Individuals that are neurodiverse should not have to conform to
mainstream society. Neurodiversity should be something that is
embraced and even celebrated. Mainstream society recognizes that
each individual person has strengths and weaknesses. Neurodiverse
people are no different. They may struggle in some areas but they
also excel in others.
Society as a whole benefit from different ways of thinking everyday.
Different ways of thinking provide alternate perspectives that
otherwise would not be considered. Something that is a mystery to
one person could be obvious to another.
The first step in moving away from the stigma placed on
neurodiversity is awareness and understanding. Many people may
have been taught that neurodiverse people are disabled or
handicapped. Society needs to be educated on the fact that
neurodiversity is a normal variation. Another part of ending the
stigma is neurodiverse people being transparent about their
neurodiversity. Society could see the great accomplishments and
testimonies of neurodiverse people. All of these things show that the
concept of neurodiversity relates to the programmatic theme of
social justice.