

The topic of this Homework is latitude and longitude, map projections, map scales, and modern mapping technologies. Address the following:

  • What is the difference between a meridian (or longitude) and a parallel (or latitude)? Indicate the latitude and longitude of 5 of the following locations (your choice):
    • The Statue of Liberty
    • Mount Rushmore
    • The Eiffel Tower
    • The Taj Mahal
    • The Sydney Opera House
    • Mount Fuji
    • Stonehenge 
  • List and describe the four types of distortions that can result from map projections.
  • List and describe the three ways to indicate scale on a map.
  • What are GIS, GPS, and Remote Sensing and how do these technologies contribute to more accurate and timely geographic information on Earth?
  • How do you use these technologies (if any) in your everyday life?
    • a year ago
    • 5