write a discussion
l I
Designing a Qualitative Study
Contrary to \vhat you may have heard, qual itati ve research designs do exist.
--Miles and Huberman Qualitative Data Analysis, 1994
As the above quote suggests, "qualitative research design" has often been
treated as an oxymoron. One reason for this is that the dominant, quantitatively
oriented models of research design presented in textbooks fit poorly with the
ways thm most qualitative researchers go about their work (Lincoln & Guba,
1985). These models usually treat "design" in one of two ways. Some take
designs to be fixed, standard arrangements of research conditions and methods
that have their own coherence and logic, as possible answers to the question,
What research design are you using? For example, a randomized, double-blind
experiment is one research design; an interrupted time series design is another.
Qualitative research lacks any such elaborate typology into which studies can
be pigeonholed. Other models present design as a logical progression of stages or tasks,
from problem formulation to the generation of conclusions or theory, that are necessary in planning or carrying out a study. Although some versions of this approach are circular or iterative (see, for example, Bickman, Rog, & Hedrick, Chapter I, this volume), so that later steps connect back to earlier ones, all such models are linear in the sense that they are made up of one-directional
sequences of steps that represent what is seen as the optimal order for concep
tualizing or conducting the different components or activities of a study.
This view of design does not adequately represent the logic and process of Planning
Applied qualitative research. In a qualitative study, the activities of collecting and ana Research lyzing data, developing and modifying theory, elaborating or refocusing the
liM research questions, and identifying and dealing with validity threats are usually going on more or less simultaneously, each intluencing all of the others. In
addition, the researcher may need to reconsider or modify any design decision
during the study in response to new developments or to changes in some other
aspect of the design. Grady and Wallston (1988) argue that applied research in general requires a flexible, nonsequential approach and "an entirely different
model of the research process than the traditional one offered in most text
books" (p. 10).
Thi s does not mean that qualitati ve research lacks design; as Yin (1994) says, "Every type of empirical research has an implicit, if not explicit, research
design" (p. 19). Qualitative research simply requires a broader and less restric
tive concept of "design" than the traditional ones described above. Thus
Becker, Geer, Hughes, and Strauss (1961), authors of a classic qualitative study of medical students, begin their chapter titled "Design of the Study" by stating:
In one sense, our study had no design. That is, we had no well-worked-out set of hypotheses to be tested, no data-gathering instruments purposely designed to secure information relevant to these hypotheses, no set of analytic procedures specified in advance. Insofar as the term "design" implies these features of elaborate prior planning. our study had none.
If we take the idea of design in a larger and looser sense. using it to identify those elements of order, system, and consistency our procedures did exhibit. our study had a design. We can say what this was by describing our original view of the problem, ourtheoretical and methodological commitments. and the way these affected our research and were affected by it as we proceeded. (p. 17)
For these reasons. the model of design that I present here, which I call an
interactive model, consists of the components of a research study and the ways
in which these components may affect and be affected by one another. It does
not presuppose any particular order for these components, or any necessary
directionality of influence; as with qualitative research in general. "it depends."
One of my goals in this chapter is to try to point out the things that I think these
influences depend on.
The model thus resembles the more general definition of design employed
outside of research: "an underlying scheme that governs functjoning, develop
ing, or unfolding" and "the arrangement of elements or details in a product or work of art" (Merriam- Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, 1993)_ A good design, one in which the components work harmoniously together. promotes efficient
and successful functioning; a flawed design leads to poor operation or fai lure.
This model has five components, each of which addresses a different set
of issues that are essential to the coherence of your study:
Designing a 1. Purposes: What are the ultimate goals of this. study? What issues is it intended Qualitative
to illuminate, and what practices will it influence? Why do you want to conduct Study it, and why should we care about the results? Why is the study worth doing?
2. Conceptual context: What do you think is going on with the things you plan to study? What theories, findings, and conceptual frameworks relating to these will guide or inform your study, and what literature, preliminary research, and personal experience will you draw on? This component of the design contains the theory that you already have or are developing about the setting or issues that you are studying.
3. Research questions: What, specifically, do you want to understand by doing this study? What do you not know about the things you are studying that you want to learn? What questions will your research attempt to answer, and how are these questions related to one another?
4. Methods: What will you actually do in conducting this study? What approaches and techniques will you use to collect and analyze your data, and how do these constitute an integrated strategy?
5. Validity: How might you be wrong? What are the plausible alternative expla nations and validity threats to the potential conclusions of your study, and how will you deal with these? Why should we believe your results?
These components are not radically different from the ones presented in
many other discussions of qualitative or applied research design (e.g., LeCompte
& Preissle, 1993; Lincoln & Guba, 1985; Miles & Huberman, 1994; Robson,
1993). What is distinctive in this model are the relationships among the com
ponents. The components form an integrated and interacting whole, with each
component closely tied to several others, rather than being linked in a linear or
cyclic sequence. The lines between the components in Figure 3.1 represent
two-way connections of influence or implication. Although there are also con
nections other than those emphasized here (for example, between purposes and
methods, and between conceptual context and validity), those shown in the
figure are usually the most important.
The upper triangle of this model should be a closely integrated unit. Your
research questions should have a clear relationship to the purposes of your
study, and should be informed by what is already known about the things you
are studying and the theoretical tools that can be applied to these. In addition,
the purposes of the study should be informed both by current theory and knowl
edge and by what questions you can actually answer, and your choices of rele
vant theory and knowledge depend on the purposes and questions.
Similarly, the bottom triangle of the model should also be closely inte grated. The methods you use must enable you to answer your research ques tions, and also to deal with plausible validity threats to these answers. The
questions, in turn, need to be framed so as to take the feasibility of the methods
Planning Applied
Research Questions
Figure 3.1. An Interactive Model of Research Design
and the seriousness of particular validity threats into account; in addition, the
plausibility and relevance of particular validity threats depend on the questions
and methods chosen. The research questions are the center or hub of the model;
they connect the other four components into a coherent whole, and need to
inform, and be responsive to, all of the other components.
There are many other factors besides these five components thaI should
influence the design of your study; these include your research abilities, the
available resources, perceived problems, ethical standards, the research setting,
and the data and preliminary conclusions of the study. In my view, these are
not part of the design of a study; rather, they either belong to the environment
within which the research and its design exist or are products of the research.
figure 3.2 presents some of the environmental factors that can influence the
design and conduct of a study.
I do not believe that there is one right model for qualitative or applied
research design. However, I think that the model I present here is a useful one,
for three main reasons:
I. It explicitly identifies as components of design the key issues about which decisions need to be made. These issues are therefore less likely to be ignored, and can be dealt with in a systematic manner.
2. It emphasizes the interactive nature of design decisions in qualitative and applied research, and the multiple connections among the design components.
3. It provides a model for the structure of a proposal for a qualitative study, one that clearly communicates and justifies the major design decisions and the connections among these (see Maxwell, 1996a).
Because a design for your study always exists, explicitly or implicitly, it
is important to make this design explicit, to get it out in the open, where its
strengths, limitations, and implications can be clearly understood. In the re-
I I I I j
r !
