Gettysburg address
- List every claim or opinion expressed by Jordan. If the opinion is supported by evidence, label it as "substantiated". If the opinion is stated but there is no evidence to support it, label it as "unsubstantiated".
- Based on your list, does Jordan effectively support her opinions? Why or why not?
- Consider the previous excerpts from the Declaration of Independence and the South African Constitution. Review the opinions stated within those texts. Are those claims substantiated with evidence? How do you know?
7 years ago
other Questions(10)
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- Explain law enforcement procedures beginning with initial contact with a suspect through an arrest. Explain the Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination. Discuss the origin and application of Miranda warnings.
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- NEED HELP ASAP. Got hit with extreme situation that prohibits me to write paper. DUE TUES 8pm PST- NO LATER COMMUNITY POLICING
- MUST HAVE BOOK Dessler, G. (2015). Human resource management (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education