Essay For Zeek the Geek So please no one else msg
M ost reported effects of videogames -
particularly in the popular press - appear
to centre upon the alleged negative
consequences. These have included my own
research into video game addiction,1,2 increased
aggressiveness,3 and the various medical and
psychosocial effects.4 However, there are many
references to the posit ive benefits of
videogames in the literature.5,6 Research dating
right back to the early 1980s has consistently
shown that playing computer games
(irrespective of genre) produces reductions in
reaction times, improved hand-eye
co-ordination and raises players’ self-esteem.
What’s more, curiosity, fun and the nature of
the challenge also appear to add to a game’s
educational potential.7 This paper briefly
overviews some of the educational benefits of
videogame playing.
Videogames as educational research tools
Videogames can clearly consume the atten-
tion of children and adolescents.8 However, it is
important to assess the extent that videogame
technology had an impact on childhood educa-
tion. Since videogames have the capacity to
engage children in learning experiences, this
has led to the rise of “edu-tainment” media. Just
by watching children it becomes very clear that
they prefer this type of approach to learning.
However, it appears that very few games on the
commercial market have educational value.
Some evidence suggests that important skills
may be built or reinforced by videogames. For
example, spatial visualization ability (i.e., men-
tally, rotating and manipulating two- and
three-dimensional objects) improve with video
game playing.9 Videogames were also more
effective for children who started out with rela-
tively poor skills. It has also been suggested that
videogames may be useful in equalizing indi-
vidual differences in spatial skill performance.
For over 20 years researchers have been using
videogames as a means of researching individ-
uals. Many of these reasons also provide an
insight as to why they may be useful education-
ally. For instance :
� Videogames can be used as research and/or mea-
surement tools. Furthermore, as research tools they
have great diversity
� Videogames attract participation by individuals
across many demographic boundaries (e.g., age,
gender, ethnicity, educational status)
� Videogames can assist children in setting goals,
ensuring goal rehearsal, providing feedback, rein-
forcement, and maintaining records of behavioural
� Videogames can be useful because they allow the
researcher to measure performance on a very wide
variety of tasks, and can be easily changed, stan-
dardized and understood
� Videogames can be used when examining individual
characteristics such as self-esteem, self-concept,
goal-setting and individual differences
� Videogames are fun and stimulating for participants.
Vol. 20 No.3, 2002 Education and Health 47
Dr Mark Griffiths is Professor of Gambling Studies in the Psychology Division, Nottingham Trent University.
What is clear from the empirical literature is that the negative consequences of playing almost always
involve people who were excessive users of videogames.
Mark Griffiths
The educational benefits of videogames Videogames have great positive potential in addition to their entertainment value and there has been considerable success when games are designed to address a specific problem or to teach a certain skill.
Research has consistently shown that playing computer games produces reductions in reaction times, improved hand-eye co-ordination and raises players’ self-esteem.
Consequently, it is easier to achieve and maintain a
person’s undivided attention for long periods of
time.10 Because of the fun and excitement, they may
also provide an innovative way of learning
� Videogames can provide elements of interactivity that
may stimulate learning
� Videogames also allow participants to experience
novelty, curiosity and challenge. This may stimulate
� Videogames equip children with state-of-the art tech-
nology. This may help overcome technophobia (a
condition well-known among many adults). Over time
it may also help eliminate gender imbalance in IT use
(as males tend to be more avid IT users)
� Videogames may help in the development of trans-
ferable IT skills
� Videogames can act as simulations. These allow par-
ticipants to engage in extraordinary activities and to
destroy or even die without real consequences
� Videogames may help adolescents regress to child-
hood play (because of the ability to suspend reality in
videogame playing)
There of course some disadvantages to
researching videogames in an educational con-
text. For instance :
� Videogames cause participants to become excited
and therefore produce a whole host of confounding
variables such as motivation and individual skill11
� Videogame technology has rapidly changed across
time. Therefore, videogames are constantly being
upgraded which makes it hard to evaluate educa-
tional impact across studies
� Videogame experience and practice may enhance a
participant’s performance on particular games, which
may skew results
Despite the disadvantages, it would appear
that videogames (in the right context) may be a
facilitatory educational aid.