Perceived Personal Problems Experience
Personal and
Political Goals ~ 1 1 ExisLing
Prior and
Designing a Qualitative Study
Style r Researcher Skills
r Research Paradigm
Parlicipant __-. Concerns
<II Pilol , Research
\ ~ Thought Experiments
Data and
Figure 3.2. Contextual Factors Influencing Research Design
mainder of this chapter, I present the main design issues involved in each of
the five components of my model, and the implications of each component for
the others. I do not discuss in detail how to actually do qualitative research, or deal in depth with the theoretical and philosophical views that have informed
this approach. For additional guidance on these topics, see the contributions of
Fetterman (Chapter 16) and Stewart and Shamdasani (Chapter 17) to this hand
book; the more extensive treatments by Patton (1990), Eisner and Peshkin
(1990), LeCompte and Prei ssle (1993), G lesne and Peshki n (1992), Weiss
(1994), Miles and Huberman (1994), and Wolcott (1995); and the encyclopedic
handbooks edited by LeCompte, Millroy, and PreissJe (1992) and by Denzin
and Lincoln (1994). My focus here is on how to design a qualitative study that
arrives at valid conclusions and successfully and efficiently achieves its goals .
• Purposes: Why Are You Doing This Study?
Without a clear sense of the purposes of your research, you are apt to lose
your focus and spend your time and effort doing things that won't contribute
to these purposes. (I use purpose here in a broad sense, to include motives,
desires, and goals-anything that leads you to do the study or that you hope to
accomplish by doing it.) Your purposes help to guide your other design deci
sions, to ensure that your study is worth doing, that you get out of it what you
It is useful to distinguish among three kinds of purposes for doing a study: personal purposes, practical purposes, and research purposes. Personal pur poses are those that motivate you to do this study; they can include a desire to
Planning Applied change some existing situation, a curiosity about a specific phenomenon or
Research event, or simply the need to advance your career. These personal purposes often 1m overlap with your practical or research purposes, but they may also include
deeply rooted individual desires and needs that bear little relationship to your
"official" reasons for doing the study. It is important that you recognize and take account of the personal purposes
that drive and inform your research. Eradicating or submerging your personal goals and concerns is impossible, and attempting to do so is unnecessary. What is necessary, in qualitative design, is that you be aware of these concerns and how they may be shaping your research, and that you think about how best to
deal with their consequences. To the extent that your design decisions and data analyses are based on personal desires and you have not made a careful assess ment of the implications of these for your methods and results, you are in danger of arriving at invalid conclusions.
However, your personal reasons for wanting to conduct a study, and the experiences and perspectives in which these are grounded, are not simply a source of "bias" (see the later discussion of this issue in the section on validity); they can also provide you with a valuable source of insight, theory, and data about the phenomena you are studying (Marshall & Rossman, 1995, pp. 17 -22; Strauss & Corbin, 1990, pp. 42-43). This source is discussed in the next section,
in the subsection on experiential knowledge. One personal purpose in particu lar that deserves thought is your moti vation
for choosing a qualitative approach. Qualitative research is not easier tban quantitative research, and seeking to avoid statistics bears little relationship to having the personal interests and skills required for the conduct of qualitative inquiry (Locke, Spirduso, & Silverman, 1993, pp. 107-110). Your reasons for
adopting a qualitative approach need to be compatible with your other pur poses, your research questions, and the requirements of carrying out qualitati ve research.
Besides your personal purposes, there are two other, more public kinds of purposes that I want to distinguish and discuss: practical purposes (including administrative or policy purposes) and research purposes. Practical purposes
are focused on accomplishing something-meeting some need, changing some situation, or achieving some goaL Research purposes, on the other hand, are focused on understanding something, gaining some insight into what is going on and why it is happening. Although applied research design places much
more emphasis on practical purposes than does basic research, you still need to address the issue of what you want to understand by doing the study, and how this understanding will contribute to your accomplishing your practical purposes. (The issue of what you want to understand is discussed in more detail below, in the section on research questions.)
There are five particular research purposes for which qualitative studies are especially useful:
I. Understanding the meaning, for participants in the study. of the events, situ
ations, and actions they are involved with, and of the accounts that they give
of their lives and experiences. In a qualitative study, you are interested not only in the physical events and behavior taking place, but also in how the partici
pants in your study make sense of these, and how their understandings influ ence their behavior. The perspectives on events and actions held by the people involved in them are not simply their accounts of these events and actions, to
be assessed in terms of truth or falsity; they are part of the reality that you are
trying to understand (Maxwell, 1992; Menzel, 1978). This focus on meaning is central to what is known as the "interpretive" approach to social science
(Bredo & Feinberg, 1982; Geertz, 1973; Rabinow & Sullivan, 1979).
2. Understanding the particular context within which the participants act, and the
influence this context has on their actions. Qualitati ve researchers typically study a relatively small number of individuals or situations and preserve the individuality of each of these in their analyses, rather than collecting data from large samples and aggregating the data across individuals or situations. Thus
they are able to understand how events, actions, and meanings are shaped by the unique circumstances in which these occur.
J. Identifying unanticipated phenomena and influences, and generating new, "grounded" theories about the latter. Qualitative research has long been used
for this purpose by survey and experimental researchers, who often conduct "exploratory" qualitative studies to help them design their questionnaires and
identify variables for experimental investigation. Although qualitative research is not restricted to this exploratory role, it is still an important strength of qualitative methods.
4. Understanding the processes by which events and actions take place. Although qualitative research is not unconcerned with outcomes, a major strength of
qualitative studies is their ability to get at the processes that lead to these outcomes, processes that experimental and survey research are often poor at
identifying (Britan, 1978; Patton, 1990, pp. 94ff).
5. Developing causal explanations. The traditional view that qualitative research
cannot identify causal relationships has long been disputed by some qualitative researchers (Britan, 1978; Denzin. 1978), and both qualitative and quantitative
researchers are increasingly accepting the legitimacy of using qualitative methods for causal inference (e.g., Cook & Shadish, 1985; Erickson, 1986/1990, p. 82; Maxwell. 1996b; Miles & Huberman, 1994, pp. 144-148; Mohr, 1995, pp. 261-273, 1996; Rossi & Berk, 1991, p. 226; Sayer, 1992). Deriving causal
explanations from a qualitative study is not an easy or straightforward task, but qualitative research is no different from quantitative research in this respect. Both approaches need to identify and deal with the plausible validity threats to any proposed causal explanation, as discussed below.
Designing a Qualitalive Study g
These research purposes, and the inductive, open-ended strategy that they
require, give qualitative research an advantage in addressing numerous practi
cal purposes, including the following. Planning
Applied Research
Generating results and theories that are understandable and experientially
credible, both to the people being studied and to others (Bolster, 1983). Al
though quantitative data may have greater credibility for some purposes and
audiences, the specific detail and personal immediacy of qualitative data can
lead to their greater influence in other situations. For example, I was involved
ill one evaluation, of how teaching rounds in one hospital department could be
improved, that relied primarily on participant observation of rounds and open
ended interviews with staff physicians and residents (Maxwell, Cohen, & Rein
hard, 1983). The evaluation led to decisive departmental action, in part because
department members felt that the report, which contained detai led descriptions
of activities during rounds and numerous quotes from interviews to support the
analysis of the problems with rounds, "told it like it really was" rather than
simply presented numbers and generalizations to back up its recommendations.
Conductingformative studies, ones that are intended to help improve exist
ing practice rather than simply to determine the outcomes of the program or
practice heing studied (Scriven, 1967, 1991). In such studies, which are particu larly useful for applied research, it is more important to understand the process
by which things happen in a particular situation than to measure outcomes rig
orously or to compare a given situation with others.
Engaging in collaborative, action, or "empowerment" research with prac
titioners or research participants (e.g., Cousins & Earl, 1995; Fetterman,
Kaftarian, & Wandersman, 1996; Oja & Smulyan, 1989; Whyte, 1991). The
focus of qualitative research on particular contexts and their meaning for the
participants in these contexts, and on the processes occurring in these contexts,
makes it especially suitable for collaborations with practitioners or with mem
bers of the community being studied (Patton, 1990, pp. 129-130; Reason, 1994).
