- Open a WORD file and save it as Lastname_Firstname_Chapter12_Project. Note the Lastname and Firstname is your Lastname and your Firstname.
- Answer the following questions in a Word document.
You are a new manager for a group of organic farmers who have a weekly market in season. The market needs to build a customized information system to meet their needs. The information system should allow the market vendors to enter information about current products, including quantities, date of availability, and other characteristics, such as information regarding the use of pesticides or other products during the growing process. The board of directors asks you to determine what occurs during the project life cycle.
Outline for the board each of the phases used in a project life cycle. Include in each phase a sample of the deliverable you will provide the board of directors. An example would be for Phase 1: Preliminary Investigation, provide a brief definition of the problem as you understand it from the description above.
- Upload your final paper to Canvas. Ensure proper formatting and writing style.
- 5 years ago
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