substantive editing, copyediting, and In addition, prepare a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation that 

highlights the writing process you followed while creating the essay on 

your chosen career. Use the Notes feature of PowerPoint to write 

what you would say during an oral presentation. 

Submission Requirements 

Format: Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint 

Font: Arial, 12, double-spaced 

Citation Style: APA 


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