A useful way of sorting out and formulating the purposes of your study is
to write memos in which you reflect on your goals and motives, as well as the
implications of these for your design decisions (for more information on such
memos,seeMaxwell, 1996a;Mills, 1959,pp. 197-198; Strauss & Corbin, 1990,
chap. 12). I regularly use such memos as assignments in my methods courses;
one doctoral student, Isabel Londono, said that "writing memos for classes was
key, having to put things to paper," in figuring out her purposes in choosing a
dissertation topic (see Maxwell, 1996a, pp. 22-23).
• Conceptual Context: What Do You Think Is Going On?
The conceptual context of your study is the system of concepts, assump
tions, expectations, beliefs, and theories that supports and informs your re
search. This context, or a diagrammatic representation of it, is often called a
"conceptual framework" (Hedrick, Bickman, & Rog, 1993, p. 19; Miles &
Huberman, 1994; Robson, 1993). Miles and Huberman (1994) state that a con
ceptual framework "explains, either graphically or in narrative form, the main
things to be studied-the key factors, concepts, or variables-and the presumed
relationships among them" (p. 18).
Thus your conceptual context is a formulation of what you think is going 0/1 with the phenomena you are studying-a tentative theory of what is hap pening. Theory provides a model or map of why the world is the way it is (Strauss, 1995). It is a simplification of the world, but a simplification aimed at clarifying and explaining some aspect of how it works. It is not simply a "framework," although it can provide that, but a story about what you think is happening and why. A useful theory is one that tells an enlightening story about
some phenomenon, one that gives you new insights and broadens your under
standing of that phenomenon. The function of theory in your design is to inform the rest of the design-to help you to assess your purposes, develop and select realistic and relevant research questions and methods, and identify potential
validity threats to your conclusions.
Some writers label this part of a research design or proposal as the "litera ture review." This can be a dangerously misleading term, for three reasons.
First, it can lead you to focus narrowly on "literature," ignoring other concep
tual resources that may be of equal or greater importance for your study, in cluding your own experience. Second, it tends to generate a strategy of "cov ering the field" rather than focusing specifically on those studies and theories
that are particularly relevant to your research. Third, it can make you think that your task is simply descriptive-to tell what previous researchers have found
or what theories have been proposed. In developing a conceptual context, your
purpose is not only descriptive, but also critical; you need to treat "the litera ture" not as an authority to be deferred to, but as a useful but fallible source of ideas about what's going on, and to attempt to see alternative ways of framing the issues.
Another way of putting this is that the conceptual context for your research
study is something that is constructed, not found. It incorporates pieces that are borrowed from elsewhere, but the structure, the overall coherence, is some thing that you build, not something that exists ready-made. Becker (1986, pp. 14Iff.) systematically develops the idea that prior work provides modules that you can use in building your conceptual context, modules that you need to examine critically to make sure they work effectively with the rest of your design. There are four main sources for these modules: your own experiential
Designing l/ Qualitaril'l' Study
knowledge, existing theory and research, pilot and exploratory studies, and thought experiments.
Planning Applied o Experiential Knowledge
EJ Traditionally, what you bring to the research from your background and identity has been treated as "bias," something whose influence needs to be
eliminated from the design, rather than a valuable component of it. However, the explicit incorporation of your identity and experience (what Strauss, 1987, calls "experiential data") in your research has recently gained much wider theo retical and philosophical support (e.g., Berg & Smith, 1988; Jansen & Peshkin,
1992). Using this experience in your research can provide you with a major
source of insights, hypotheses, and validity checks. For example, Grady and
Wallston (1988, p. 41) descrihe how one health care researcher used insights
from her own experience to design a study of why many women don' t do breast
This is not a license to impose your assumptions and values uncritically
on the research. Reason (1988) uses the term "critical subjectivity" to refer to "a quality of awareness in which we do not suppress our primary experience; nor do we allow ourselves to be swept away and overwhelmed by it; rather we
raise it to consciousness and use it as part of the inquiry process" (p. 12). How ever, there are few well-developed and explicit strategies for doing this. One
technique that I use in my qualitative methods course and in my own research is what I call a "researcher experience memo"; I have given suggestions for this elsewhere (Maxwell, 1996a). Basically, this involves reflecting on, and
writing down, the different aspects of your experience and identity that are
potentially relevant to your study. Doing this can generate unexpected insights
and connections, as well as create a valuable record of these.
o Existing Theory and Research
The second major source of modules for your conceptual context is exist ing theory and research. This can be found not only in published work, but in
unpublished papers and dissertations, in conference presentations, and in the
heads of active researchers III your field (Locke et aI., 1993, pp. 48-49).
Using existing theory in qualitative research has both advantages and dan
gers. A useful theory helps you to organize what you see. Particular pieces of data that otherwise might seem unconnected or irrelevant to one another or to
your research questions can be related if you can fit them into the theory. A
useful theory also illuminates what you are seeing in your research. It draws your attention to particular events or phenomena, and sheds light on relation
ships thJt might otherwise go unnoticed or misunderstood. However, Becker (1986) warns that the existing literature, and the assump
tions embedded in it, can deform the way you frame your research, causing
you to overlook important ways of conceptualizing your study or key implica
tions of your results. The literature has the advantage of what he calls "ideo logical hegemony," making it difficult for you to see any phenomenon in ways
Designing a that are different from those that are prevalent in the literature. Trying to fit Qualitative your insights into this established framework can deform your argument, weak Study
ening its logic and making it harder for you to see what this new way of framing
the phenomenon might contribute. Becker describes how existing theory and
perspectives deformed his early research on marijuana use, leading him to fo
cus on the dominant question in the literature and to ignore the most interesting implications and possibilities of his study.
Becker (1986) argues that there is no way to be sure when the established
approach is wrong or misleading or when your alternative is superior. All you
can do is try to identify the ideological component of the established approach,
and see what happens when you abandon these assumptions. He asserts that "a serious scholar ought routinely to inspect competing ways of talking about the same subject matter," and warns, "Use the literature, don't let it use you" (p. 149; see also Mills, 1959).
A review of relevant prior research can serve several other purposes in your design besides providing you with existing theory (see Strauss, 1987, pp. 48 56). First, you can use it to develop a justification for your study-to show how
your work will address an important need or unanswered question (Marshall & Rossman, 1995, pp. 22-26). Second, it can inform your decisions about methods, suggesting alternative approaches or revealing potential problems
with your plans. Third, it can be a source of data that you can use to test or modify your theories. You can see if existing theory, the results of your pilot research, or your experiential understanding is supported or challenged by pre
vious studies. Finally, you can use prior research to help you generate theory. For example, I have used a wide range of empirical studies, as well as modules
derived from existing theory, to develop a radically different theory of the relationships among diversity, social solidarity, and community from that
prevalent in the literature (Maxwell, in press), and I am currently applying this
theory in an attempt to explain the success of a systemic educational reform initiative in a multiracial and multiethnic urban school district.