Videogames and the development of skills among
special need groups Videogames have been used in comprehen-
sive programmes to help develop social skills in
children and adolescents who are severely
retarded or who have severe developmental
problems like autism.12,13 Case studies such as
those by Demarest14 are persuasive. Demarest’s
account of her own autistic 7-year old son
reported that although he had serious deficien-
cies in language and understanding, and social
and emotional difficulties, videogame playing
was one activity he was able to excel. This was
ego-boosting for him and also had a self-calm-
ing effect. Videogames provided the visual
patterns, speed and storyline that help chil-
dren’s basic skills development. Some of the
therapeutic benefits Demarest outlined were
language skills, mathematics and reading skills,
and social skills.
Language skills
These included videogame play being able
to facilitate (i) discussing and sharing, (ii) fol-
lowing directions (understanding prepositions
etc.), (iii) giving directions, (iv) answering ques-
tions, and (v) having a discussion topic with
visual aides to share with others.
Basic maths skills
These included videogame playing pro-
moting basic maths skills as children learn to
interact with the score counters on videogames.
Basic reading skills
These included videogames’ character dia-
logue which are printed on the screen (‘Play’,
‘Quit’, ‘Go’, ‘Stop’, Load’ etc.).
Social skills
Videogames provided an interest that was
popular with other children makes talking and
playing together so much easier. At school there
are always other children who share a passion
for videogame play.
Horn15 used videogames to train three chil-
dren with multiple handicaps (e.g., severely
limited vocal speech acquisition) to make scan
and selection responses. These skills were later
transferred to a communication device. Other
researchers have used videogames to help
learning disabled children in their development
of spatial abilities,16 problem-solving exer-
cises17 and mathematical ability.18 Other
researchers have offered comments on how best
to use computer technology for improved
achievement and enhanced motivation among
the learning disabled.19,20
There are now a few studies that have
examined whether videogames might be able to
help in the treatment of another special needs
group - children with impulsive and attentional
diff icult ies . Kappes2 1 tr ied to reduce
impulsivity in incarcerated juveniles (ages 15 to
18 years) by providing either biofeedback or
experience with a videogame. Impulsivity
scores improved for both conditions. Improve-
ment was also noted in negative
self-attributions and in internal locus of control.
The authors concluded that most likely expla-
nation for the improvement in both
experimental conditions was the immediate
feedback. Clarke22 also used videogames to
48 Education and Health Vol. 20 No.3, 2002
Despite the disadvantages, it would appear that videogames (in the right context) may be a facilitatory educational aid.
help adolescents learn impulse control. A
videogame was used for four weeks with four
subjects (11 to 17 years) diagnosed with impulse
control problems. After the experimental trial,
the participants became more enthusiastic and
co-operative about treatment.
Brain-wave biofeedback New (as yet unpublished) research23 sug-
gests videogames linked to brain-wave
biofeedback may help children with attention
deficit disorders. Biofeedback teaches patients
to control normally involuntary body functions
such as heart rate by providing real-time moni-
tors of those responses. With the aid of a
computer display, attention-deficit patients can
learn to modulate brain waves associated with
focusing. With enough training, changes
become automatic and lead to improvements in
grades, sociability, and organizational skills.
Following on from research involving pilot
attentiveness during long flights, a similar prin-
ciple has been developed to help
attention-deficit children stay focused by
rewarding an attentive state of mind. This has
been done by linking biofeedback to commer-
cial videogames.
In their trial, Pope24 selected half a dozen
‘Sony PlayStation’ games and tested 22 girls
and boys between the ages of 9 and 13 who had
attention deficit disorder. Half the group got
traditional biofeedback training, the other half
played the modified video games. After 40
one-hour sessions, both groups showed sub-
stantial improvements in everyday brain-wave
patterns as well as in tests of attention span,
impulsiveness, and hyperactivity.
