- Discuss the impact of minimum wage laws on employment.
Very nice! Thanks goodteacher1!!!
very well written
- EE115
The assignment was done in sloppy hand writing. Could not make out most of it. When I had asked for him to correct it and put it on a word document he said he would, I even offered more money he said yes and never did update the assignment. I had to reassign the work to another teacher.
you took my work and then ask for refund am sorry but i could do no business for you. you are not a honest student - quality and fast 1
kept word will use again got me the score I needed. GREAT JOB!! THANKS
- CMST 301 Project 2 - Due date 11:59pm EST 14 Feb 2016!
The framework was there, just had to rewrite almost every slide. Assuming English isn't the native language. Great use of infographics though.
Am sorry I gave you my rough draft but the paper is updated - BY 8PM TUES
Did not receive the paper on time.... 12+hours late. ( second time)
Sorry 100% my fault should have communicated but i dint because I was going through some personal issues. am sincerely sorry - assignment 3
Great job. I couldn't have asked for a better job. Thanks again for being so fast for me.
- need it by sat 6pm
Horrible!!!! Got a notice from my teacher that the paper was submited by another student!!!! Rating is ZERO!!!!!!!
Turnin score was too high 65%
We settled this issue - I need a research paper on the National Civil Rightshts Museum in Memphis Tennessee 6 pages double space .. I...
He did a really great job! And great communication!
- position essay (argument essay)
great Job. finished it on time.
- Check out the attachment
Great job. I was happy with the end product.
you are welcomed looking forward to work with you again - Does bilingualism improve brain functioning?
My paper was a recycled paper and I received a warning from my university 11/2015. I contacted seller but never replied.
- Clinical psychology questions
Excellent answers and fast work - I had the same answers but wasn't certain as to if they are correct or not. I really appreciate your expertise. Thank you very much!
thank you. you will always receive quality answers from me as usual - I know this is short notice but I have given my tutor the benefit of the doute to help me with my assignment now I am in need of help
Very great work and was done before the time that we had agreed a on. would recommend there work to any one.
thank you as always. nice guy to work with.. intelligent - Annotated Bibliography
- Social Group
Amazing as usual
- Read Below- Based on Costco
Garbage..couldn't even was incomplete
- Project Descrption
Amazing Work.
- IT/205 Has to be written like an outline.
delivered on time.. great work