Modifing Project Charter as per indtructor comment
Project Charter
Week 2
Table of Contents
Business Case…………………………………………………………………………..………….………….3
Project Charter…….…………………………………………………..……………………………………..6
Project Name ………………………………………………………………..………………………………..6
Project Description…………………………………………………………………………….….…………6
Project Outcome……………………….…………………………………………….…….….……………..8
Project Success Criteria…………………………………………………………………………………..11
Project Assumptions and Constraints………………………………………………………………13
Project Milestone Timeline chart…………………………………………………………………….14
Stakeholder Register……………………………………………………………………………….………15
Project Approval Procedure…………………………………………..………………………..……...16
Business Case:
(Cooperative Milk Collecting Center)
Executive Summary
Several options were considered that will help address the objectives of the project which are the inadequate access to the market by the dairy farmers, the milk spoilage problem which has a direct impact on the quality of the milk. The project will sell the milk on behalf of the farmers either directly to the consumers around, but there is a percentage will be sold through the cooperation will be determine later . Furthermore, the project intends to provide storage facilities that will ensure that milk is stored properly before it is delivered or sold.
Proponent Details
(a) A number of employees- the project will require or employ 15 employees who will be involved either directly or indirectly in the activities of the project.
(b) Major shareholders- the project will have 5 main shareholders who will directly discharge their duties to manage the project.
Benefits of the Project
The project will be committed to the local community by employing a local workforce and providing quality milk:
The project will have several benefits once it starts operations, they include:
Creation of job opportunities- 15 local people will be employed to work in the project. moreover, the project also will achieve the provision of easy market access for the farmers’ dairy products- the project intents to collect milk from the farmers then sell the milk on their behalf. Finally, Profit and revenue for shareholders- shareholders will be able to get profit, once the milk is sold, an automatic service charge will be deducted from the farmers’ total amount (Melton, Yates, & Iles-Smith, 2011).
Time Frame
The earlier analysis indicates that the project will take approximately one and a half years to be implemented, this is exactly 24 months.
1. Preparing the Project Design and contractual documents of the project with the farmers and get all the governmental approvals related to milk collections and distribution. In addition, prepare all agreements with the selling points for milk to the customers. – approximate inquired time around 4 months.
2. Site mobilization and preparation for starting to implement the project works, Approximate 3 months minimum.
3. Project Works Execution and Handing Over Approximate 10 months.
4. Bring equipment and all the inquired refrigerators and fixed them in preparation for operation, this need about 3 months.
5. Commencement of operations of equipment, milk collection, refilling and distribution system for sales outlets. - Approximate timeframe inquired 2 months.
6. Completion of operations and Management staff Training and starting up full capacity production – Approximate timeframe 2 months.
Cost of the Project
facility |
cost |
total cost |
Land Purchasing |
100,000 |
Design and Documentation |
15,000 |
Construction work |
160,000 |
20 Mechanical Refrigeration or Cooling Tanks |
$1500/unit |
$30,000 |
Packing System for milk in containers suitable for distribution. |
15,000 |
15 employee’s payrolls |
Expenses for 12-month salaries |
$75,000 |
Other Expenses (water, Electricity, telecommunication services & Sterilize and cleaning) |
$35,000 |
(a) The total estimated cost of investment- the project is likely to cost an estimated as per the following:
In summary, the total Budget of the Project is estimated to be $430,000.
( b) Purpose of investment funds- the main agenda is to help farmers to get quick access to the market as well as earn profit that will sustain the project.
Servicing Requirements
Several servicing requirements by the project will include power supply which will be provided by the Electricity company, water will be provided by the water service board, other services may include telecommunication services among others.
Expected Return on investment
The project does not expect any return in the first two years, this is because the first one and half a year the project will not have started its operation and then the 6 months after will enable the project to stabilize. The project, however, expects 650,000 return on investment in year 3 and an increase in the subsequent years.
