Professional Development Plan
NUR206: Week 8 Assignment Page 1 `
© 2018
Assignment: Professional Development Plan
Assignment Overview
In this assignment, you will create a 2-year professional career development plan in which you discuss your goals and plans for achieving them. Include your short- and long-term objectives and goals. Evaluate your present position in relation to these goals by listing your current experience and skills. Identify your strengths and weaknesses and those areas that need further development. Prepare a plan of action to achieve your goals.
Assignment Details:
Perform the following tasks: • Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lesson before attempting this assignment. • Complete a 2-year professional career development plan.
o Include your short- and long-term objectives and goals. o Evaluate your present position in relation to these goals and create a list of your current
experience and skills. o Identify your strengths and weaknesses and those areas that need further development. o Prepare a plan of action to achieve your goals.
• Write a 2-3 page paper in APA format, include a cover page. • Include the proper file naming convention: NUR206_wk8_assn_jsmith_mmddyyy.
Criteria Excellent (3pts) Good (2pts) Needs Improvement (1pt)
Content - Includes short- and long-term goals. - Evaluates current position and skills. - Identifies strengths, weaknesses, areas of concern. - Includes plan of action
- Includes short- and long-term goals. - Evaluates current position and skills. - Missing strengths and weaknesses. - Weak plan of action.
- Vague or missing goals - Missing evaluation. - Vague plan of action.
Organization - Well organized into separate headings. - Main points are clearly identified. - Paragraphs transition well.
- Somewhat organized. - Main points are clear. - Occasional issues with flow and transitions.
- Disorganized. - Main points are unclear - Difficult to follow or illogical.
Spelling/grammar/ APA
- No spelling or grammar errors. - APA format is correct. - Appropriate length
- Some spelling or grammar errors. - APA format is correct. - Appropriate length.
- Many spelling or grammar errors. - Incorrect APA format. - Inappropriate length.
Total score
- Assignment Overview
- Assignment Details: