Assignment: Research Paper Outline


**I have submitted the chapter, the topic is Colonial and Early American Courts**

Your paper should consist of three basic parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion.


Introduction: The introduction identifies the central theme of the paper and previews major points to be made. It tells the reader what your paper is about and what key points you will discuss.


Body of the paper: The body of the paper can be described as the "meat" of the paper. It is where you make your arguments, present your evidence, and provide a detailed discussion of the main points of your paper.


Conclusion: The conclusion summarizes key points and brings the paper to a logical close. It should not be used to introduce new thoughts but should leave the reader with a good summary of your paper.


For your outline, you are expected to provide: (1) a detailed introduction, (2) a bulleted overview of key points that will be addressed in the body of your paper, and (3) a detailed conclusion. As students tend to have difficulties preparing an introduction and a conclusion, an example of each, as well as comments regarding the examples, is provided below.

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