D Pilot and Exploratory Studies
Pilot studies serve some of the same functions as prior research, but they
can be focused more precisely on your own concerns and theories. You can design pilot studies specifically to test your ideas or methods and explore their
implications, or to inductively develop grounded theory. One particular use that pilot studies have in qualitative research is to generate an understanding of the concepts and theories held by the people you are studying-what I have called "interpretation" (Maxwell, 1992). This is not simply a source of addi tional concepts for your theory; instead, it provides you with an understanding
of the meaning that these phenomena and events have for the actors who are involved in them, and the perspectives that inform their actions. In a qualitative
study, these meanings and perspectives should constitute an important focus Planning
ApplIed of your theory; as discussed earlier, they are one of the things your theory is Research about, not simply a source of theoretical insights and building blocks for the
D Thought Experiments
Thought experiments have a long and respected tradition in the physical
sciences (much of Einstein's work was based on thought experiments), but
have received little attention in discussions of research design, particularly
qualitative research design. Thought experiments draw on both theory and ex
J perience to answer "what if" questions, to seek out the logical implications of i various properties of the phenomena you want to study. They can be used both
to test your current theory for logical problems and to generate new theoretical
I insights. They encourage creativity and a sense of exploration, and can help i you to make explicit the experiential knowledge that you already possess. Fi i:
nally, they are easy to do, once you develop the skill. Valuable discussions of Ii thought experiments in the social sciences are presented by Mills (1959) and I: Lave and March (1975). I)
,Jr .IJ Experience, prior theory and research, pilot studies, and thought experi
ments are the four major sources of the conceptual context for your study. TheII ways in which you can put together a useful and valid conceptual context from
.~ these sources are particular to each study, and not something for which any , cookbook exists. The main thing to keep in mind is the need for integration of
these components with one another, and with your purposes and research ques
tions. A particularly valuable tool for generating and understanding these conill Ji
nections in your research is a technique known as concept mapping (Novak &
Gowin, 1984); I have provided guidance for using concept maps in qualitativeIi I'
research design elsewhere (Maxwell, 1996a).Ii
Ii Ii Ii • Research Questions: What Do fOli Want to Understand? !i Ii Ii Ii Ii Your research questions-what you specifically want to understand by do Ii
ing your study--arc at the heart of your research design. They are the one II I' component that directly connects to all of the other components of the design.
More than any other aspect of your design, your research questions will haveII an influence on, and should be responsive to, every other part of your study.
11 This is different from seeing research questions as the starting point or
~ primary determinant of the design. Models of design that place the formulation!I tl of research questions at the beginning of the design process, and that see thesep ff
Ii )',I ~ ,
questions as determining the other aspects of the design, don't do justice to the
interactive and inductive nature of qualitative research. The research questions
in a qualitative study should not be formulated in detail until the purposes and Designing a
context (and sometimes general aspects of the sampling and data collection) of Qualitative the design are clarified, and should remain sensitive and adaptable to the im Study
plications of other parts of the design. Often you will need to do a significant
part of the research before it is clear to you what specific research questions it
makes sense to try to answer.
This does not mean that qualitative researchers should, or usually do, begin
studies with no questions, simply going into the field with "open minds" and
seeing what is there to be investigated. Every researcher begins with a substan
tial base of experience and theoretical knowledge, and these inevitably gener
ate certain questions about the phenomena studied. These initial questions
frame the study in important ways, influence decisions about methods, and are
one basis for further focusing and development of more specific questions.
However, these specific questions are generally the result of an interactive design process, rather than the starting point for that process. For example,
Suman Bhattacharjea (1994; see Maxwell, 1996a, p. 50) spent a year doing
field research on women's roles in a Pakistani educational district office before
she was able to focus on two specific research questions and submit her disser
tation proposal; at that point, she had also developed several hypotheses as
tentative answers to these questions.
o The Functions (~/Research Questions
In your research design, the research questions serve two main functions:
to help you to focus the study (the questions' relationship to your purposes and
conceptual context) and to give you guidance for how to conduct it (their rela
tionship to methods and validity), A design in which the research questions are
too general or too diffuse creates difficulties both for conducting the study-in
knowing what site or informants to choose, what data to collect, and how to
analyze these data-and for clearly connecting what you learn to your purposes
and existing knowledge (Miles & Huberman, 1994, pp. 22-25). Research ques tions that are precisely framed too early in the study, on the other hand, may
lead you to overlook areas of theory or prior experience that are relevant to
your understanding of what is going on, or cause you to pay too little attention
to a wide range of data early in the study, data that can reveal important and
unanticipated phenomena and relationships.
A third problem is that you may be smuggling unexamined assumptions
into the research questions themseives, imposing a conceptual framework that
doesn't fit the reality you are studying. A research question such as "How do
teachers deal with the experience of isolation from their colleagues in their
classrooms?" assumes that teachers do experience such isolation. Such an as sumption needs to be carefully examined and justified, and without this justi
fication it might be hetter to frame such a question as a tentative subquestion
to broader questions about the nature of classroom teachers' experience of their
work and their relations with colleagues.
For all of these reasons, there is real danger to your study if you do not Plunning
Applied carefully formulate your research questions in connection with the other com Research ponents of your design. Your research questions need to take account of what
you want to accomplish by doing the study (your purposes), and of what is
already known about the things you want to study and your tentative theories
about these phenomena (your conceptual context). There is no reason to pose
research questions for which the answers are already available, that don't
clearly connect to what you think is actually going on, or that would have no
direct relevance to your goals in doing the research.
Likewise, your research questions need to be ones that are answerable by
the kind of study you can actually conduct. There is no value to posing ques
tions that no feasible study could answer, either because the data that could
answer them could not be obtained or because any conclusions you might draw
from these data would be subject to serious validity threats.
A common problem in the development of research questions is confusion
between research issues (what you want to understand by doing the study) and practical issues (what you want to accomplish). Your research questions need to connect clearly to your practical concerns, but in general an empirical study cannot directly answer practical questions such as, "How can I improve this
program'?" or "What is the best way to increase medical students' knowledge
of science'?" In order to address such practical questions, you need to focus on
what you don't understand about the phenomena you are studying, and to in vestigate what is really going on with these phenomena. For example, the prac
tical goal of Martha Regan-Smith's (1992) dissertation research was to im
prove the teaching of the basic sciences in medical school (see Maxwell, 1996a,
pp. 116fL). However, her research questions focused not on this goal, but on
what exceptional teachers in her school did that helped students to learnii! if science-something she had realized that she didn't know, and that ought to Ii
have important implications for how to improve such teaching overall. Unlessi! I' 11
you frame research questions that your study can clearly address, you run the i risk of either designing a study with unanswerable questions or smuggling yourIi Ii goals into the answers to the questions themselves, destroying the credibility
of your study. A second confusion, one that can create problems for interview studies, is
that between research questions and interview questions. Your research ques
tions identify the things that you want to understand; your interview questions
generate the data that you need to understand these things. This distinction is
discussed in more detail below, in the section on methods.
There are three issues that you should keep in mind in formulating research questions for applied social research. First, research questions may legitimately
be framed in particular as well as general terms. There is a strong tendency in
basie research to state research questions in general terms, such as, "How do
students deal with racial and ethnic difference in multiracial schools?" and then
I f 1
to "operationalize" these questions by selecting a particular sample or site. This
tendency can be counterproductive when the purpose of your study is to under
stand and improve some particular program, situation, or practice. In applied Designing a
research, it is often more appropriate to formulate research questions in par Qualitotive ticular terms, such as, "How do students at North High School deal with racial Study
and ethnic difference?"
Second, some researchers believe that questions should be stated in terms
of what the respondents report or what can be directly observed, rather than in
terms of inferred behavior, beliefs, or causal influences. This is what I call an
instrumentalist or positivist, rather than a realist, approach to research ques
tions (Maxwell, 1992; Norris, 1983). Instrumentalists formulate their questions
in terms of observable or measurable data, and are suspicious of inferences to
things that cannot be defined in terms of such data. For example, instrumen
talists would reject a question such as, "How do exemplary teachers help medi
cal students learn science')" and replace it with questions like "How do medical
students report that exemplary teachers help them learn science')" or "How are exemplary teachers observed to teach basic science')"
Realists, in contrast, don't assume that research questions about feelings,
beliefs, intentions, prior behavior, effects, and so on need to be reduced to, or
reframed as, questions about the actual data that one uses. Instead, they treat
their data as fallible evidence about these phenomena, to be used critically to develop and test ideas about what is going on (Campbell, 1988; Cook & Campbell, 1979; Maxwell, 1992).
