Assignment 1 - Interview Review
To get this class started review an interview conducted by a professional. This can be a talk show, news show, late night show, or sports show. I would find something online so that you can watch it over again if you need to.
Conditions: The interviewer should speak with at least two different guests and ask at least 5 questions.
Answer the following:
1. Cite to your interview: When did it air, who conducted the interview?
2. How did you interviewer build a connection with each guest? What was similar and what was different?
3. What research/knowledge did the interviewer know beforehand? Discuss how you could tell the interviewer was prepared.
4. List 5 questions the interviewer asked. Which did you believe to be the most effective and why? Which question did not work well and why?
5. What did you learn from watching this interview? Apply at least one concept from chapter 1 and chapter 2. Use boldface to high-light the concepts.
5 years ago
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