case study project
ashersdad92You have a successful cowboy boot business that you started in Tarrant County, but you’ve arrived at a point where you want to export your product. Your boots are handmade, top-quality calf-skin, ostrich, alligator, and other leathers. Because you once lived for a period of time in Canada with a previous job, you’ve decided to export to begin your exports there.
In a concise, organized format, write a research paper answering the following questions:
- What benefits do you think you will realize from exporting?
- What type of distribution system do you think you will be using?
- Straight to your end-user?
- Sales agent(s) or representative(s)?
- An authorized distributor(s)?
- Straight to your end-user?
- How will your product be classified according to the HTS/Schedule B?
- What duties and tariffs are on your product? How does this affect your profitability?
- Do you have any intellectual property concerns that must be addressed? How will you address these?
- What are your shipping concerns? How will you go about getting your product from the U.S. to its destination?
- What packaging issues must be dealt with concerning your product and its destination, its mode of travel, etc.
- When dealing with customs, both here and in the importing country, what steps are you taking?
- What paperwork are you filling out to be in compliance with customs regulations? (Include some completed examples as attachments.)
- Do you have any language or cultural issues to contend with?
- I want your paper to focus on export- and international trade-related subject matter. I don’t care about your marketing plan unless it is very much related to what we’ve covered in class. In other words, I don’t need to know about your logo, your slogan, etc. Focus on material we’ve covered in the chapters, assigned readings, exams, etc.
- Your paper needs to include information you get from doing research, so you will have to use footnotes, endnotes, or some sort of citations. Use MLA format like you would in English class. (
- Needless to say--but I’ll say it anyway--spell-check, grammar-check, and otherwise make sure everything is perfect before you submit your paper. It counts for 20% of your final grade.
- Not counting your cover page, your paper should be at least three pages. 12 point type, Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, double spaced.
- THIS IS A ONE-PERSON ASSIGNMENT, NOT TEAMWORK. WORK ALONE. The only assistance you should get is from someone else proofreading your work for spelling and grammar errors.
- I do NOT want you to take the list of questions above, copy-paste them, and answer them one-by-one. I want a paper. I will be grading on the following:
- Demonstration that you can read and follow directions.
- Writing clearly, concisely, and professionally. This isn’t about your sense of humor or your glowing personality. Leave out your personal branding. Write it like you would for a business assignment.
- Use of outside sources, i.e., articles, readings, and so forth other than the text book or what I have assigned during the course. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA--IT IS FROWNED UPON FOR ACADEMIC WRITING.
- For access to books used in class use this link TCC Library "Libguides"- with the password SPRING2021
- Demonstration that you can read and follow directions.
- 4 years ago
- 40
Purchase the answer to view it
- COWBOY.doc
- Commercial-Invoice-Sample.pdf
- shippinglabelsample.docx
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