As for now, the project appears to be straight forward, however, several risks may face the project later as it progresses,
Several risks that may face the project are:
(a) Market demand- a likely fall of Market demand
(b) Land- may be scanty and not enough for the expansion of the project
(c) supplies- low supplies due to change in seasons and climate change
(d) Operations- may be marred with a lack of adequate funds (John & Oliver, 2015).
Environmental Impacts
The impact of the project on the environment will be positive, this is because cleanliness is the first element that will be observed by the project. cleanliness of both the general environment as well as the work environment. However, in the case of the plastics container that may be thrown around by the users after use, the project intends to address this by regular involvement in the cleaning process.
Project Charter
Project Name:
Cooperative Milk Collecting Center (CMCC)- Product Name: Golden Milk
Project Description:
This project is aimed at helping the Dairy farmers to get easy access to the market as well as improve milk safety at the farm-level. The project will be particularly helpful and significant to the smallholder dairy producers, in the same time this investment allows farmers to benefit from the proceeds of the pensioner support fund, which belong to the General Farmers Associations.
The project is a partnership between some of investment incorporate with the General Farmer Associations and Texas state government. Furthermore, the project will facilitate several methods that will assist in the improvement of the milk safety especially in the small-scale dairying, this is because most of the farmers depend on their dairy products they get from their dairy animals to sell and at least earn a living from this activity. This project, therefore, will enable farmers to eradicate milk spoilage and will further improve the quality of the milk. The project is specifically aimed at solving Milk Spoilage Problem which we have observed happening for quite some years now. However, the result of the project will address the problem in several ways: the project will offer storage facilities for the Milk brought by the farmers and we can produce in the future, dairy products of cheese, cream and butter. The project will facilitate transportation of the milk to the market on behalf of the farmer's under product name: Golden Milk.
The project aims to help farmers get a quick market for their dairy products since they will be supplying their milk to the collection center and taken their money immediately without facing any difficulty about how they can sale it and distributed in the market. where the milk will be packed and sold by the (CMCC) to the market under product Name Golden Milk. Secondly, the project also aims at eradicating milk spoilage as storage facilities that will effectively store milk will be offered. Finally, the project intends to ensure the quality of the milk as a number of quality tests will be going on to ascertain the various milk components also check for bacteria, pathogens among other key factors that may result in milk danger.
Moreover, quality testing of the milk will be done at the collection center before the milk in stores and sold to the consumers. Quality testing will mainly focus to determine the microbial quality, water adulteration, as well as the presence of mastitis in the herd. Quality testing will provide a platform where the farmers will be given special advice regarding how they should take care of their dairy animals to ensure high and quality yields. All the farmer supplying the milk to collecting center, they are shareholder in the project with 25% of the profit calculated after the first two years from the full operation started, and it will be distributed based on the milk quantity supply by each of the farmer members.
The project will offer several services, the first service the project intends to offer is the milk storage services in there storage areas constructed specially for this purpose, and equipped with all cooling devices according to the appropriate cooling temperatures to save milk for long periods for more than 4 weeks, until they are packaged in bottles intended for this purpose for distribution in the local market and exported to the rest of the United State. that will ensure milk does not go bad. According to the research we carried out, many farmers do not have milk storage facilities and since milk is not durable, as it only stays for hours and then goes bad so many farmers incur lose when the milk goes bad as they do not have storage facilities. The project intends to provide fridges that will assist in the storage and other milk storage facilities.
Secondly, the project also will focus on collecting the milk from the farmers and pay for them immediately without waiting to sell the milk in the market. Many farmers are not able to get access to a quick market and this is the main reason why most of their dairy products go bad. Since we have a direct link with the National Milk Corporation, we intend to collect milk from the farmers and sell to the National Milk Corporation immediately we get from the farmers, this will ensure a quick market and also the milk won’t stay for long before getting to the market. In the same time there is many ideas to have our retail shops to sale our product named the Golden Milk directly to the customers.