The main risk of using instrumentalist questions is that you will lose sight
of what you are really interested in, and define your study in ways that obscure
the actual phenomena you want to investigate, ending up with a rigorous but
uninteresting conclusion. As in the joke about the man who was looking for
his keys under the streetlight (rather than where he dropped them) because the
light was better there, you may never find what you started out to look for. An
instrumentalist approach to your research questions may also make it more
difficult for your study to address important purposes of your study directly,
and can inhibit your theorizing about phenomena that are not directly observable.
My own preference is to use realist questions, and to address as systemati
cally and rigorously as possible the validity threats that this approach involves.
The seriousness of these validity threats (such as self-report bias) needs to be
assessed in the context of a particular study; these threats are often not as se
rious as instrumentalists imply. There are also effective ways to address these
threats in a qualitative design, which I discuss below in the section on validity.
The risk of trivializing your sludy by restricting your questions to what can be
directly observed is usually more serious than the risk of drawing invalid con
clusions. As the statistician John Tukey (1962) put it, "Far better an approxi
mate answer to the right question, which is often vague, than an exact answer to the wrong question, which can always be made precise" (p. 13).
One issue that is not entirely a matter of realism versus instrumentalism is whether research questions in interview studies should be framed in terms of
the respondents' perceptions or beliefs rather than the actual state of affairs.
You should base this decision not simply on the seriousness of the validity
threats, but also on what you actually want to understand. In many qualitative P[aHmHg Applied studies, the real interest is in how participants make sense of what has hap
Research pened, and how this perspective informs their actions, rather than determining 1m precisely what took place.
Fi nail y, many researchers (consciou sly or unconsciousl y) focus their ques
tions on variance rather than process (Maxwell, I 996a; Mohr, 1982). Variance questions deal with difference and correlation; they often begin with "Is there," o<Does," "How much," or "To what extent." For example, a variance approach
lo Martha Regan-Smith's (l992) study would ask questions like "Do exem
plary medical school teachers differ from others in their teaching of basic sci
ence'!" or "Is there a relationship between teachers' behavior and sludents'
learning?" and attempt to measure these differences and relationships. Process
questions, in contrast, focus on how and why things happen, rather than whether there is a particular difference or relationship or how much it is explained by
other variables. Regan-Smith's actual queslions focused on holV these teachers helped students learn, that is, the process by which their teaching helped the
students to learn.
In a qualitative study, it can be dangerous for you to frame your research
questions in a way that focuses on differences and their explanation. This may
lead you to begin thinking in variance terms, to try to identify the variables that
will account for observed or hypothesized differences, and to overlook the real
strength of a qualitative approach, which is in understanding the process by
which phenomena take place. Variance questions are often best answered by
quantitative approaches, which are powerful ways of determining whether a particular result is causally related to one or another variable, and to what extent these are related. However, qualitative research is often better at showing hOl'\/
this occurred. Variance questions are legitimate in qualitative research, but
they are often best grounded in the answers to prior process questions.
Qualitative researchers thus tend to generate two kinds of questions that
are much better suited to process theory than to variance theory: questions
about the meaning of events and activities to the people involved in them and questions about the influence of the physical and social context on these events and activities. (See the earlier discussion of meaning and comext as research
purposes.) Because both of these types of questions involve situation-specific
phenomena, they do not lend themselves to the kinds of comparison and control
that variance theory requires. Instead, they generally 1I1v01ve an open-ended,
inductive approach, in order to discover what these meanings and intluences
are, and how they are involved in these events and aeti vities-an inherently pro cessualorientation.
Developing relevant, focused, answerable research questions takes time;
such questions cannot be thrown together quickly, nor in most studies can they
be definitively formulated before data collection and analysis begin. Generat
ing good questions requires that you pay attention not just to the questions
themselves, but to their connections with all of the other design components:
the purposes that answering the questions might serve, the implications for your
questions of your conceptual context, the methods you could use to answer the
questions, and the validity threats you will need to address. As is true with the
other components of your design, writing memos about these issues is an extremely
useful tool for developing your questions (Maxwell, 1996a, pp. 61-(2) .
• Methods: What Will You Actually Do?
There is no "cookbook" for doing qualitati ve research. The appropriate
answer to almost any question about the use of qualitative methods is "It de pends." The value and feasibility of your research methods cannot be guaran
teed by your adhering to methodological rules; rather, they depend on the spe
cific setting and phenomena you are studying and the actual consequences of
your strategy for studying it.
o Prestructuring a Qualitative Study
One of the most important issues in designing a qualitative study is how
much you should attempt to prestructure your methods. Structured approaches
can help to ensure the comparability of data across sources and researchers,
and are thus particularly useful in answering variance questions, questions that
deal with differences between things and the explanation for these differences. Unstructured approaches, in contrast, allow the researcher to focus on the par
ticular phenomena studied; they trade generalizability and comparability for internal validity and contextual understanding, and are particularly llseful for
understanding the processes that led to specific outcomes, what Huberman and
Mi les (1988) call "local causality." Sayer (1992, pp. 241ff.) refers to these two
approaches as "extensive" and "intensive" research designs, respectively.
However, Miles and Huberman (1994) warn that
highly inductive, loosely designed studies make good sense when experienced
researchers have plenty of time and are exploring exotic cultures, understudied
phenomena, or very complex social phenomena. But if you're new to qualitative
studies and are looking at a better understood phenomenon within a familiar
culture or subculture, a loose, inductive design is a waste of time. Months of
fieldwork and voluminous case studies may yield only a few banalities. (p. 17)
They also point out that prestructuring reduces the amount of data that you have
to deal with, functioning as a form of preanalysis that simplifies the analytic
work required. Unfortunately, most di scussions of thi s issue treat prestructuring as a single
dimension, and view it in terms of metaphors such as hard versus soft and tight
Designing a Quaiitati ve Study
versus loose. Such metaphors have powerful connotations (although they are
different for different people) that can lead you to overlook or ignore the nu
merous ways in which studies can vary, not just in the amount of prestructuring, Planning but in how prestructuring is used. For example, you could employ an extremely
Applied Research open approach to data collection, but use these data for a confirmatory test of
explicit hypotheses based on a prior theory (e.g., Festinger, RieckeI', & Schachter, 1956). In contrast, the approach often known as ethnoscience or cognitive an
thropology (Werner & Schoepf]e, 1987a, 1987b) employs highly structured data collection techniques, but interprets these data in a largely inductive man ner, with very few preestablished categories. Thus the decision you face is not
primarily whether or to what extent you prestructure your study, but in what
ways you do this, and why. Finally, it is worth keeping in mind that you can layout a tentative plan
for some aspects of your study in considerable detail, but leave open the pos
sibility of substantially revising this if necessary. Emergent insights may require new sampling plans, different kinds of data, and different analytic
strategies. I distinguish four main components of qualitative methods:
I. The research relationship that you establish with those you study
2. Sampling: what times, settings, or individuals you select 10 observe or inter view, and what other sources of information you decide to use
3. Data collection: how you gather the information you will use
4. Data analysis: what you do with this information in order to make sense of it
It is useful to think of all of these components as involving design decisions key issues that you should consider in planning your study, and that you should
rethink as you are engaged in it.
o Negotiating a Research Relationship
Your relationships with the people in your study can be complex and changeable, and these relationships will necessarily affect you as the "research instrument," as well as have implications for other components of your re
search design. My changing relationships with the people in the Inuit commu nity in which I conducted my dissertation research (Maxwell, 1986) had a pro
found effect not only on my own state of mind, but on who I was able to
interview, my opportunities for observation of social life, the quality of the
data I collected, the research questions I was able to answer, and my ability to test my conclusions. The term reflexivity (Hammersley & Atkinson, 1983) is often used for this unavoidable mutual influence of the research participants
and the researcher on each other. There are also philosophical, ethical, and political issues that should in
form the kind of relationship that you want to establish. In recent years, there
has been a growing interest in alternatives to the traditional style of research,
including participatory action research, collaborative research, feminist re search, critical ethnography, and empowerment research (see Denzin &
Designing a Lincoln, 1994; Fetterman et aI., 1996; Oja & Smulyan, 1989; Whyte, 1991). Qualitative Each of these modes of research involves different sorts of relationships be Study
tween the researcher and the participants in the research, and has different implications for the rest of the research design.