Parents in both groups also reported that
their children were doing better in school. The
difference between the two groups was motiva-
tion. The video-game group showed fewer
no-shows and no dropouts. The researchers do
warn that the ‘wrong kinds of videogame’ may
be detrimental to children with attention disor-
ders. For instance, ‘shoot ‘em up’ games may
have a negative effect on children who already
have a tendency toward short attention and
impulsivity. They also state that the technique is
an adjunct to drug therapy and not a replace-
ment for it.
Videogames and health care Videogames have also been used to
improve children’s health care. Several games
have been developed specifically for children
with chronic medical conditions. One of the
best-studied is an educational game called
‘Packy and Marlon’.25 This game was designed
to improve self-care skills and medical
compliance in children and adolescents with
diabetes. Players assume the role of characters
who demonstrate good diabetes care practices
while working to save a summer camp for chil-
dren with diabetes from rats and mice who have
stolen the supplies. ‘Packy and Marlon’ is now
available through ‘Click Health’
(, along with two addi-
tional health-related software products,
‘Bronkie the Bronchiasaurus’ (for asthma
self-management) and ‘Rex Ronan’ (for smok-
ing prevention).
In a controlled study using ‘Packy and
Marlon’,26 8- to 16-year olds were assigned to
either a treatment or control group. All partici-
pants were given a ‘Super Nintendo’ game
system. The treatment group was given ‘Packy
and Marlon’ software, while the control sub-
jects received an entertainment videogame. In
addition to more communication with parents
and improved self-care, the treatment group
demonstrated a significant decrease in urgent
medical visits.
Rehabilitation There are also several case reports describ-
ing the use of videogames for rehabilitation. In
one application, an electronic game was used to
improve arm control in a 13 year old boy with
Erb’s palsy.27 The authors concluded that the
game format capitalized on the child’s motiva-
tion to succeed in the game and focused
attention away from potential discomfort.
Electronic games have also been used to
enhance adolescents’ perceived self-efficacy in
HIV/AIDS prevention programs.28 Using a
time travel adventure game format, informa-
tion and opportunities for practice discussing
prevention practices were provided to
high-risk adolescents. Game-playing resulted
in significant gains in factual information about
safe sex practices, and in the participants’ per-
ceptions of their ability to successfully negotiate
and implement such practices with a potential
Concluding remarks It is vital that we continue to develop the
positive potential of videogames while remain-
ing aware of possible unintended negative
effects when game content is not prosocial. At
the present time, the most popular games are
usually violent. Given current findings, it is rea-
sonable to be concerned about the impact of
violent games on some children and adoles-
cents. Game developers need support and
encouragement to put in the additional effort
necessary to develop interesting games which
do not rely heavily on violent actions.
Vol. 20 No.3, 2002 Education and Health 49
Players assume the role of characters who demonstrate good diabetes care practices while working to save a summer camp for children with diabetes from rats and mice who have stolen the supplies.
It is vital that we continue to develop the positive potential of videogames while remaining aware of possible unintended negative effects when game content is not prosocial.
Relationships between playing violent elec-
tronic games and negative behaviors and
emotions may never be proven to be causal by
the strictest standard of “beyond a reasonable
doubt,” but many believe that we have already
reached the still-compelling level of “clear and
convincing evidence.”
Finally, most parents would probably sup-
port the use of videogames if they were sure
they helped their children learn about school
subjects. There are several elements which the
teacher, parent, or facilitator should evaluate
when choosing a health promoting/educa-
tional or helping videogame (adapted from
� Educational or therapeutic objective. The objec-
tive of the game should be clear. Professional
helpers and developers should have a known goal in
mind for the players of the game. The outcomes they
are seeking should be clear to the teacher and to the
� Type of game. There are many types of activity con-
tent : games, puzzles, mazes, play,
fantasy/adventure, simulations, and simulation
games. Some games require physical skill and strat-
egy, while others are games of chance. Some
videogames are board or adventure game, while oth-
ers involve simulation involving real events or
fantasy. No evidence supports a greater therapeutic
or educational effect in either situation
� Required level and nature of involvement. The
evaluator should assess whether the videogame
player is passive or active. In some games, the com-
puter plays the game while the participant watches
the results. In computer-moderated games, the com-
puter provides the environment for the game to occur
and presents decisions or questions to the player at
key points during the game. The computer then
reveals the consequences of the decisions made by
the player
� Information and rules. Some games allow the
player to have a range of knowledge and information
about past experiences with the game. Others pro-
vide minimal amounts of information to the player.
