Need A help with a American Indian homework




This assignment is worth 50 (FIFTY) points and is due no later than THE DATE SHOPWN ON THE

SYLLABUS FOR YOUR RESPECTIVE CLASS But is as follows: This is due soon—August 31 for

the Monday class (there is no class on September 7 th

) and September 8 th

for the Tuesday night class

and September 3 rd

for the Tuesday /Thursday class. Late papers will not be accepted.

The assignment must be typed--no hand written assignments will be accepted, you can do a list or use a

table/tabular form. On a cover page please type the words Indians as Mascots, Symbols, Marketing Tools,

and American Images, then your name, the class hour (19:00, 11:00 or 12:30 and the class section (01, 02,

03, 04). Failure to include this information on a cover page will result in a loss of 10 points.

The assignment is for you to look at brands, icons, symbols, mascots, weapons, vehicles, state names,

parks, place names and so on with Indian names or images and prepare a list of twenty (20) such names

or images (example Jeep Cherokee), state the tribe and tribe location (if any) represented (example

Oklahoma/Georgia), what the product or image or mascot is representing ( example Jeep Four Wheel

Vehicle), and why you think that name/image was used (example Outdoors/ Strength?). You can only use

two examples per category, i.e., two mascots, two states, two weapons, two vehicles, two foods, two

beverages, and so on. Do not repeat a tribe or name in categories—if you use a name for a river you

cannot use it for a city or in any other category.

Some of you will be tempted to plagiarize and cheat by copying from friends and colleagues, I highly

suggest that you do not do so. If I see two duplicate assignments—or close to duplicate—both

assignments will receive an F.

The Categories That You Must Use:



Military Helicopters

Dairy Products

U. S. States West of the Mississippi

Professional Football Team Names/Mascots

U. S. Cities West of the Mississippi

U. S. Rivers East of the Mississippi

California State Parks

San Diego County Place Names (not reservations)

General Words Adopted from Indians (i.e. Kayak)