Write a report about basketball class


Student/Group Instruction and Reflection Assignment (24 points)

Below are the requirements for the paper/assignment. EACH student should submit this document under “Assignments” in D2L by 11:59 PM the Friday following your group’s class. Each member of the group MUST contribute to teaching the class. While requirements a-d can be the same for every member in the group, requirement e should be in your own words.

1. Assignment Requirements:

a. Equipment Needed

i. Please list the equipment you will need

ii. Come to class a little early to collect equipment and set up

b. Warm-Up (10 minutes)

i. Please list all of your planned warm-up exercises

ii. Feel free to make it fun and do something new

c. Topic + Drills/Games (35 minutes)

i. Please describe the topic you plan to teach the class

ii. List the drills you plan to use (minimum of one)

iii. List the games or scrimmages you plan to use to apply what you taught the class

d. Cool Down (5 minutes)

i. Please list your planned cool down exercises/games

e. Reflection

i. What worked well teaching the class?

ii. What did not work well?

iii. Why did you choose to teach this principle/topic?

iv. What did you learn from this experience?

Below are examples of what responses to each requirement might look like.

1. Assignment Requirements:

a. Equipment Needed

i. 10 basketballs

ii. 5 cones

iii. 10 pennies

b. Warm-Up

i. Dynamic Warm-Up

1. Jog

2. Backpedal

3. High knees

4. Butt kickers

5. Karaoke (down and back)

ii. Layup Lines

1. Normal layup

2. Reverse layup

3. Elbow jump shot

4. Three pointer

c. Topic + Drills/Games

i. Shooting

1. Technique and tips based on various situations

ii. Drills

1. Mikan drill

2. Elbow to elbow shooting

3. Free throws

iii. Games

1. 42

2. 5 v. 5 scrimmage

d. Cool Down

i. Game of lightning/knockout

e. Reflection

i. What worked well teaching the class?

1. The Mikan drill was effective in teaching the other students to aim for the corner square of the backboard when shooting near the hoop

ii. What did not work well?

1. The free throw drill did not work well because it took too long for the students to complete in the allotted time

iii. Why did you choose to teach this principle/topic?

1. Shooting is one of the key components of basketball and everyone needs to know the proper technique whether that is your specialty or not

iv. What did you learn from this experience?

1. I learned how important organization is and to always have a backup drill/lesson plan in case the one I had planned does not work