Part of the strategy may involve the player’s
response to this lack of information. Rules and player
participation in setting rules may vary among games
� The role of luck. Some games are driven by chance.
It is assumed that the greater the influence of chance
in the working of the game, the less educational and
therapeutic in nature. However, some players prefer
games of chance over games of strategy
� Difficulty. Some games allow the player to choose
the difficulty level. Others adjust difficulty level based
on the progression of the player. This approach
allows the game to become progressively more inter-
esting as it becomes more challenging
� Competition. Many games build in competition.
Some players are attracted by competition. Teachers
may wish to examine if the competition is presented
in such a way that all can win and that one does not
win at the expense of all others
� Duration. Some games have very short duration,
while others may go on at length. Making of user
rewards, personal challenges, or changes in color or
graphical surroundings to maintain interest some
games can hold player interest for long periods of
� Participant age and characteristics. Computerized
games have been developed for a range of ages. It
assumes that the participant can understand the
rules of the game and has the skill level to accom-
plish the motor aspects of playing the game. Some
games allow for modification of text to meet the
needs of poorly sighted players
� Number of players. Some videogames are solitary
in nature. Others pit players against each other or the
computer. Solitary games may meet the needs of
those who find group work difficult
� Facilitator’s role. In some videogames, the teacher
or facilitator merely observes. In others, the facilitator
may be an important part of the game format
� Setting. Fully prepare staff to integrate these games
into the curriculum. Without proper acceptance, the
games may be used primarily as a game or toy rather
than as a therapeutic or educational tool
Videogame technology brings new chal-
lenges to the education arena. Videogames
represent one technique that may be available
to the classroom teacher. Care should be taken
that enthusiastic use of this technique does not
displace other more effective techniques. Video
and computer-based games may possess
advantages not present in other learning strate-
gies. For example, the ability to choose different
solutions to a difficult problem and then see the
50 Education and Health Vol. 20 No.3, 2002
Videogame technology brings new challenges to the education arena.
Education and Health In the next issue:
Young People in 2001
Young people tell us what they do at home,
at school and with their friends
effect those decisions have on a fictional game
allows students to experiment with prob-
lem-solving in a relative safe environment.
Videogames have great positive potential
in addition to their entertainment value. There
has been considerable success when games are
specifically designed to address a specific prob-
lem or to teach a certain skill. However,
generalizability outside the game-playing situ-
ation remains an important research question.
What is also clear from the empirical literature
is that the negative consequences of playing
almost always involve people who were exces-
sive users of videogames. From prevalence
studies in this area, there is little evidence of
serious acute adverse effects on health from
moderate play. Adverse effects are likely to be
relatively minor, and temporary, resolving
spontaneously with decreased frequency of
play, or to affect only a small subgroup of play-
ers. Excessive players are the most at-risk from
developing health problems although more
research appears to be much needed.
1 Griffiths, M.D. & Hunt, N. (1995). Computer game playing in
adolescence : Prevalence and demographic indicators.
Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 5,
2 Griffiths, M.D. & Hunt, N. (1998). Dependence on computer
game playing by adolescents. Psychological Reports, 82,
3 Griffiths, M.D. (1998). Video games and aggression : A
review of the literature. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 4,
4 Griffiths, M.D. (1996). Computer game playing in children
and adolescents : A review of the literature. In T. Gill (Ed.),
Electronic Children : How Children Are Responding To The
Information Revolution. pp.41-58. London : National
Children’s Bureau.
5 Lawrence, G.H. (1986). Using computers for the treatment
of psychological problems. Computers in Human Behavior,
2, 43-62.
6 Griffiths, M.D. (1997). Video games and clinical practice :
Issues, uses and treatments. British Journal of Clinical
Psychology, 36, 639-641.
7 op cit (above, n.1).
