Lead and manage effective workplace relationships


BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships 1st edition version: 1

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd

Networking lunch role-play roles

Roles of the important visitors to the networking lunch

General Manager of Scorpion Medical Supplies Pty Ltd

You are the General Manager of Scorpion Medical Supplies Pty Ltd. You are a

gregarious person by nature. You have been working in commercial business for 23

years and with Scorpion Medical supplies for 8 years.

The business has been doing well, posted annual growth of 15% per annum, however

overall costs have been rising at 18% per annum. You are considering setting up a task

force to review all processes from R&D through to sales to identify waste and

duplication and redundant processes to curb the cost increases. You are also fairly

excited about a new product which will cut the capital costs of Magnetic Resonance

Imaging (MRI) of like-for-like machines by 12%.

You have come to the production centre to spend some time with the local manager

and their team to give a short presentation on the progress of the company and to let

them know the new machines will be manufactured there.

You have many passions including food, politics, all kinds of music and travel. You

understand the importance of networking and in particular you want to get to know the

production line-managers in this plant to be able to impress upon them the importance

of their role in the success of the new MRI manufacturing process.

You are accompanied by your R&D manager to answer any technical questions.

Research and Development Manager of Scorpion Medical Supplies Pty Ltd (Expert)

Your team has developed a new manufacturing process which reduces the cost of

manufacture of like-for-like MRI machines by 12%.

You are excited by the development but are not too excited by being here at this lunch.

It is not quite your ‘thing’. You get interested when people want to talk about technical

developments but don’t really like mindless small talk.

Your other abiding passions are rock climbing and your Harley-Davidson. You warm to

people who show an interest in your passions and technology but not to mindless chit-

chat about the weather and politics.

BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships 1st edition version: 1

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd

Roles of the other participants in the networking lunch

Quality Control Manager

You have been promoted recently and do not yet know the existing manufacturing

process. You also do not know much about the sales process and yet you do know that

the specifications ‘sold’ by sales are often not standard which causes problems in

manufacturing/quality control causing rework.

Production Line Manager (MRI)

You have been in your role for five years and you have been talking to your boss about

getting a new role. Your appraisals are always good and you have been told two years

in a row that you are being considered for promotion because of your outstanding

results. You feel that your boss may be trying to hold on to you in your current position.

You are also concerned that the new supply manager may not understand how things

work and how much they affect the production line and your team.

Supply Manager

You are new in your role having come from another division supplying syringes and

other disposables to the medical industry.

MRI ‘New Sales’ Manager

You have been in your role for three years and are comfortable in your role and with the

results you and your team have been getting. However there are a lot of new faces in

the company that you would like to get to know such as the new supply manager, credit

manager and dispatch manager.

Credit Manager

You are new in your role having come from Westpac Bank where you were a credit

officer in mortgage lending. You do not know about the company’s products, sales

strategies or marketing strategy.

MRI Marketing Officer

You have been in your role for two years and have completed some analysis you would

like to have the opportunity to discuss with the New Sales Manager at some time.

There are issues with the cost of manufacturing, however, that make the idea difficult

to sell.

BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships 1st edition version: 1

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd

Dispatch Manager

You are new to the organisation this week; you don’t know anybody and only just

completed induction today.

Planning Manager

You have just completed your planning process for the next three years. You have been

with the division for twelve months. It has taken that long to get sufficiently accurate

data from each of the sections to enable to do a three year plan. This is the first three

year plan that has been done by the division. You hope there is no big announcement

today which will change your plans.

You are keen to let people know about the significance of your three year plan in terms

of supply chain management in particular.

Health and Safety Manager

Lost time injuries have proved stubborn to your efforts in getting the divisions’ safety

management plan executed. The plan has been executed reasonably well across the

division but the lost time injury frequency ratio and medical treatment case frequency

ration have not budged during the three years of implementation. You have done some

analysis and it seems that new staff and new processes are associated with most lost

time injuries. .


You have been with the division for twenty years. You are generally unfazed by new

processes and products and markets. As long as the numbers add up you are happy.

However, over the last six months the supply costs have been increasing outside plan

and credit has drifted from a planned 45 average daily sales to 52 days adding 7 days

of unplanned working capital.

BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships 1st edition version: 1

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd

Lunch attendance list


General Manager of Scorpion Medical Supplies Pty Ltd

Research and Development Manager of Scorpion Medical Supplies Pty Ltd


Quality Control Manager

Production Line Manager (MRI)

Supply Manager

MRI ‘New Sales’ Manager

Credit Manager

MRI Marketing Officer

Dispatch Manager

Planning Manager

Health and Safety Manager


BSBLDR502 Lead and manage effective workplace relationships 1st edition version: 1

© 2015 Innovation and Business Industry Skills Council Ltd

Name tags

Quality Control Manager Production Line Manager (MRI)

Supply Manager MRI ‘New Sales’ Manager

Credit Manager MRI Marketing Officer

Dispatch Manager Planning Manager

Health and Safety Manager Accountant