- Computer science Bachelor’s degree University of Californiaa, Los Angeles 23500bc
- Mathematics Bachelor’s degree University of California, Berkeley 838676db
- Fields Of Study: History
- Fields Of Study: Computer Science
- Fields Of Study: Education
- Fields Of Study: Article writing
- Fields Of Study: Environmental science
- Fields Of Study: Nursing
- Fields Of Study: Psychology
- Fields Of Study: Sociology
- Fields Of Study: Computer Science
History research papers and dissertations both Undergraduate and Masters level.
Technical writing: SDLC Documentation - process and user documents (Planning, SRS and SPM documentation, design, implementation, testing, maintenance, description, user manual, e.t.c), Business Process Management, Human Computer Interaction.
Research papers and dissertations. Undergraduate and Masters level.
SEO articles, general articles, fictional stories, product descriptions, technical writing, creative writing, blogs, reviews, and recipes. Topics include Technology, celebrity news, worldwide news, home and gardening, pets, product descriptions and reviews, health and fitness, mystery and sci-fi, funny events, e.t.c
Research papers and dissertations for both undergrad and Masters levels.
Term papers, research papers, and dissertations up to Masters level.
Term papers, essays, research papers, and dissertations. Both undergraduate and Masters level.
All kinds of assignments including dissertations up to Masters level.
Research papers and dissertations both Undergraduate and Masters level
- like 4 lines each but answer everythg no refernce needed
A complete joke. Use a different site. The person on this site ignores you for over a year and then messages you out of the blue just to call you a liar. Like yeah, wait long enough so you can't even remember what you were looking for or what happened. I mean if you're in school, you would know your not going to remember every single assignment you needed help on over a year ago! Complete jerk!
No need for all these insults. You bought an answer from a project posted by another student over 7 years ago and I was away busy with other things... How was I supposed to know what was happening on the website or answer you on time?
- Integrated Marketing Communications and Elements of Promotion Mix” Please respond to the following:
This tutor is a God send he massacred my assignment in just a few clicks thank you my friend I shall be back
- SRS- Academia
Great job .... A++++++++++
Thanks for the kind words, I really tried to end this differently this time but in the process three of my guys had to pay for it. Lucky for us this was continuous work and we were on the final stages also I had the paper on my 4shared account as I traveled working during this period. regards
- SRS- Academia
Great job... A++++++++
Almost didn't make it this time also but God is good!! Thanks for the review
- SRS- Academia
Great job .... A+++++++++
Thanks, see you soon
- business comm midterm
awesome work as usual. my go to.
Thanks for the complement. Always glad to help.
- Need this redone after the idiots of coursehero got a hold of it
Academia followed instructions exactly, correctly formatted and in-text referenced and correctly cited his sources (reference page). The assignment was also completed and ready for me to review the day after I assigned it to him, even though he had 4 days left to complete it. The assignment was to be between 4 to 5 pages. Academia went above and beyond with '5 pages and then some,' which is what professors expect when they say 5 pages. Everything mentioned in the assignment was completely necessary as well.
- Using Agile Techniques the students will design a Personal Environment Network. ..
ACADEMIA YOU ARE AMAZING!!! I assigned Academia to do my Agile Techniques project. This was a very difficult project that requires 100% know-how. This was by no means an assignment that you could google your way to completion. I had 3 other tutors who ended up bowing out after a few days in because they were not sure what to do, yet Academia was confident and laughing about me stressing how hard this will be. He was not laughing in haste - HE CAME THROUGH MORE THAN I COULD HAVE POSSIBLY EVER EXPECTED. This
I try bro................ I just try!
- BA 320 Assign
Academia did a Very Good job on my paper. He got the paper completed quickly, vast amounts of information throughout and cited, referenced and and just an all-around great paper. The subject was marketing strategy plans. He provided a lot of very useful information and got me an A+ on my paper. Thank you Academia
Thank you for the kind words and the faith, I will strive to do even better next time. You just made my year! *humbled*
- new assignment
Great work!!
Thanks and you are welcome again!
- Module 8, Activity 8.3
amazing work as always. my go to guy!
Thanks.................. I intend to keep up the good trend!
- Online Group Project- System Analysis & Design
It was fantastic working on this....... a great challenge indeed
- business communication
- SPM week3-week5/ Academia
- SPM week3-week5/ Academia
- 1.5 page summary need it in 2 hours
Wonderful, Awesome and great follower to the instructions. Received homework right on time.
- SPM week3-week5/ Academia
great job
- SPM-week2
- paraphrase
I got 95 out of 100. Thanks