Thus it is important that you think about the kinds of relationships you
want to have with the people whom you study, and what you need to do to
establish such relationships. I see these as design decisions, not simply as ex ternal factors that may affect your design. Although they are not completely
under your control and cannot be defined preci sely in advance, they are still matters that require systematic planning and reflection if your design is to be as coherent as possible.
o Decisions About Sampling: Where, When, Who, and What
Whenever you have a choice about when and where to observe, whom to
talk to, or what information sources to focus on, you are faced with a sampling decision. Even a single case study involves a choice of this case rather than others, as well as requiring sampling decisions within the case itself. Miles
and Huberman (1994, pp. 27 -34) and LeCompte and Preissle (1993, pp. 56-85) provide valuable discussions of particular sampling issues; here, I want to talk more generally about the nature and purposes of sampling in qualitative research.
Works on quantitative research generally treat anything other than prob ability sampling as "convenience sampling," and strongly discourage the latter.
For qualitative research, this ignores the fact that most sampling in qualitative
research is neither probability sampling nor convenience sampling, but falls into a third category: purposeful sampling (Patton, 1990, pp. I69ff.). This is a strategy in which particular settings, persons, or events are deliberately se
lected for the important information they can provide that cannot be gotten as well from other choices.
There are several important uses for purposeful sampling. First, it can be used to achieve representativeness or typicality of the settings, individuals, or
activities selected. A small sample that has been systematically selected for typicality and relative homogeneity provides far more confidence that the con
clusions adequately represent the average members of the population than does
a sample of the same size that incorporates substantial random or accidental
variation. Second, purposeful sampling can be used to capture adequately the heterogeneity in the population. The goal here is to ensure that the conclusions
adequately represent the entire range of variation, rather than only the typical members or some subset of this range. Third, a sample can be purposefully selected to allow for the examination of cases that are critical for the theories the study began with, or that have subsequently been developed. Finally, pur
poseful sampling can be used to establish particular comparisons to illuminate
the reasons for differences between settings or individuals, a common strategy
in multicase qualitative studies. Planning
You should not make sampling decisions in isolation from the rest of yourApplied Research design. They should take into account your research relationship with study
G.. participants, the feasibility of data collection and analysis, and validity con cerns, as well as your purposes and conceptual context. In addition, feasible
sampling decisions often require considerable knowledge of the setting stud
ied, and you will need to alter them as yon learn more about what decisions
will work best to give you the data you need.
o Decisions Abollt Data Collection
Most qualitative methods texts devote considerable space to the strengths
and limitations of particular data collection methods (see particularly Bogdan & Biklen, 1992; Patton, 1990; Weiss, 1994), so I won't deal with these issues here. Instead, I want to address two key design issues in selecting and using
data collection methods: the relationship between research questions and data
collection methods, and the triangulation of different methods. Although researchers often talk about "operationalizing" their research
questions, or of "translating" the research questions into interview questions,
this language is a vestigial remnant of logical positivism that bears little rela
tionship to qualitative research practice. There is no way to convert research
questions into useful methods decisions; your methods are the means to an swering your research questions, not a logical transformation of the latter.
Their selection depends not only on your research questions, but on the actual
research situation and what will work most effectively in that situation to give
you the data you need. For example, your interview questions should be judged
not by whether they can be logically derived from your research questions, but
by whether they provide the data that will contribute to answcring these ques
tions, an issue that may require pilot testing a variety of qucstions or actually
conducting a significant part of the interviews. You need to anticipate, as best
you can, how particular interview questions or other data collection strategies
will actually work in practice. In addition, your interview questions and obser
vational strategies will generally be far more focused, conrext-specific, and
diverse than the broad, general research questions that define what you seek to
understand in conducting the study. The development of a good data collection
plan requires creativity and insight, not a mechanical translation of your re
search questions into methods. In addition, qualitative studies generally rely on the integration of data
from a variety of methods and sources of information, a general principle known as triangulation (Denzin, 1978). This reduces the risk that your conclu
sions will reflect only the systematic biases or limitations of a specific method,
and allows you to gain a better assessmenr of the validity and generality of the I I I i
explanations that you develop. Triangulation is also discussed below, In the section on validity.
D Decisions About Data Analysis
Analysis is often conceptually separated from design, especially by writers
who see design as what happens before the data are actually collected. Here, I treat analysIs as a part of design, and as something that must itself be designed.
Every qualitative study requires decisions about how the analysis will be done,
and these decisions should influence, and be influenced by, the rest of the design.
One of the most common problems qualitati ve researchers have is that they
let their unanalyzed field notes ~lnd transcripts pile up, making the task of final
analysis much more difficult and discouraging than it needs to be. In my dis
sertation research on Inuit kinship, if I had not analyzed my data as I collected
it, I would have missed the insights that enabled me to collect many of the data
I eventually used to support my conclusions. You should begin data analysis
immediately after finishing the first interview or observation, and continue to
analyze the data as long as you are working on the research. This allows you
to progressively focus your interviews and observations, and to decide how to test your emerging conclusions.
Strategies for qualitative analysis fall into three main groups: categorizing
strategies (such as coding and thematic analysis), contextualizing strategies
(such as narrative analysis and individual case studies), and memos and dis
plays. These strategies are discussed in more detail by Coffey and Atkinson
(1996) and Dey (1993). These methods can, and generally should, be com
bined, but I will begin by discussing them separately.
The main categorizing strategy in qualitative research is coding. This is
rather different from coding in quantitative research, which consists of apply
ing a preestablished set of categories to the data according to explicit, unam
biguous rules, with the primary goal being to generate frequency counts of the
items in each category. In qualitative research, in contrast, the goal of coding
is not to produce counts of things, but to "fracture" (Strauss, 1987, p. 29) the
data and rearrange it into categories that facilitate comparison between things
in the same category and between categories. These categories may be derived
from existing theory, inductively generated during the research (the basis for
what Glaser & Strauss, 1967, term "grounded theory"), or drawn from the
categories of the people studied (what anthropologists call "emic" categories).
Such categorizing makes it much easier for you to develop a general under
standing of what is going on, to generate themes and theoretical concepts, and
to organize and retrieve your data to test and support these general ideas. (An
excellent practical source on coding is Bogdan & Biklen, 1992; for more elabo rate treatment, see Dey, 1993.)
