Capstone Project Part V: Action Plans CHILD WELFARE
Week 7 Assignment: Developing Strategic Goals for Child Welfare
Alexis Lowe
Walden University
Professor Marnie Carroll
June 14th, 2019
The manner in which I carry out different activities is as a result of my strategic goals. The goals have been able to control my way of doing different activities in my organization. However, some of my strategic goals include:
· Come up with new machines
· Increasing children’s satisfaction
· Gaining market position
As far as coming up with new machines is concerned, it will enable me to attract a large number of customers from different parts of the country. It is as a result of the new machines whereby the business will be able to increase the number of people served within a given period of time. (Jenson, 2018)
For the purposes of ensuring that the new machines are used in an effective manner, I will be able to employ a group of specialists which will help in ensuring that the quality skills are introduced in the organization.
I will again ensure that I am focused in ensuring that the satisfaction of the children in the business is enhanced. This will play important roles in ensuring that the business addresses the available competition in the best way possible. The satisfaction of the children’s needs will enable the business to gain market position therefore increasing the profits made at a given period of time.
The issues of globalization might end up affecting my strategic goals both positively and negatively. However, the right measures will be taken to ensure that the issues of globalization are addressed in a way that will bring about positive effects to the organization. (McGuire, 2018)
I will therefore form alliances with the other competing companies in the market so as to ensure that the children are provided with quality goods and services. The opportunities experienced as a result of the alliances include:
· Increased number of customers in the business
· Improved profit making
· Low employees’ turnover
On the other hand, the alliances are important due to the fact that they will increase the number of customers in the business. This will be brought about by the availability of man power in the organization therefore making it easy for the marketing and the advertisement of the products to be carried out accordingly.
For the purposes of implementing the coming up with new machines I will use strategies such as employment of skilled employees and the motivation of the existing employees so as to increase their innovation. For me to implement the satisfaction of the children’s needs, I will therefore use strategies such as listening to their complaints and ensuring that the gaps in the market are filled. Finally, I will implement the gaining of the market position goal by identifying the gaps in the market as well as listening to the children’s complaints. (Strand, 2018)
The general manager will therefore be responsible for the monitoring and the execution of the strategic plan. However, I will address the accountability in the organization by ensuring that the leaders are encouraged to play their roles accordingly. This will lead to reduction of the losses in the organization.
For the monitoring and the execution of the activities in the strategic plan, the general manager will be responsible. Again, the supervisors will be responsible for ensuring that the employees carry out their tasks accordingly. On the other hand, I will track the employees’ accountability by ensuring that their performance is managed in an effective manner.
The clients and the stakeholders will play important roles in ensuring that accountability is enhanced. The clients will be required to report the cases of the incompetence of the employees. For the clients and the stakeholders to be able to play an effective role in the accountability of the organization, I will come up with a motivation plan. This will play significant roles in encouraging them to report the cases of the leaders who are not accountable. (Strand, 2018)
Jenson, J. M., & Hawkins, J. D. (2018). Ensure healthy development for all youth. Grand challenges for social work and society, 18-35.
McGuire, L., Rizzo, M. T., Killen, M., & Rutland, A. (2018). The development of intergroup resource allocation: The role of cooperative and competitive in-group norms. Developmental psychology, 54(8), 1499.
Strand, V. C. (2018). Introduction: Developing trauma sensitive child welfare systems. In Trauma responsive child welfare systems (pp. 3-11). Springer, Cham.
Strand, V. C., & Sprang, G. (Eds.). (2018). Trauma Responsive Child Welfare Systems. Springer.