Dietary Analysis Part2


4.  Open this file to complete the rest of the assignment.  Using the Nutrition Report above, fill in the Average Eaten columns of Tables 1 and 2 of the file you just opened.  To fill in Table 1, Energy and Macronutrients (percent of calories), use the top of the report as shown below.  You will need to hover over each macronutrient name to see percent of calories from each.  Do NOT use information from the sections that are crossed out on the image below.

For remaining macronutrient components and the micronutrients, use the Nutrition Report tables to obtain the information to fill remaining average intakes for Tables 1 and 2

Using the screenshot below as an example (vitamins in this case), you will use the 1stcolumn values rather than the red/yellow/green bar values in the 2nd column.

5.  Finish Tables 1 and 2 in the document you downloaded by using the following resources for Target or RDA/AI Nutrient values.

Macronutrients: Use the AMDRs that you learned about in your text for Target values.  These can be found in their respective chapters in the text (Chapters 4, 5, and 6).

Micronutrients: Use the link below for RDA/AI values for all vitamins and minerals except Vitamins A and D. For Vitamins A and D, the units from Cronometer do not match the RDA/AI units found in the link below.  While this is the most recent publication for RDA/AIs, presently IUs are the preferable measurement for vitamins A and D. As a result, Cronometer provides their results in IUs for these two vitamins. Use the following guidance:

            Vitamin A –     RDA 3000 IU for males

                                    RDA 2,333 IU for females

            Vitamin D –     RDA 600 IU for males and females

Recommended Dietary Allowance and Adequate Intakes

Step 4: Analysis Questions

1.  Answer Questions 1- 9 in the file you downloaded above based on your results in Tables 1 and 2.  Use complete sentences and ensure proper grammar and spelling.

Step 5: Submission

The following should be submitted as attachments when you have completed this part of your project:

1. Nutrition Report screen shots (as .doc or .pdf file)

2. Completed Analysis to include tables and answers to diet analysis questions (found here)


--All screenshots were included showing all required Nutrient Report data 

--Tables 1 and 2 include all necessary data and are accurately completed

Ques #1

Student has interpreted Mifflin-St Jeor data accurately 

--Provides a soundly reasoned comparison of energy needs and calories consumed

--Includes numeric values as part of answers 


--EER is calculated correctly 

--Unit conversions are accurate 

--All calculations are shown 

--Accurately compares energy needs and 

calories consumed 

QUES #3 

--Detailed comparison of energy balance results for Mifflin-St Jeor and EER 

--Provides a reasonable rationale for choice of best estimate 


--Answers are written in student’s own words

--Written in complete sentences

-- Demonstrates critical thinking

--No spelling or grammatical errors

--Supported with external research where relevant, cited in APA format

QUES #4 

--Student has accurately compares own % calories for carbohydrates, fats, and protein with the AMDRs

--Includes numeric values as part of answers 


--RDA for protein is calculated correctly 

--All calculations are shown 

--Accurately compares protein intake and calculated protein needs 

QUES #6 

Accurately compares fiber intake with fiber needs recommendations 


--Answers are written in student’s own words

--Written in complete sentences

-- Demonstrates critical thinking

--No spelling or grammatical errors

--Supported with external research where relevant, cited in APA format

QUES #7 

--Student has accurately compares intake of all vitamins and minerals with RDA/AIs 

QUES #8 

Correctly identified all toxicity risks for nutrient intake above 200%.

Describes diet changes (increase or decrease) to meet recommendations for




--Includes relevant numeric values as part of answers 


--Answers are written in student’s own words

--Written in complete sentences

-- Demonstrates critical thinking

--No spelling or grammatical errors

--Supported with external research where relevant, cited in APA format

  • 7 years ago
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