However, fracturing and categorizing your data can lead to the neglect of
contextual relationships among these data, relationships based on contiguity
Designing a a
Qualitative Study
rather than similarity (Maxwell & Miller, n.d.), and can create analytic blind
ers, preventing you from seeing alternative ways of understanding your data. Atkinson (J992) describes how his initial categorizing analysis of data on the
Planning Applied teaching of general medicine affected his subsequent analysis of the teaching
Research of surgery: "On rereading the surgery notes, I initially found it difficult to es EJJ cape those categories I had initially established [for medicine]. Under
standably, they furnished a powerful conceptual grid .... The notes as I confronted
them had been fragmented into the constituent themes" (pp. 458-459).
What I call contextualizing strategies (MaxweJl & Miller, n.d.) were de veloped in part to deal with these problems. Instead of fracturing the initial text into discrete elements and re-sorting it into categories, contextualizing analysis
attempts to understand the data (usually, but not necessarily, an interview tran script or other textual material) in context, using various methods to identify the relationships among the different elements of the text. Such strategies in
clude some forms of case studies (Patton, 1990), profiles (Seidman, 1991), some
types of narrative analysis (Coffey & Atkinson, 1996), and ethnographic mi croanalysis (Erickson, 1992). What all of these strategies have in common is that they look for relationships that connect statements and events within a
particular context into a coherent whole. Atkinson (1992) states:
I am now much less inclined to fragment the notes into relatively small segments. Instead, I am just as interested in reading episodes and passages at greater length, with a correspondingly different attitude toward the act of reading and hence of analysis. Rather than constructing my account like a patchwork quilt, I feel more like working with the whole cloth.... To be more precise, what now concerns me is the nature of these products as texts. (p. 460)
The distinction between categorizing and contextualizing strategies has
important implications for your research questions. A research question that
asks about the way events in a specific context are connected cannot be an
swered by an exclusively categorizing analysis (Agar, 1991). Conversely, a
question about similarities and differences across settings or individuals, or
about general themes in your data, cannot be answered by an exclusively con
textualizing analysis. Your analysis strategies have to be compatible with the
questions you are asking. Both categoriZing and contextualizing sLrategies are
legitimate and valuable tools in qualitative analysis, and a study that relies on
only one of these runs the risk of missing important insights.
The third category of analytic tools, memos and displays, is also a key part
of qualitative analysis (Miles & Huberman, 1994, pp. 72-75; Strauss & Corbin, 1990, pp. 197-223). As discussed above, memos can perform functions not
related to data analysis, such as reflection on methods, theory, or purposes. However, displays and memos are valuable analytic techniques for the same reasons they are useful for other purposes: They facilitate your thinking about relationships in your data and make your ideas and analyses visible and retriev
able. You should write memos frequently while you are doing data analysis,
in order to stimulate and capture your ideas about your data. Displays (Miles & Huberman, 1994), which include matrices or tables, networks or concept maps, and various other forms, also serve two other purposes: data reduction
Designing a and the presentation of data or analysis in a form that allows you to see it as a Qualitative whole. Study
There are now a substantial number of computer programs available for analyzing qualitative data and a number of recent books comparing and evalu ating these (e.g., Tesch, 1990; Weitzman & Miles, 1995). Although none of these programs eliminates the need to read your data and create your own con cepts and relationships, they can enormously simplify the task of coding and retrieving data in a large project. However, most of these programs are de signed primarily for categorizing analysis, and may distort your analytic strat
egy toward such approaches. For example, one group of researchers, employ ing a widely used qualitative analysis program to analyze interviews with historians about how they worked, produced a report that identified common themes and provided examples of how individual historians talked about these, but completely failed to answer the funder's key questions, which had to do with how individual historians thought about the connections among these dif ferent issues in their own work (Agar, 1991). So-called hypertext programs (Coffey & Atkinson, 1996, pp. 181-186) allow you to create electronic links, representing any sort of connection you want, among data within a particular context, but the openness of such programs can make them difficult for less ex perienced researchers to use effectively. A few of the more structured programs, such as ATLAS/ti, enable you not only to create links among data chunks, codes, and memos, but also to display the resulting networks (Weitzman & Miles, 1995, pp. 222-224).
• Validity: How Might You Be Wrong?
Quantitative and experimental researchers generally attempt to design, in
advance, controls that will deal with both anticipated and unanticipated threats
to validity. Qualitative researchers, on the other hand, rarely have the benefit
of formal comparisons, sampling strategies, or statistical manipulations that
"control for" the effect of particular variables, and must try to rule out most
validity threats after the research has begun, using evidence collected during
the research itself to make these "alternative hypotheses" implausible. This
approach requires you to identify the specific threat in question and to develop
ways to attempt to rule out that particular threat. It is clearly impossible to list
here all, or even the most important, validity threats to the conclusions of a qualitative study, but I want to discuss two broad types of threats to validity
that are often raised in relation to qualitative studies: researcher bias and the
effect of the researcher on the setting or individuals studied, generally known
as reacti vity.
I ~
~ ;
I: :',
Bias refers to ways in which data collection or analysis are distorted by the
researcher's theory, values, or preconceptions. It is clearly impossib Ie to deal
with these problems by eliminating these theories, preconceptions, or values, Plannint;
Applied as discussed earlier. Nor is it usually appropriate to try to "standardize" the Research researcher to achieve reliability; in qualitative research, the main concern is
II'lJ not with eliminating variance between researchers in the values and expecta tions they bring to the study, but with understanding how a particular re
searcher's values influence the conduct and conclusions of the study. As one
qualitative researcher, Fred Hess, has phrased it, validity in qualitative research
is the result not of indifference, but of integrity (personal communication).
Strategies that are useful in achieving this are discussed below (and in more
detail in Maxwell, 1996a).
Reactivity is a second problem that is often raised about qualitative studies.
The approach to reactivity of most quantitative research, of trying to "control
for" the effect of the researcher, is appropriate to a "variance theory" perspec
tive, in which the goal is to prevent researcher variability from being an un wanted cause of variability in the outcome variables. However, eliminating the
actual influence of the researcher is impossible (Hammersley & Atkinson, 1983), and the goal in a qualitative study is not to eliminate this influence but
to understand it and to use it productively.
For participant observation studies, reactivity is generally not as serious a validity threat as many people believe. Becker (1970, pp. 45ff.) points out that
in natural settings, an observer is generally much less of an influence on par
ticipants' behavior than is the setting itself (though there are clearly exceptions
to this, such as settings in which illegal behavior occurs). For all types of in terviews, in contrast, the interviewer has a powerful and inescapable influence
on the data collected; what the interviewee says is always a function of the
interviewer and the interview situation (Briggs, 1986; Mishler, 1986). Al though there are some things you can do to prevent the more undesirable con
sequences of this (such as avoiding leading questions), trying to "minimize"
your effect on the interviewee is an impossible goal. As discussed above for
"bias," what is important is to understand how you are influencing what the
interviewee says, and how this affects the validity of the inferences you can
draw from the interview.
o Validity Tests: A Checklist
I discuss below some of the most important strategies you can use in a
qualitative study to deal with particular validity threats and thereby increase I the credibility of your conclusions. Miles and Huberman (1994, pp. 262ff.) J
linclude a more extensive list, having some overlap with mine, and other lists are given by Becker (1970), Kidder (1981), Guba and Lincoln (1989), and Patton (1990). Most of these strategies operate primarily not by verifying your conclusions, but by testing the validity of your conclusions and the existence
of potential threats to those conclusions (Campbell, 1988). The idea is to look
for evidence that challenges your conclusion, or that makes the potential threat implausible.
