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Preview: CIS210 Systems Analysis and Development :
Course Guide
Course Description
Instructional Materials
This course presents the processes, methods, techniques and tools that organizations use to
effectively architect computer-based technologies. Topics include fundamental review a of project
management and data design followed by the processes required to gather and articulate business
requirements. Students will acquire skills to procure, evaluate, test and systematically build systems
for integration into an organization.
Required Resources
Scott Tilley. 2020. Systems Analysis and Design. CIS210 Cengage Learning 12th edition textbook
available at https://www.strayerbookstore.com
Microsoft Project.
Note: This course requires Microsoft a product that is available at no cost to Strayer University
students. For more information, refer to Microsoft Azure for Education in the left-hand menu
of your course. This information is also available via iCampus, on the Software Discounts &
Downloads page.
Supplemental Resources
Project Management Institute. No date. Project Management Institute | PMI. https://www.pmi.org/
2020 Strayer University. All Rights Reserved. This document contains Strayer University Confidential and Proprietary
information and may not be copied, further distributed, or otherwise disclosed in whole or in part, without the expressed
written permission of Strayer University.
Note: This course may use Teaching Assistants (TAs) in order to assist the instructor with the student’s
learning experience. TAs play active roles in working with the instructor to provide student support, grading
and grading feedback, and posting content in the course (e.g. discussion posts). This course also may utilize
a live chat feature, email, and phone/texting that are tied to the instructor and the TA support team when
supporting students or addressing student questions or concerns.
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Course Learning Outcomes
Weekly Course Schedule
Week - To Do List 1
Learn: Read Chapters and in 1 2 Systems
Learn: View the PowerPoint presentations.
Discuss: Introduce yourself and complete the discussion, Technical Skills Versus Customer
Prepare: Review the Project Overview and the instructions for the assignment due in Week 2.
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