Professor’s comment: Make sure you are only using the assigned article and citing all information to this article. There should be no other sources used. Please see my feedback on the template. It is very important that you view my feedback typed directly on your Week 4 Scholarly Paper Phase 1, your scores in each rubric category, and this general feedback on your work. Please watch the short tutorial called Viewing Feedback on Assignments This tutorial will provide directions for you to find and view your instructor’s feedback on each assignment. Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are the best browsers to view feedback. Do not use Internet Explorer. Please remember that you must use instructor feedback from Week 4 Scholarly Paper Phase 1 to do well on Week 6 Scholarly Paper Phase 2. Students who carefully examine Week 4 instructor feedback and incorporate those changes into the Week 6 assignment typically do the best work. I know you will do this! Please let me know if you have questions about your scores or feedback. Thank you!