As shown throughout this paper, anthropology provides us with several tools that can be
used to overcome ethnocentrism. In approaching cultures from a perspective of cultural
relativism, we gain an understanding of the reasoning behind different cultural practices while
striving not to impose our own judgments or opinions. In taking an etic perspective on your own
culture, it is possible to gain an outsider’s view on practices that are deeply ingrained in our
enculturation, practices that often seem “normal” and “right” when compared to other cultures.
In examining higher education in America from an etic perspective, it is possible to see the
strengths and weaknesses specific to the American educational system, and it allows us to
question and critically examine this system based on the similarities and differences that exist
between our own and other educational systems. Similarly, taking an emic perspective on anti-
school culture among boys in Sweden helps us to see how cultural context and cultural narratives
affect education. Examining the problems found in other educational systems can help us to
better understand the cultural narratives, stereotypes, and underlying assumptions that operate in
our own educational system, and help us to see how our problems are both similar and different
to those found in other cultures. Taking an etic perspective on your own culture and an emic
perspective on another culture allows you to flip your viewpoint in order to counteract deeply
held beliefs about what is “normal” and what is “other.”
The following is an example of a conclusion for this paper. You can use
this as a model to help you write your own conclusion, but you cannot
use this exact conclusion.
Helpful Tip: Use the conclusion to reiterate the major concepts and
topics that were first brought up in the introduction and then covered in
body of the paper. Provide a brief, self-reflexive analysis. Make sure all
parts of the paper are connected.