Sports Science(Quality work, no plagarism, A+)
This assignment has two parts:
1. Click on the exams section of the course and then click on the practice test link. Then, access the quiz of sociology of sport knowledge, titled "What do you know about Sports.” This is a 26-item, true-false quiz to illustrate the range of topics discussed during the term. The quiz is designed to evaluate your knowledge of sports and society, coming into the class. This quiz will not be graded, so please do not use the Internet, or any of the readings to assist you with locating the answers. The goal is to test your knowledge coming into the class, not after reading the coursework.
2. After you submit your quiz and received your score, please respond to the following questions in essay format. This means your assignment should be written like a paper. Please DO NOT list the question, and then write the answer, that is question and answer format, not essay format.
Be sure to follow the writing expectations of this course (Word document, double-space, etc.), and cite your sources using APA style. Answers should be written in complete sentences with correct syntax, and paragraphs should transition smoothly from one to the next. Be thorough and detailed in your responses. Support responses with references, examples, and/or personal reflection.
A. Provide your quiz score and a brief analysis of your performance. Do you feel you performed well or poorly? What did you learn from this taking quiz?
B. Define sociology and describe how it is used to study sports in society. Also, describe why sociologists study sports in society.
C. List at least five reasons why it is important to study sports from a sociological perspective.
D. Explain why sociology of sport knowledge is different than information generally presented in sports media and in everyday conversations about sports.
Remember: ALL assignments must include an APA formatted title page. Be sure to upload your assignment in the assignment section and do not paste it in the comment box. Assignments pasted in the assignment box will be counted as late and receive an automatic 10% deduction.
Score 53.76 out of 99.84
Tests & Quizzes
I felt I had a poor score on the exam being that I love sports and the sports society.. I learned that I need to study the culture and business of sports