PHI 4302 PPP

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Unit VI PowerPoint Presentation

This seven-slide PowerPoint presentation measures your mastery of ULOs 5.1, 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3.

Use the company you work for or select an existing company, and create a colorful and creative PowerPoint presentation that addresses the following questions listed below.

1. How did the company implement its strategy?

2. What issues impacted the company’s competitiveness?

3. How did they measure organizational performance?

4. What were the key indicators for the company’s evaluation system, and was it successful?

Your presentation should be at least seven slides (no more than 12 pages), not counting the cover slide and the reference slide. You are not required to use speaker notes. Include in-text citations within the presentation. You must use the textbook as a reference. You may have more references, but more are not required. Use APA Style for citations and references.

other Questions(10)