8 Malone, T.W. (1981). Toward a theory of intrinsically
motivated instruction. Cognitive Science, 4, 333-369.
9 Subrahmanyam, K. & Greenfield, P. (1994). Effect of video
game practice on spatial skills in boys and girls. Journal of
Applied Developmental Psychology, 15, 13-32.
10 Donchin, E. (1995). Video games as research tools: The
Space Fortress game. Behavior Research Methods,
Instruments, & Computers, 27 ,217-223.
11 Porter, D.B. (1995). Computer games: Paradigms of
opportunity. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, &
Computers 27 (2), 229-234.
12 Gaylord-Ross, R.J., Haring, T.G., Breen, C. &
Pitts-Conway, V. (1984). The training and generalization of
social interaction skills with autistic youth. Journal of
Applied Behaviour Analysis, 17, 229.
13 Sedlak, R. A., Doyle, M. and Schloss, P. (1982) “Video
Games - a Training and Generalization Demonstration with
Severely Retarded Adolescents”, Education and Training in
Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, 17 (4),
14 Demarest. K. (2000). Video games – What are they good
for? Located at:
15 Horn, E., Jones, H.A. & Hamlett, C. (1991). An investigation
of the feasibility of a video game system for developing
scanning and selection skills. Journal for the Association for
People With Severe Handicaps, 16, 108-115.
16 Masendorf, F. (1993). Training of learning disabled
children’s spatial abilities by computer games. Zeitschrift fur
Padagogische Psychologie, 7, 209-213.
17 Hollingsworth, M. & Woodward, J. (1993). Integrated
learning : Explicit strategies and their role in problem
solving instruction for students with learning disabilities.
Exceptional Children, 59, 444-445.
18 Okolo, C. (1992a). The effect of computer-assisted
instruction format and initial attitude on the arithmetic facts
proficiency and continuing motivation of students with
learning disabilities. Exceptionality, 3, 195-211.
19 Blechman, E. A., Rabin, C., McEnroe, M. J. (1986). Family
Communication and Problem Solving with Boardgames and
Computer Games. In C. E. Schaefer & S. E. Reid (Ed.),
GAME PLAY: Therapeutic Use of Childhood Games pp.
129-145. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
20 Okolo, C. (1992b). Reflections on “The effect of
computer-assisted instruction format and initial attitude on
the arithmetic facts proficiency and continuing motivation of
students with learning disabilities”. Exceptionality, 3,
21 Kappes, B. M., & Thompson, D. L. (1985). Biofeedback vs.
video games: Effects on impulsivity, locus of control and
self-concept with incarcerated individuals. Journal of
Clinical Psychology, 41, 698-706.
22 Clarke, B. & Schoech, D. (1994). A computer-assisted
game for adolescents : Initial development and comments.
Computers in Human Services, 11(1-2), 121-140.
23 Wright, K. (2001). Winning brain waves : Can custom-made
video games help kids with attention deficit disorder?
Discover, 22. Located at
24 Pope, A. & Palsson, O. In Wright, K. (2001). Winning
brain waves : Can custom-made video games help kids
with attention deficit disorder? Discover, 22. Located at
25 Brown, S. J., Lieberman, D. A., Germeny, B. A., Fan, Y. C.,
Wilson, D. M., & Pasta, D. J. (1997). Educational video
game for juvenile diabetes: Results of a controlled trial.
Medical Informatics 22, 77-89.
26 ibid.
27 Krichevets, A.N., Sirotkina, E.B., Yevsevicheva, I.V. &
Zeldin, L.M. (1994). Computer games as a means of
movement rehabilitation. Disability and Rehabilitation : An
International Multidisciplinary Journal, 17, 100-105.
28 Thomas, R., Cahill, J., & Santilli, L. (1997). Using an
interactive computer game to increase skill and self-efficacy
regarding safer sex negotiation: Field test results. Health
Education and Behavior, 24, 71-86.
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Children and electronic games in the United States. Trends
in Communication, 2, 111-126.
Vol. 20 No.3, 2002 Education and Health 51
Excessive players are the most at-risk from developing health problems.