Desfgnfng li
The modus operandi approach. One strategy often used for testing expla Qualftative Study
nations in qualitative research, which differs significantly from those prevalent
in quantitative research, has been called the "modus operandi method" by
Scriven (1974). It resembles the approach of a detective trying to solve a crime, an FAA inspector trying to determine the cause of an airplane crash, a physician
attempting to diagnose a patient's illness, or a historian, geologist, or evolution
ary biologist trying to account for a particular sequence of events. However, its
logic has received little formal explication (recent exceptions are found in
Gould, 1989; Maxwell, 1996b; Mohr, 1995; Ragin, 1987), and has not been ~
, I I
I 1
clearly understood even by many qualitati ve researchers. Basically, rather than
trying to deal with alternative possible causes or validity threats as variables,
by either holding them constant or comparing the result of differences in their
values in order to determine their effect, the modus operandi method deals with
them as events, by searching for clues as to whether they took place and were
involved in the outcome in question. Thus a researcher who is concerned about
whether some of her interviews with teachers were being influenced by their
principal's well-known views on the topics being investigated, rather than elimi
nating teachers with this principal from her sample or comparing interviews of
teachers with different principals to detect this influence, would look for internal
evidence of this influence in her interviews or other data, or would try to find
ways of investigating this influence directly through her interviews.
Searchingfordiscrepant evidence and negative cases. Looking for and ana
lyzing discrepant data and negative cases is an important way of testing a pro
posed conclusion. There is a strong and often unconscious tendency for re
searchers to notice supporting instances and ignore ones that don't fit their
preestablished conclusions (Miles & Huberman, 1994, p. 263; Shweder, 1980).
Thus you need to develop explicit and systematic strategies for making sure that
you don't overlook data that could point out Haws in your reasoning or conclu
sions. However, discrepant evidence can itself be flawed; you need to examine
both the supporting and discrepant evidence to determine whether the conclu
sion in question is more plausible than the potential alternatives.
Triangulation. Triangulation, as discussed above, reduces the risk of sys
tematic distortions inherent in the use of only one method, because no single
method is completely free from all possible validity threats. The most extensive
discussion of triangulation as a validity-testing strategy in qualitative research
is offered by Fielding and Fielding (1986), who emphasize the fallibility of any
particular method and the need to design triangulation strategies to deal with
specific validity threats. For example, interviews, questionnaires, and docu
ments may all be vulnerable to self-report bias or ideological distortion; effec
tive triangulation would require an additional method that is not subject to this particular threat, though it might well have other threats that would be dealt with
Planning Applied by the former methods.
e Feedback. Soliciting feedback from others is an extremely useful strategy
for identifying validity threats, your own biases and assumptions, and flaws in
your logic or methods. You should try to get such feedback from a variety of
people, both those familiar with the phenomena or settings you are studying amI
those who are strangers to them. These two groups of individuals will give you
different sorts of comments, but both are valuable.
Member checks. One particular sort of feedback deserves special attention:
the systematic solicitation of the views of participants in your study about your
data and conclusions, a process known as "member checks" (Guba & Lincoln,
1989, pp. 238-241; Miles & Huberman, 1994, pp. 275-277). This is the single
most important way of ruling out the possibility of your misinterpreting the
meaning of what the participants say and the perspective they have on what
is going on. However, it is important that you not assume that participants'
reactions are themselves necessarily valid (Bloor, 1983); their responses should
be taken simply as evidence regarding the validity of your account (see Hammersley & Atkinson, 1983).
Rich data. "Rich" data are data that are detailed and complete enough that
they provide a full and revealing picture of what is going on. In interview studies,
such data generally require verbatim transcripts of the interviews, rather than
simply notes on what you noticed or felt was significant. For observation, rich
data are the product of detailed, descriptive note taking about the specific, con
crete events that you observe. Becker (1970, pp. 51 ff.) argues that such data
"counter the twin dangers of respondent duplicity and observer bias by making
it difficult for respondents to produce data that uniformly support a mistaken
conclusion, just as they make it difficult for the observer to restrict his observa
tions so that he sees only what supports his prejudices and expectations" (p. 52).
The key function of rich data is to provide a test of your developing theories,
rather than simply a source of supporting instances.
Quasi-statistics. Many of the conclusions of qualitative studies have an im
plicit quantitative component. Any claim that a particular phenomenon is typi
cal, rare, or prevalent in the setting or population studied is an inherently quan
titative claim, and requires some quantitative support. Becker (1970, p. 31) has
coined the term "quasi-statistics" to refer to the use of simple numerical results
that can be readily derived from the data. Quasi-statistics not only allow you to
test and support claims that arc inherently quantitative, they also enahle you to
"r"""""" j
I assess the amount of evidence in your data that bears on a particular conclusion or threat, such as how many discrepant instances exist and from how many different I I
sources they were obtained. For example, Becker et al. (1961), in their study of Designing a
medical students, present more than 50 tables and graphs of the amount and Qualitative Studydistribution of their observation and interview data to support their conclusions.
I Comparison. Although explicit comparisons (such as control groups) for I,
the purpose of assessing validity threats are mainly associated with quantitative,
variance-theory research, there are valid uses for comparison in qualitative stud
ies, particularly multisite studies (e.g., Miles & Huberman, 1994, p. 237). In addition, single case studies often incorporate implicit comparisons that con
tribute to the interpretability of the case" For example, Martha Regan-Smith
(1992), in her "uncontrolled" study of how exemplary medical school teachers
helped students learn, used both the existing literature on "typical" medical
school teaching and her own extensive knowledge of this topic to determine
what was distinctive about the teachers she studied. Furthermore, the students
she interviewed explicitly contrasted these teachers with others whom they felt
were not as helpful to them, explaining not only what the exemplary teachers
did that increased their learning, but why this was helpful.
o Generalization in Qualitative Research
Qualitative researchers often study only a single setting or a small number
of individuals or sites, using theoretical or purposeful rather than probability sampling, and rarely make explicit claims about the generalizability of their accounts. Indeed, the value of a qualitative study may depend on its lack of
generalizability in the sense of being representative of a larger population; it may provide an account of a setting or population that is illuminating as an
extreme case or "ideal type." Freidson (1975), for his study of social controls
on work in a medical group practice, deliberately selected an atypical practice,
one in which the physicians were better trained and more "progressive" than
usual and that was structured precisely to deal with the problems he was study ing. He argues that the documented failure of social controls in this case pro
vides a far stronger argument for the generalizability of his conclusions than
would the study of a "typical" practice. The generalizability of qualitative studies is usually based not on explicit
sampling of some defined population to which the results can be extended, but on the development of a theory that can be extended to other cases (Becker,
1991; Ragin, 1987; Yin, 1994). For this reason, Guba and Lincoln (1989) prefer
to talk of "transferability" rather than "generalizability" in qualitative research. Hammersley (1992, pp. 189-191) and Weiss (1994, pp. 26-29) list a number of features that lend credibility to generalizations made from case studies or nonrandom samples, including respondents' own assessments of generalizabil
ity, the similarity of dynamics and constraints to other situations, the presumed
depth or universality of the phenomenon studied, and corroboration from other
studies. However, none of these permits the kind of precise extrapolation of results to defined populations that probability sampling allows.
Planning Applied
• Conclusion
Harry Wolcott (1990) provides a useful metaphor for research design:
"Some of the best advice rve ever seen for writers happened to be included
with the directions I found for assembling a new wheelbarrow: Make sure all
parts are properly in place before tightening" (p. 47). Like a wheelbarrow, your
research design not only needs to have all the required parts, it has to work-to
function smoothly and accomplish its tasks. This requires attention to the con
nections among the different parts of the design-what I call coherence. There
isn't One Right Way to create a coherent qualitative design; in this chapter I
have tried to give you the tools that will enable you to put together a way that
works for you and your research.
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