answer the question
mikeryan461(Answer these questions with at least 100 words for each one)
1. For a hospital to operate efficiently and effectively, the three important influences in its governance, medical staff, board of trustees, and administration, must work together in reasonable harmony. What factors might contribute to tensions among these groups?
1. Hospital emergency departments continue to be used as an ever more important source of primary medical care by large numbers of the community’s medically underserved population. What are the implications of this practice for the patients, and on health care costs and quality of care? What would you propose as a means to change this situation?
1. Almost two-thirds of all surgical procedures are now performed in ambulatory surgery facilities. Discuss the reasons for this shift of surgery from the inpatient setting and its effect on hospitals and consumers.
1. The health care delivery system now with ACA mandates, places increased emphasis on maintaining wellness and on promoting disease avoidance through healthy behaviors and lifestyles. What are some challenges this new orientation poses for our existing system of medical education and training?
1. In what ways did physicians’ relationships with hospitals change as a result of health care industry reforms? Discuss the consequences of these changes for physicians’ roles and responsibilities in relationship to hospitals
1. Do licensure and other professional regulations serve the public as much as they serve the self-interest of those already in the various regulated professions? Explain your answer.
1. Men comprise a small segment of the nurse population, although their numbers are increasing. Given the good income potential of the nursing profession and continuing demand, what is your opinion about why nursing does not attract more males?
1. Medicaid is shouldering an ever-increasing burden of cost for long-term care for the elderly, with enormous impacts on state budgets throughout the nation. Discuss alternatives to ease this drain on Medicaid resources.
1. Explain the meaning of the following statement: The principles of managed care reverse the financial incentives of the fee-for-service reimbursement system.
1. Discuss: In what ways does assuring quality in the long-term care industry pose special challenges to regulators and consumers?