- finance discussion !!!
looks great to me not graded yet but done early and such a great tutor to work with!!!
- essay 1301
She completed the work quickly even though she had a limited time frame. I received my essay back today and I got 4.5 out 5 points, thanks to her. I guess I would have gotten 5/5 if not for a few grammatical error which I thought I corrected. Anyway, thanks again. My only problem is that it took her a long time to reply when I sent a private message due to the time difference (she's in England) but it's all water under the bridge since I have an A right now in my English 1301 class. Hopefully I can keep it
- Criminal justice ethics 300 word min Due with peer reviewed sources on DEADLINE 15 Oct
She is my no-kidding go to tutor! She has written a lot of items for me (check the records) and not once has she been late nor any "copy and paste"! She is the gold standard of this website period!
- ENG 2205 Final exam Due 7 Oct (Charity only)
Received a very good grade in my ENG class and its all because of Charity!
- Statistics/Research Study
5 First of all, I would recommend this tutor to anyone! He was very easy to deal with and they were very professional with everything. He is a great writer and will provide you with quality work. He provided the completed work way before the deadline and he didn't overcharge me at all. Anyways, thank you!
- Need help with problem set 3 for econ 213
why is #2 not answered.
- Need help with problem set 3 for econ 213
I'm not saying she is a bad teacher by any means, but for this particular assignment I was on a bit of a time crunch and purchased this answer. I not only received an 8 out of a possible 70 points, but also number 2 on the problem set was not answered, and I had even private messaged her. Will seek a refund.
- Common assessment paper
I really enjoyed her work. Sorry t took me a minut to rate. Will def use her again
- Criminology assignment 10 questions (deadline 25 Sept 0800 EST) *information from USA university
Answers were explained in depth and placed in my box well ahead of time. This is my number go to teacher! Thanks again
- C=done
Pretty and smart what else can I say.
- A =done
She is a great writer. You can tell she has PhD based on her writing abilty. Great job for good price. I highly recommend.
- 8 done
very weak paper
- bar 6done
I got an "F"
- barber done 3
not good at all
- finance discussion !!!
looks great to me not graded yet but done early and such a great tutor to work with!!!
- essay 1301
She completed the work quickly even though she had a limited time frame. I received my essay back today and I got 4.5 out 5 points, thanks to her. I guess I would have gotten 5/5 if not for a few grammatical error which I thought I corrected. Anyway, thanks again. My only problem is that it took her a long time to reply when I sent a private message due to the time difference (she's in England) but it's all water under the bridge since I have an A right now in my English 1301 class. Hopefully I can keep it
- Criminal justice ethics 300 word min Due with peer reviewed sources on DEADLINE 15 Oct
She is my no-kidding go to tutor! She has written a lot of items for me (check the records) and not once has she been late nor any "copy and paste"! She is the gold standard of this website period!
- ENG 2205 Final exam Due 7 Oct (Charity only)
Received a very good grade in my ENG class and its all because of Charity!
- Statistics/Research Study
5 First of all, I would recommend this tutor to anyone! He was very easy to deal with and they were very professional with everything. He is a great writer and will provide you with quality work. He provided the completed work way before the deadline and he didn't overcharge me at all. Anyways, thank you!
- Need help with problem set 3 for econ 213
why is #2 not answered.