There are several stakeholders’ requirements for this project, the stakeholders’ requirements for the project are:
Stakeholders need to support the project financially to enhance its implementation. Some of the facilities that are required to keep milk safe and in good quality are expensive. Therefore, it is necessary that stakeholders come in handy and help raise funds to acquire those machines. In addition, they also need to help in creating awareness among the farmers. Farmers need to be informed about these facilities that will be brought soon and how they will help them.
Secondly, Operations requirement- this stakeholder’s requirement takes into consideration the maintenance of the features of the project. furthermore. In this regard, the operational team further fosters constraints, for instance, the ability activities in the project.
The third stakeholder requirement is the customer's stakeholder’s requirement, this requirement – users usually give information regarding the product and services offered or provided by the project. lead users usually help in contributing to the user stories as well as ideas regarding the product and services quality as well as usability. It enables the project to understand which area has to be improved (Eskerod & Jepsen, 2013). In addition, they required the skill to help in the process of the milk product so that wastages are minimized at all costs. Also, they need the marketing skill that allows the firm to sell its products to the final consumers.
The solution requirements include ability to make farmers earn the highest possible income and profit by selling the milk directly to (CMCC) and in the same time taken a 25 % percentage from their share as a members in CMCC refer to the milk quantities supplied to the Milk Collecting Center . This is a result of reduced spoilage. The other requirement is about enhanced consumer safety. Achievement of safety will be realized as a result of use of facilities that prevent the milk form going bad quickly.
These project solution requirements include the equipment that will be used to minimize milk spoilage while they are on transit or storage to the final selling point. The other requirement is the material used for packaging purposes to the quantities that will be offered to the final consumer.
The project needs to uplift the society and create employment. Around number 15 employees will be hired to work in the milk processing plant and thus creating jobs. Farmers will also get market for their milk and thus make money which will raise their standards of living. On the other hand, the project is required to lead to the development of the neighboring areas. Other businesses are expected to come up in the area where the cooperative will be built.
Quality requirements refer to specifications of the quality of the products as well as services that are offered by the project, it takes into consideration all the processes that take place in the project as well as the entire environment surrounding the project, include ensuring that the products meet the required standards and keeping the high standards of hygiene and cleanness. They are typically activities that may result in the quality improvement of the product as well as services. The quality requirements for this project include customer experience- customer experience refers to activities which may be able to contribute towards the pleasing of the product as well as services.
Furthermore, maintainability requirements ensure that everything works well, and things are easy to maintain (Pries & Quigley, 2012).
Project Success Criteria:
Project success can be measured by the timeliness of the project such as meeting deadlines, budget utilization such as staying within budget, and meeting requirements of the project. The project was managed, organized, structured to meet the goals and objectives of the plan is project success. If all decisions were supported by the stakeholders and sponsors, this is project success.
The real test of project success is the grand opening of the CMCC on time with all team members there to support the vision and mission of the project.
The several tangible measures of the success of this project will be the completion of the projection within the specified time of the two years. Every activity scheduled to be done within this period has to be completed within this period. In general, key factors that will determine the success of the project include adherence to the Project Scope, Schedule as well as customer satisfaction among other tangible outcomes (Vida, 2012).
There are various measures that will indicate success of the project. These include increase in price of the milk from farmers. The cooperative will buy milk form the farmers at a good price. A survey will then be done to assess their satisfaction. The other indicator is reduction in loses of milk. This will be shown by increase in the amount of milk supplied to the cooperative. In addition to the equipment available in CMC Center through which the milk is stored for long periods in a huge quantity; furthermore, to the milk filling system and the quick transportation of the sale outlets for the arrival of packaged milk to the consumer fresh daily. As we are getting other products extracted from milk such as cheese, cream and butter. The success criteria in this project include the achievement of the high quality of the products when selling them to the final consumers, obtaining the target sales in the target market, and obtaining or achieving the producers' satisfaction.
The other indicator of the project’s success will be through a survey. Customers will be asked their opinion regarding the performance of the cooperative. This will inform whether they are satisfied with the operations being carried out. A survey will also be done to determine the businesses that have come up since the construction of the cooperative. This will be an indicator of growth as a result of the project’s success.
Project Assumptions and Constraints:
Assumptions of the project refer to events that are expected to take place during the life cycle of a project. Some of the assumptions for this project are:
· Milk is the only product that will be handled by the project.
· Customers will be the local community around, and some percentage of the milk will be supplied to the National Creamery Corporation.
· The top management of the project will manage the project and be responsible for ongoing operations.
· Milk Supplier deliveries will be arranged to ensure on-time deliveries
Several constraints for this project include:
Resources- these include the various tools, equipment, as well as material which have to be used during the project. Resources also take into consideration the employees and experts who will work on the project. some of these resources for this project will cover the refrigerators, cooling machines for cooling milk, cleaning tools among other tools. Other constraints for the project are the Risk, proper preparations should be put in place to manage any risk that is likely to arise. Several Risks may arise during this project, such Risks include delays that may lead to spoilage of the milk or any malfunctions that may lead to the interruption of the cooling and packaging system and how to make plans to repair those malfunctions as quickly as possible and develop alternative solutions to avoid damage occurs to the milk. Milk is perishable, and delays may result in spoilage hence losses. Risk is arguably the critical project constraint. Furthermore, Quality is another constraint for this project, since this project requires strict quality of the milk, it that the cost of the project has to be high, in this regard, therefore, quality constraints usually affect the cost project constraint directly. Provision of quality milk is therefore aligned with the cost constraints of the project (Haugan, 2016).
Project Milestone Timeline chart
· Provide investors with the necessary funding and responsibilities for each of them.
· Preparing the project Design and contractual documents
· Site mobilization before starting work execution.
· Work execution
· Project Handing over
· Bring equipment and start installation for refrigerators
· Commencement of operations for the equipment and start up all system.
· Completion of the operation phase and operation team training.
Date |
Activity |
3rd October 2019 |
Kick-off meeting – with investor to discus the budget and funds for the project. |
10th October 2019 – 5 th February 2020. |
Preparing Design & Contractual document |
10th February 2020 - 9th May 2020 |
Site Mobilization |
10th May 2020 – 9th March 2021 |
Construction Work execution |
10th March 2021 – 5th of May 2021 |
Bring equipment and start installations |
6thMay 2021- 7th July 2021 |
Commencing operations for project work& operation team training |
8th July 2021 |
Project Completion |
Kick-off meeting would take place on 3rd October, the main objective of the meeting will be to discuss all necessary requirements of the project, every consideration will be outlined during the meeting including the sources of the finances as well as other resources. Secondly, preparing design and Contractual document milestone is important as essential information regarding the geographical nature of the location where the project will be set up will be identified, furthermore, demographic information will be gathered, this information is key for the prosperity of the project. thirdly, working out the project include all activities that will be carried out from the initial stages of the project until completion, these activities may include several constructions. Lastly, project run-up involves the last stage of the project, this event will involve ensuring that everything is ok before the project starts providing the required services. By Commencement of operations of equipment, milk collection, refilling and distribution system for sales outlets. Completion of operations and Management staff Training and starting up full capacity production.
Stakeholder Register
Name |
Organization |
Title |
Role |
Internal/External |
Gorge Stuard |
Cooperative Milk Collecting Center (CMCC) |
Head of Investors Committee |
Responsible for collecting funding to the project. |
Internal |
Jone Gawland |
General Farmer Association |
Manager for producer Division |
Responsible for Supplying the milk to (CMCC) |
External |
Sam Smith |
Texas State Government |
Head of Permits for Industrial Establishment |
Approved Licenses for project |
External |
Michel Saad |
Cooperative Milk Collecting Center (CMCC) |
Project Manager |
Leads work Execution of the project . |
Internal |
Adam Abbas |
General Farmer Association |
Technical support Engineer |
Approved all process from collecting the milk and storage it in the refrigerators up to fill it in bottles to be ready for distribution |
External |
Murad Nabiel |
Cooperative Milk Collecting Center (CMCC) |
Procurement Manager |
Responsible for supply all equipment and prepare the system for start up commissioning |
Internal |
Sarah Fouad |
Cooperative Milk Collecting Center (CMCC) |
Human Resources |
Hiring employees and selecting qualified staff, and with holding training courses |
Internal |
Project Approval Procedure
Date |
Activity |
Approval |
3rd October 2019 |
Kick-off meeting – with investor to discuss the budget and funds for the project. |
Gorge Stuard |
10th October 2019 – 5 th February 2020. |
Preparing Design & Contractual document |
Sam Smith |
10th February 2020 - 9th May 2020 |
Site Mobilization |
Michel Saad |
10th May 2020 – 9th March 2021 |
Construction Work execution |
Michel Saad |
10th March 2021 – 5th of May 2021 |
Bring equipment and start installations |
Murad Nabiel |
6thMay 2021- 7th July 2021 |
Commencing operations for project work& operation team training |
Jone Gawland / Sara Fouad |
8th July 2021 |
Project Completion |
Michel Saad/ Jone Gawland |
The project concept supported by investor committee after they like the ideas that aimed at helping the Dairy farmers to get easy access to the market and at the same time this investment allows farmers benefit from proceeds of pensioner support fund, the project concept approved by Mr. Gorge Stuard the Head of Investors Committee . After that the project manager Mr. Michel Saaad begins to prepare the design drawing including all inquired detailed, to execute the work with full documentation with complete specification related to the construction phase associated with other works like Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing works. All these documents will be attached with master plan for the project location and to be submitted to the Permits for Industrial Establishment related to the Texas State Government to get approval on it before proceeding in to project implementation works, this will be approved and signed by Mr. Sam Smith. Once we got the necessary funds for the project and approval from Government Authorities, the stage of preparing the site started with taking all security safety measures to maintain the project staff equipping all the tools needed by the project and preparing the temporary site offices this stage followed up and approved by the project manager Mr. Michel saad. Up on completion of this stage, the project execution works will started in accordance with the time table set for this purpose and compatibility with the investment strategy approved by Mr. Gorge Stuard the Head of Investors committee. During the implementation of the project Mr. Murad Nabil, Procurement manager ordered all the cooling systems allocated to milk according to the design and specifications approved previously, the arrival of the cooling system will be on the specified time to begin installation in cooperation with Mr. Adam Abass , the Technical Support Engineer of the General Farmer Association. After that the next stage to start the initial operation process of these systems to make sure that they work normally and their ability to absorb the necessary quantities of milk for storage and subsequent packaging and distribution in market and points of sale, this is under supervision of Mr. Jone Gawland ,Producer Division Manager of General Farmer Association in cooperation with Ms. Sarah Fouad, Director of Human Resources responsible for holding training courses for staff operating these systems.
Finally, the project is completed after ensuring that (CMCC) project is functioning efficiently at full operational capacity. Accordingly, the project manager will hand over the project to the production manager to follow up the activities of the (CMCC) after the approval of Mr. Gorge Stuard the head of investors committee.
Eskerod, P., & Jepsen, A. L. (2013). Project Stakeholder Management.
Haugan, G. T. (2016). The New Triple Constraints for Sustainable Projects, Programs, and Portfolios. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Pries, K. H., & Quigley, J. M. (2012). Total Quality Management for Project Management. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Vida, K. P. (2012). The Project Management Handbook: A Guide to Capital Improvements. Rowman & Littlefield.
Table of Contents
Business Case
Project Charter
Week 2
Table of Contents
Business Case…………………………………………………………………………..………….………….3