Rip Van Winkle and Anton Rosicky
bamberryWrite a comparison or contrast essay about two of the corresponding characters in the table below. You will choose three of the points of comparison from the pool below as your points of comparison or contrast. Keep in mind that the purpose of a comparison or contrast essay is to reveal something meaningful about the characters and their relationships to the text. The three topics that I choose are Relationship with others, sense of adventure and conflicts/trials faced. The piece is about Anton Rosicky and Rip Van Winkle from the short stories Rip van Winkle and Neighborhood Rosicky. The thesis statement should include: While some differences between Rip Van Winkle and Anton Rosicky are evident, they are similar in the aspects of Relationship with others, Sense of Adventure and Conflicts/Trials Face. There should be citations and no research policy all research should be from the short stories. 1000 words.
- 5 years ago
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