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Running Head: Shortage of Nurses 1

Shortage of NursesSHORTAGE OF NURSES 3

Shortage of Nurse

November 8, 2018

Course Number: NRS-490

Letzy, Good work on your assignment this week! I noted a few corrections and comments in your paper. Be sure to make corrections before including this in the final capstone paper in week 9. --Mrs. Guzman



· Explains setting and/or context in which nursing problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need is observed.

10 / 10

· Explains the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need.

10 / 10

· Describes the impact of the project topic on a) the work environment, b) the quality of care provision, and c) patient outcomes.

10 / 10

· Discusses the significance of and the implications to the nursing profession.

10 / 10

· Proposes a solution to the identified project topic.

10 / 10

50 / 50

Shortage of Nurses

The Nnursinge shortage has been a problem for many health facilities, not only in the United States, but the whole world. In the past few years, I have been working as a nurse in pPractice in a rehabilitation center with geriatric patients, whereand there is a demand for workforce in this department. In fact, this is the most delicate department to work in a health facility since one has to deal with patients straight from the surgery room. Due to the shortage of nurses, we are few in the department, and thus we are assigned many responsibilities. With more responsibilities, there is reduced efficiency, and there is the likelihood of decreased effectiveness of health professionals. to go down.

The cause for nurse shortage in the department is due to a combination of factors. For instance, there is a high number of patients who need surgery, and thus our department is receiving many of these patients immediately after they leave the operation room. Another reason why there is a shortage of nurses is the lack of funds in the facility to hire more nurses and other health practitioners to reduce the gap of the patient to nurse ratio (Monye, 2014). On the other hand, there is less pay in public health care facilities as compared to private facilities and hence more nurses are opting to work with private health facilities rather than working with government sponsored facilities. There has been a general shortage of nurses in the country over the last few years as many young people have been shunning the profession for other professions which they think are paying better.

Shortage of nursing in the department has had a great impact, especially to the patients. For instance, patients who have knee and hip surgeries have difficulty in moving, and thus they need to be assisted as they leave the bed or get into the bed. With the deficit of nurses, it means that patient may wait for a long time before being assisted (Rider, 2014). This also means that the problem has an impact on the available nurses, as we are forced to work for many hours in the facility since we have to attend to every patient. Due to this fact, many of us are exhausted leading to making mistakes. MTo the worst many nurses are not able to withstand the pressure, and thus they leave the facility for private facilities which are offering better pay with the minimal task. Besides, nurse trainees do not get enough time for orientation due to the shortage in the facility, and thus they are released to work on their own before beinghaving fully aware of what is expected ofn them.

The problem of nurse shortage can be solved through various means. For instance, the government and other relevant organizations can come up with a program to encourage younger people to pursue their career in nursing through free training, them for free then m pay later when they get employment (Feldman, 2013). The government should also come up with a program where they will pay the nurses better as this will attract more people to pursue nursing as their career, and thus, there will be enough graduates to breach the gap. Health facilities and the government should start a program of honoring and motivating the current nurses as this will make more people be interested in training as nurses. With the implementation of the above-mentioned programs, the problem of nurse shortage will be minimized not only in my current facility but all over the country. Comment by Melanie Guzman: Indent first line of paragraph

Conclusion Comment by Melanie Guzman: First level headings should be added throughout body of paper to label your different sections.

A conclusion is a paragraph to summarize paper discussion/findings and to draw a cohesive conclusion.

References Comment by Melanie Guzman: “References” should be centered, instead of flush left.Each reference in list should be a hanging indent (under paragraph, under “special”, choose hanging indent).Title: first word capitalized and first word after colon, not each word.First reference corrected.

Feldman, H. (2013). The nNursing sShortage:; Strategies for rRecruitment and rRetention in cClinical pPractice and eEducation. Springer Publishing Company.

Monye, E. (2014). Evidence-Based Proposal Addressing the Problem of Nurse Shortages. Employee Retention. Comment by Melanie Guzman: Monye reference: If you have doi, retrieval information, or publisher, this would show where information was obtained. The second and third reference would follow the first example.

Rider, J. (2014). Nursing in Today's world: Trends Issues and Management. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.