Business & Finance HOMEWORK
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- WEEK4Assignment4INSTRUCTIONS.docx
Assignment 4 Table 1 transcript
Table 1: Frequency distribution of urban and rural residences. Table with four columns and three rows. First Row, 1 urban, frequency column 2222, percent column 75.1, valid percent column 75.1, cumulative percent column 75.1. Second Row, 2 rural, frequency column 736, percent column 24.9, valid percent column 24.9, cumulative percent column 100.0. Total Row, frequency column 2,958, percent column 100.0, valid percent column 100.0, cumulative percent column has no data.
Assignment 4 Table 2 transcript
Table 2: Results from using a t-test to test the difference in confidence in the police between urban and rural dwellers. Table with four columns and six rows. Table headers column 1 sample size, column 2 mean, column 3 standard deviation. First row Urban sample size 2222, mean 14.51, standard deviation 4.48. Second row Rural, sample size 736, mean 14.89, standard deviation 4.37. Mean difference -0.38. T-statistic 2.01. Degrees of Freedom, 2,956. Significance, 0.045.
Assignment 2: Conducting a Literature Review
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Instructions For this four- to five-page assignment, you will analyze and compare the findings of at least five recently-published research reports—peer-review journal articles—relevant to your topic of interest. (Three of these articles could be those you have read for the Week 1 discussion and written assignment.) Organize your review using this outline: I. Problem statement – Why you want to study your topic or problem and to what ends II. Research question(s) III. Summaries of individual research reports 1. A. Report 1 1. 1. Key information about purpose, design, and results 2. Relevance to your topic and research question(s) · · · · E. Report 5 1. 1. Key information about purpose, design, and results 2. Relevance to your topic and research question(s) IV. Synthesis of findings from your review of the five reports – Brief summary of what you have learned about your topic V. Research question(s) revisited – Explanation of why—or why not—you are revising your research question(s) VI. Reference list – Use correct APA formatting Length: This assignment must be 4-5 pages (excluding the title and reference page). References: Include 5 scholarly resources. |
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Discussion 1: Characterizing Psychologists’ Diverse Approaches to Research
Must post first.
For your Initial Post
Choose two recently published, peer-reviewed research reports—one on a quantitative and one on a qualitative study—related to the topic you are considering for your senior project. (Briefly state what this is.) For each report, complete the following for your post to the discussion:
1. Reference citation for the journal article (in correct APA format):
2. General purpose: What was the purpose of the study? How did the author(s) make a case for its importance to the field?
3. Fit and specific rationale: How does the study fit into the existing research literature?
4. Participants: Who were the participants? How were they selected? Who was the author(s), and how was he or she/they related to the purpose, participants, and study site?
5. Context: Where did the study take place?
6. Research approach: How did the author(s) characterize the research approach used?
7. Results: What were the primary findings?
8. Conclusions: How did the author(s) interpret their findings with respect to the general purpose of the study?
9. Your Take-aways: What did you learn about human behavior and/or experience from reading this research report?
Be sure to attach copies of the articles to your post.
Suggestions for How to Support Your Peers’ Work
· What other studies do the author(s) of your peer’s article cite do you think might be also be helpful to review?
· What theories, references, or other resources on this topic have you come across that might be helpful to your peer?
· What personal experiences or insights have you had that might be relevant to your peer’s topic?
· How might your peer narrow the topic to something more doable for a senior project?
For full credit on level of participation, comment on the posts of at least two of your peers and respond to those who comment on your post.
Assignment 3: Identifying the Limitations of Findings of Psychological Research Studies
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Instructions For this three- to four-page assignment, you will choose three of the five research reports you included in your Week 2 written assignment for further analysis. Organize your review of each of these using this outline: General purpose: What was the purpose of the study? How did the author(s) make a case for its importance to the field? Conclusions: How did the author(s) interpret their findings with respect to the general purpose of the study? Limitations: What limitations of the study—for example, inadequate sample size—were mentioned in the Discussion section of the report? Did the author(s) discuss threats to construct validity, e.g., the observer-expectancy effect? If so, what did they recommend for future studies? Your assessment: What did you learn from reading the report? What limitations of the study did you find that were not mentioned by the author(s)? In particular, were there any problems that reduced the credibility (trustworthiness and believability) of the findings? How would you improve on what was done or what related study would you conduct next? Include a reference list at the end of your assignment, being sure to use correct APA formatting for each. Length: This assignment must be 3-4 pages (excluding the title and reference page). References: Include 3-5 scholarly resources. Grading |
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Assignment 1: Identifying Ethical Issues in Psychological Research
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Background For the Week 1 Discussion, you identified and discussed two peer-reviewed journal articles related to your topic of interest. One was a report on a quantitative study and one a report on qualitative study. Some research projects combine both approaches in what are called mixed methods studies. An example is a study conducted by National University Professors Dr. Allyson Washburn and Dr. Susan Williams (2021) that asked what it is like to become and be an older adult. Participants over the age of 70 responded to interview questions about their experience of being old and completed quantitative measures of their adjustment to aging. Instructions For this assignment, find a mixed methods study related to the topic you are considering for your senior project. (By now, you will have three peer-reviewed journal articles that you can use for you Week 2 Written Assignment, as well as for your senior project if you stick with your topic.) Part I “Dissect” this article as you did for the two articles you reviewed for the Week 1 Discussion. · Reference citation for the journal article (in correct APA format): · General purpose: What was the purpose of the study? How did the author(s) make a case for its importance to the field? · Fit and specific rationale: How does the study fit into the existing research literature? · Participants: Who were the participants? How were they selected? Who was the author(s), and how was he or she/they related to the purpose, participants, and study site? · Context: Where did the study take place? · Research approach: How did the author(s) characterize the research approach used? · Results: What were the primary findings? · Conclusions: How did the author(s) interpret their findings with respect to the general purpose of the study? · Your Take-aways: What did you learn about human behavior and/or experience from reading this research report? Part II Address each of the following: · What ethical issues could the researchers have faced in designing and conducting the study? · What did the researchers say about how they protected their human participants—for example, their confidentiality and privacy? · If the researchers did not directly address ethical issues in the article, what assurance do you have that their human participants were treated in accordance with the APA Ethical Guidelines for Research? In addressing each part of the assignment, use the three references below to support what you say. The Cherry (2020) article provides a good introduction to the ethical conduct of research and includes a link to Stanley Milgrim’s infamous study of the effects of authority on obedience. Additional Resources References Cherry, K. (2020). The process of conducting ethical research in psychology. Verywell Mind. Washburn, A. M., & Williams, S. (2020). Becoming and being an older adult: A mixed methods study of the lived experience of aging. Journal of Aging Studies, 54. |
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HUB441 Assignment 4 Part 1
(Read the case study and answer 6 questions)
Rural and Urban Differences in Confidence in the Police
The data for this exercise come from the 2007 British Crime Survey. There were 2,958 respondents.
Descriptive Statistics
1. What can you learn from the histogram above?
2. What do you conclude about the respondents from the table below?
Interpretive Statistics
The research question posed for this study is whether people who live in rural areas have a different level of confidence in the police compared to those that live in urban areas.
3. What hypothesis did the researchers test?
The researchers used a t-test to determine whether the means of the two groups were statistically significantly different from each other. This is what they found:
4. What do you conclude from the results of this analysis?
5. How would you answer the research question posed by the researchers?
6. If this study were to be replicated today in the United States, what might researchers find?
HUB441 Assignment 4 Part 2
(Read the case study and answer 5 questions)
The Experience of an Adult Learner Studying College Math
In some approaches to the thematic analysis of qualitative data, the researcher is concerned with developing and testing out a hypothesis or existing theory (e.g., Children find learning math easier when they use calculators), and many of the codes will be already known before the research begins. In other approaches, where the purpose of the research is to generate new theories (e.g., What happens when children are given calculators to learn math?), many of the codes are unknown at the beginning and are seen to “emerge” from the data. A hybrid approach combines these two approaches: The researcher acknowledges that some of the codes will be pre-known because they are part of the project’s aims, research questions, or are questions asked in the interview itself, whereas other codes are unanticipated and will “materialize” or be discovered in the data itself.
Reading and Re-reading an Interview Transcript
The data for this exercise come from part of an individual, face-to-face, interview that the researcher conducted with an adult learner who was returning to college to study math—or maths, as those who speak British English say.
1. Before looking ahead, suggest some themes that you might expect to see in an interview with someone in the learner’s situation. Why do you think it is possible to create some codes before you have even read through the interview transcript?
2. Read over the excerpt several times to see what themes/codes begin to “materialize” for you. Note them at the end of the transcript.
Jon: Last year when we were talking about this, you said that learning maths has made you feel more independent from your husband in a way.
Rija: Yeah, it has.
Jon: Because you always had to ask him before?
Rija: I did.
Jon: And now you can do things on your own.
Rija: He always thought he was better at, he was so good at maths, but I find that I’m even better than him now.
Jon: But now you’re actually better then really, more confident, does that cause friction?
Rija: If it was his way, I wouldn’t even be here today and I wouldn’t be coming and he’s not even no longer living at home, in our family home.
Jon: Oh, I see, but not over the maths learning?
Rija: It’s not over maths itself, it’s just with me becoming more and more independent because I’m learning more, I’m educating myself, and I’m seeing there’s a world out there.
Jon: So, is it about power and control and he hasn’t got so much? Rija: He’s watched me over the last couple of years from being just a mother and a wife to becoming a woman, I could say. I was always a woman, but I wouldn’t notice probably and now I’m becoming much more independent and eventually want to go in to work. I don’t want to be sitting at home forever just because he was working and I should stay that way and I should be at home, I want to be doing something with my life and I feel the only way I can do that, the best way, was to come back and get some education, get some qualifications and maths is a big part of that because I, actually, eventually, as much as I hate maths, want to go into banking or something and I just feel that’s what my aim is and I’m going to try and get there .... I feel like I’ve really moved forward and I’ve just done something with my life and I can give myself credit for that actually. I feel that if I can do something, you know it makes me feel like a person, you don’t feel alienated anymore. I felt like that. When I came back, it was a big world for me when I got back out, it’s like I’d been in prison maybe all these years, I don’t know where I’ve been, but I got here, I’ve made friends, I’ve met new people, I actually enjoyed maths for the first time in my life last year.
a. (Question 2 Continued): What themes emerged for you after you immersed yourself in the transcript? The researcher wrote that: After analyzing the 30 interviews in this project, I had well over 50 codes, and this can feel a little unmanageable. The next stage in the process of analysis is to begin to merge or group the free codes under broader headings, which are often known as “family codes.” So, under the family code of Change you could have:
· Independence
· Relationships
· Perceptions
· Power relations
· Domination/subordination
· Identity
· Meeting people
· Confidence
· Improvement
Grouped under the family code of Aspirations you could have:
· To gain qualifications
· To work
Grouped under the family code of Feelings you could have:
· Achievement
· Being trapped
· Enjoyment
· Freedom
· Learning
3. Which of the individual, or free, codes under each of family codes above do you believe characterize Rija’s experience?
4. What themes/codes that you identified for Rija are not listed above? In other words, what did the researcher miss that you found?
5. If two or more researchers used this approach with the same dataset, how similar do you think their findings would match? Argue both for them being alike and different. Does it matter?
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