Capstone Project Part V: Action Plans CHILD WELFARE



Capstone Project Part I

Alexis Lowe

Professor Marnie Carroll

HUMN 6660: Social Change, Leadership, and Advocacy for Human Service Professionals

Walden University

June 16, 2019

Part 1

The Core Values of the Universal Child Care Organization

The universal child welfare value is the intervening ethical end aimed by the entire characteristics of the child welfare part of the practice. Also, it is a source integration of general basic values of social work because, for children, liberty comprises of the likelihood to grow as well as build up without harm as well as exploitation. The justice of children includes right to basic needs along with nurturance. Moreover, a child does not request to be produced, therefore it is children birthright. Additionally, these privileges are present for the reason that children, similar to adults, are also human beings having intrinsic as well as irreducible value. As a final point, if we do possess some selfless obligation to fellow individuals, it is particularly likely for children because we are the ones who create them to be, reliant on us, they are weak, as well as they lack power and influence.

Another important core value of the universal child welfare organization is known as transparency. through the Universal Child Welfare Organization is allowing the character of human service professionals to walk before them, and use their heart to speak boldly, clearly and with confidence on the societal issue of child welfare. Each year, more than thirty billion dollars is spent on a federal, state and local level in order to stimulate the well-being of vulnerable children and their families. However, with the core value of transparency involved in this nonprofit organization, we are able to promote ongoing quality improvement in child welfare. Even with the core value of transparency, there comes some sort of accountability within the child protection system; as the more we increase transparency in our child protection system the more aware the public is about what is taking place in a day-to-day child protection work, the less likely issues within the system will be overlooked until yet another tragedy takes place.

To contribute to the well-being of the people, groups, families, and global communities, the child welfare agency has formed numerous policy and norms to direct practiced activity, for instance, the application of change theory which will be applied by altering the performance of foster care as well as policies employed to foster care along with the community’s opinion of foster children. Also, it shall start with providing the problems to be transformed to the related parties as well as influencing them to create a way for a change in the manner foster children are treated.

What is its mission?

The mission of the Child welfare is to protect, promote, and improve the protection, wellbeing as well as the healthy growth of children in addition to families; making certain the re-establishment of the children’s dignity, families as well as communities at large. Significantly, it is aligned with the core values of the agency as it aims for the wellbeing of the child and society in general. Furthermore, it portrays social change by checking on the healthy growth of the child who will be tomorrow agent of change to family and society.

Here Lies their Vision into Child Welfare

The vision of the agency is to protect the family in the form of a unit, securing the marriage as well as the youngsters inside the family. Also, to address social necessitates of people and society through providing of expert social work administrations. Moreover, according to Whittaker, (2017) explain that it will eliminate child abuse, sexual orientation and enabling individuals to get awareness from networks through the introduction of limit building and mindfulness projects and formative ventures. Furthermore, it will advocate for parents rights to contain unconditional care as well as contact to their real children. Since the vision scope comprises of generic strategy, it shall promote advocacy, social change as well as good leadership in the society.

Potential Key Stakeholders

Following, Stone, D'andrade, and Austin (2006) claim that the first stakeholder is the child family as it is internal; the objective is to give power to them so that the general family takes the protection of the child as their responsibility in child and family services reviews. Moreover, collaborating with external community stakeholders assists to make a community for child welfare, so as during the time the agency requires to support it acquires, for instance, government and finances institutions may aid during child abuse, neglect and abandon cases or passing away.

Furthermore, Stone and colleagues (2006) suggest that partnerships, in addition, shall strengthen external stakeholders it fosters fundamental, efficient referrals of families for further services. Moreover, cooperative case organization with different service providers such as the family, plus its network will create required new programs, information gathering as well as services needed in the agency.


Stone, S., D'andrade, A., & Austin, M. (2006). Educational services for children in foster care: Common and contrasting perspectives of child welfare and education stakeholders.Journal of Public Child Welfare1(2), 53-70.

Whittaker, J. K. (2017). The child welfare challenge: Policy, practice, and research. Routledge.